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Where did the post with the tbh’er 271” deer go?

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    Where did the post with the tbh’er 271” deer go?

    Originally posted by mastercraftka View Post
    dude relax i can read, it was just a question I will do my research. This whole thing is making everone a little testy. geez

    Nobody is testy but you. I just directed you to an answer to your question ...bt28 was correct. There is no research. Just pics of what those counties can produce .

    Nothing more.




        Y'all made me look up Adair. That was entertaining! Anyone still call his number?


          Originally posted by J Sweet View Post
          You gonna leave it at that or enlighten us simple folks?
          I think the answer is 3 or maybe 147.


            Originally posted by Throwin' Darts View Post
            Do you guys consider a deer that has been shot a couple of days earlier and is back to hitting a feeder "mortally wounded" or does that term apply to a deer that has been shot and is in the process of dying laid up in some brush?

            If I shoot a buck and see him two days later under a feeder I'm not calling him mortally wounded. I'm just calling him the deer I made a bad shot on.

            I'm not saying the above is the case here with this giant by the way.
            It depends, we've killed a deer in Jan that was shot in November (with a bow) that looked fine, but when you got up to him he was infected and had a bad fever and was a lot smaller than before, he was gonna die and was wounded pretty bad but you would've never guessed it just looking at him. Had another one last year that I shot high with a 300 WM and two weeks later we killed him at a feeder eating corn (we didn't realize it was him) and he was bad infected also.

            So just because he's eating corn twondays later doesn't mean it's not gonna kill the deer


              Been here all day!


                Originally posted by AgHntr10 View Post
                I think the answer is 3 or maybe 147.

                I know...let’s have a spelling contest.



                  Originally posted by mastercraftka View Post
                  I want to know if anyone thinks or knows that was always a native low fence deer. He is a monster no doubt but didn't know north texas low fence native deer had that in them???
                  There's been ALOT of giants taken up here,over a few red river tributary counties over last 10 years that has us in prime rankings among big buck counties.


                    My $.02 for what its worth..
                    This TBH'r sounds like a good guy and is backed up by several others on here with good reputations... Now that doesn't make him special to the law or superior to making a bad judgment call he would later regret if so, much less a bad shot and trying every way in the world to recover the deer. That stuff just happens.

                    But I don't get how in the world any one would know he did anything wrong unless he told them and they reported it. Seems unlikely since he's a good guy with good friends right?

                    Even more how would any one prove it. He is alone hunting in the woods.

                    Seems to me more than one person was after this deer and maybe even seen it after his first shot (night trail cam pics of course) and they probably were aware they weren't the only one after it.
                    Jealously set in once word got out it was killed and wasn't the smoothest of all kills by any means. Said deer was nocturnal only like some sort of bat-deer zombie buck or something so no way he hunted it during the light of day.. GW's were tipped off about possible record buck and who knows what speculation about the kill (not harvest) we harvest corn.. deer eat corn... we kill deer, we eat deer...

                    Anyways it all sounds fishy. I've gathered he made 2 bad shoots a "few" days apart.
                    Hunts a small property, maybe used a dog to recover, doesn't exactly know if it was 7:34 or 7:39 when he shot last...

                    Hope he gets his deer back and equipment.
                    Last edited by Hix; 10-13-2017, 02:29 PM.


                      Originally posted by 160class View Post
                      It depends, we've killed a deer in Jan that was shot in November (with a bow) that looked fine, but when you got up to him he was infected and had a bad fever and was a lot smaller than before, he was gonna die and was wounded pretty bad but you would've never guessed it just looking at him. Had another one last year that I shot high with a 300 WM and two weeks later we killed him at a feeder eating corn (we didn't realize it was him) and he was bad infected also.

                      So just because he's eating corn twondays later doesn't mean it's not gonna kill the deer
                      Last part is correct but as you stated "you would've never guessed it just looking at him" which leaves you out of the dispatching a mortally wounded deer clause.


                        Originally posted by Twipper333 View Post
                        Touche - the whole ambiguous name thing and all
                        I'm ebh...


                          Originally posted by nursejenn View Post
                          I'm ebh...

                          I knew it.

                          EBH never killed deer either
                          Last edited by AntlerCollector; 10-13-2017, 02:36 PM.


                            Originally posted by AntlerCollector View Post
                            I knew it.

                            EBH never killed deer either


                              People's obsession with big deer is borderline idolatrous. Never seen so much drama before over something so meaningless in the grand scheme. If you can't manage your emotions well enough to make a clean kill, don't bow hunt. If you are willing to kill a deer outside of legal hours, you aren't hunting for the right reasons and need to take some time to reflect on why you covet something so much that you're willing to lie/cheat/steal to get it.


                                For Travis, hang in there and just ride the storm. A deer of this caliber is going to bring lots of envy and heat with it. Hope everything woks out in your favor, and if you are been honest on what you did the day you kill this deer at the end everything should work out for you.

