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Post-Election Statement

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    Originally posted by Traildust View Post
    This equates to the school yard bully getting his arse whipped..then yelling Stop......let's be friends. **** that!
    Absolutely agree. Im anxious to see all the taillights leaving country as promised. You dont like it, feel free to join them.


      Originally posted by systemnt View Post
      Actually no.. no you don't..
      you NEED to hold whoever is in that position to a higher standard and demand they do what they don't have to support him.
      Correct by me and I look forward to the pencil whipping our current Potus felt was his right being dissolved.


        Originally posted by systemnt View Post
        Actually no.. no you don't..
        you NEED to hold whoever is in that position to a higher standard and demand they do what they don't have to support him.
        This I have to agree with. The person holding that position needs to be of the highest standards in terms of morality and wanting to honor and protect the Presidency and the country it serves. Don't see Obama and Hillary doing that. Thus, I never have supported his presidency nor would I hers if she had won. Now, I can finally fly my American Flag again and drop the Lone Star Flag to the second position.


          Originally posted by Traildust View Post
          This equates to the school yard bully getting his arse whipped..then yelling Stop......let's be friends. **** that!

          I remember you saying how you like my enthusiasm about Trumping winning when you were saying it's a lost cause because Hillary will be in the White House. I bet you feel pretty darn good about being wrong on this one don't you?

          Go Trump!


            When the Dem's won Harry Reed and his ilk said, "We won get over it."

            The other side has that option but I know they won't state that because the nation is the priority not the individual in office.


              Originally posted by BrandonA View Post
              My post election statement......Trump Don't F%$& This Up
              /\/\/\/\/\/\ Agree 1000% !!!

              Today I have hope and excitement for the future. Hopefully he will have some good staffers to assist in setting up his Cabinet posts. These people will be the ones he turns to for advice and direction during his Presidency. We need them to be level headed folks who can look objectively at the tasks at hand & come up with REAL solutions....


                The political system and the complicit media have done such a job of polarizing our country and convincing the democratic party constituency that a vote for a conservative is so evil akin to bigotry and racism and many other evil attributes that people are crying the world is over. My sister is a huge liberal and like many others fears for her gay friends and Muslim friends and brown friends. The media actually has many of these people thinking this is a white nationalist movement and that minorities will be rounded up or something 'White Lash". They TRULY believe this and its the established political class Republican and Democratic that have cause this. They truly believe over half the country are white racists. Absolutely sickening. I pray for term limits, the end to the political class of corruption and the arrest and prosecution of every politician guilty of robbing the American people for their personal gain regardless of party.

                If you are a liberal and still in disbelief its only because you had no idea you were never the majority. This election was not about Donald Trump it was about Obama and as an extension Hillary Clinton. The people will not tolerate this corruption any longer.


                  Originally posted by Chew View Post
                  I totally agree.
                  Chew you are are a roll!

                  You forgot a few of the heartbroken....biased pollsters, corrupt media, global elitists, climate change liars, UN lovers, open border promoters....

                  I know I forgot even more so someone please continue to add to the list of heartbroken please.


                    Originally posted by Johnny View Post
                    I remember you saying how you like my enthusiasm about Trumping winning when you were saying it's a lost cause because Hillary will be in the White House. I bet you feel pretty darn good about being wrong on this one don't you?

                    Go Trump!
                    Yep......not a Trump fan....but I did my part and tried to build him up once Cruz was out of the picture. I honestly thought Republicans would not vote for him (like many on tbh have done).


                      You need to get on facebook and post this.....

                      According to half the nation we elected Hitler for the next 4 years and they already wrote Trump off and wont even give the guy a chance.


                        Gloat or don't gloat. Either way hurry up and get it over with so we can get down to fixing what needs to be fixed.


                          Originally posted by doeboy11 View Post
                          Whether you are happy or sad, WE can not fight amongst ourselves.
                          I disagree, partly. We have to fight for what is right even if that is with each other.

                          Lots of Libs out there that need a good fight. I told one many years ago..."Liberals will win a few battles and you will have Presidents, but you WILL lose eventually". They said why? "You pay people like me to protect you from people like me. You are willing to die for your cause."
                          Gen. Patton is attributed to saying something along these lines:
                          No ******* ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb ******* die for his country.

                          This isn't over by any means....

                          If Hillary's head didn't explode last night after she transformed into her true America loathing, excrement spewing beast...They will be back.




                              Originally posted by BrandonA View Post
                              Great post Brandon. But remember, this is America, so you have to be nice and bend over backwards for EVERYONE! OH wait, no we don't!!! Don't have to take crap from anyone anymore!!


                                Originally posted by Sneaky View Post
                                It's ok to be a winner, but as you said, be gracious. To frame it within a context that should resonate with most here, treat those whose hearts are broken today as brothers and sisters, not enemies. I think most anyone would agree that it's the most Christlike thing to do.

                                Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk
                                I stand with you Sneaky

