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Your greatest accomplishment?

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    After 22 years in law enforcement I'm now successful at a new career after 3 years.

    Was baptized with the love of my life.

    Caught a tagged redfish

    Shot a 237" whitetail with my bow.


      Originally posted by ZaneZ10 View Post
      Being baptized into Christ. Nothing here on earth can top that...


        4 years and 3 deployment with the Navy, then getting out and getting a degree, which I never thought I was cutout for.


          Originally posted by muzzlebrake View Post
          I guess coming home from Vietnam alive and in one piece except for my mental state for a few years.
          THANK YOU for everything you and your brothers did back in NAM!

          Y'all didn't have Wounded Warriors, public acceptance and all of the things so many War vets had. For this, y'all have always been special to me and deserve so much more!



            Penthouse Pet of the Year 2008


              Originally posted by AtTheWall View Post
              THANK YOU for everything you and your brothers did back in NAM!

              Y'all didn't have Wounded Warriors, public acceptance and all of the things so many War vets had. For this, y'all have always been special to me and deserve so much more!


              X2! Thank you


                Originally posted by Geezy Rider View Post
                Served my country. Sorry, best I've got.
                That'll do. Thank you


                  Outside of my baby, it would be carrying on the tradition of serving in the US Army as my family has done since the revolutionary war!


                    Originally posted by Tx_Wader View Post
                    If we can't use family then it would be my leaving Halliburton and going back to college to finish my degree at 29 years of age.

                    That was tough but my wife supported me an I had a new born child to think of.

                    She stuck through it with me and is still here 33 years later.

                    It's enough buddy, thank you.
                    Originally posted by Kelmat View Post
                    That'll do. Thank you
                    I appreciate that fellas. Back in my day we didn't hear that from America but it's good to hear now.


                      Originally posted by txpitdog View Post
                      When I was a kid, my dad traveled out of town a lot. On one of the nights he was out of town my mom made lima beans with dinner. My younger brother and I hated lima beans. We didn't eat them, so my mom wouldn't let us up from the table until we both ate our servings. Instead of just choking them down, we sat there for a good 20 minutes whining and griping as the lima beans got cold and tasted even worse.

                      It was there at that humble family dinner table that I realized my destiny for greatness. When my mom's back was turned to clean the kitchen I checked to make sure my brother's head was still in his hands as he stared into the abyss of lima beans on his plate and grabbed a few off my plate and threw them under his chair. I pretended to chew and encouraged him to take a bite. I carefully pulled that maneuver several times more until he had eaten all of his lima beans and all of mine were on the floor under the chair. We stood to clear our plates from the table.

                      My mom turned and said "See that wasn't so bad", but before she said another word, fury entered her eyes. She saw the beans under his chair and thought he'd thrown them under to avoid having to eat them. She roared with rage for my brother to sit his butt back down and she got out the bag of frozen lima beans and cooked him another serving and made him eat every one. Like a ninja I kept my sheer amazement and glee to myself upon seeing how beautifully my plan had worked. I excused myself to go play GI Joes before bed while my brother endured yet another serving of lima beans.

                      It wasn't until 25 years later at Christmas dinner that I told my mom what I'd done. My mom apologized to my brother and nearly came across the table trying to get me. It was and continues to be my single greatest accomplishment ever.

                      Great story!!


                        Your greatest accomplishment?

                        It's sad to say but I don't have a great accomplishment. I live kinda of a boring life working for a for a fortune 600 company and haven't really done nothing to extraordinary except for kicking but at work. I'm really just an average dude with a great shoe collection. I hold myself back a lot. For instance I've been a life long fisherman and have never even owned a boat. I would love to fish tournaments and compete but I also like to do other things so I just kinda remain above average at multiple things vs becoming really well at one specific thing.
                        Last edited by Black Ice; 01-19-2016, 10:23 PM.


                          I've got my 4 year old hitting outside pitches to right, and inside to left.....and he's a decent hand with a 9 iron.

                          I don't count work nonsense.


                            Accomplishments: I've made it to 47. I love Jesus, been married 25 yrs, got a beautiful 9 yr old son and a new puppy. I love where I hunt, the people I hunt with and the fun times we have.

                            I got problems and struggles that I contend with, I make a mediocre living but I am blessed.

                            In saying that I live in Houston and my afternoons are free if anyone needs and help doing whatever, I could use the extra money


                              I killed a skunk by hitting it in the temple. Semi long story but ill share if anyone really cares hahha


                                Hmmmm.... I guess I'd have to say overcoming anorexia and still maintaining a healthy workout and diet routine. I'm steadily 45 lbs lighter now than I was 5 years ago and I'm never going back.

