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Arrow in Buck No Blood HELP

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    Start feeding calcium supliments? Lol


      He has had a rough go at it. Tough buck.


        If you have to shoot through paunch/guts to place arrow in vitals, you should probably just wait for a better shot to present itself. Not a fan at all of hard quartering away shots like this. Even less so with a mechanical head. My 0.02 cents
        Last edited by 2coolforschool; 11-18-2017, 01:40 PM.


          Agree with the others, high hit, probably no vitals involved.


            Originally posted by DOUBLE-Z View Post
            Well good and bad news. He’s been showing up these last few days right at dark. Great but he has now for the THIRD year in a row broken an entire side off. Frustrating to happen when he’s 5.5, 6.5, now 7.5 hope he’s got another year in him.

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            So you guys aren't going to try to kill him after running an arrow into him just because he broke a side off?

            Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk


              Originally posted by Grayson View Post
              Looks like it may slide along the inside of the near rib cage and may not hit anything vital.
              and right under shoulder blade... bet he walks with a limp


                Originally posted by 2coolforschool View Post
                If you have to shoot through paunch/guts to place arrow in vitals, you should probably just wait for a better shot to present itself. Not a fan at all of hard quartering away shots like this. Even less so with a mechanical head. My 0.02 cents
                Well we had an inexperienced bow hunter hunting. He shot before I could give him a go ahead.


                  Well guys this buck is still alive. We thought he would be fine based off of pictures and what we think the arrow did. Recently he has looked bad. Not sure if he was developed an infection that has caused this lump on his shoulder or what. He was shot over a month and a half ago it seems like a long time to just now get an infection. Lost tons of weight in the last month as well. Anyways he’s obviously a priority now. Based on the shot we thought he’d be fine as many of you did. We don’t want any deer or animal to be suffering and we hope to put him out of his misery asap. Wish us luck as we are hunting him tonight.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                    Wow those pics are not what I was expecting! Good luck taking him out, he's a warrior for sure.


                      Oh man he looks bad now. Hope you get him before he succumbs to that wound. Looks like he is still coming to corn so maybe you'll catch him slipping. Good luck!


                        That's not looking good, I hope he is not suffering to bad.


                          I couldn't imagine that having an arrow and broadhead stuck in his shoulder for over a month would have caused shocking

                          Sure hope you get him killed soon. Probably should have made him more of a priority about a month and a half ago.


                            Originally posted by quackadikt View Post
                            I couldn't imagine that having an arrow and broadhead stuck in his shoulder for over a month would have caused shocking

                            Sure hope you get him killed soon. Probably should have made him more of a priority about a month and a half ago.
                            Looks like you’re right but he only had a arrow and broadhead in him for maybe 30 seconds we found it the night he got shot. He seemed fine up until about a week ago or else he definitely would have been hunted harder. Not like we had an opportunity to kill him anyways. We have hunted hard and not seen him again. Neither here nor there he is hurting now...


                              Yep to high and forward for that shot.


                                And some on here wonder why we chase down wounded deer and finish them off.
                                Sucks that he didn't heal up.

