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Neighbor been trespassing!

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    Originally posted by marshhunter View Post
    unfortunately, you might need to play the politicin game on this one. How old is the kid? If his daddy has close ties with your landowner, you might as well kiss this lease good bye. Sucks but thats small town bs for you. Personally, id let the gw slap him on the wrist, and go have a sit down chat with the guy and share a couple beers (depending on age). Id also make him well aware that if this happens again you will be pressing charges. 250 acres is not very much land to be running dogs onc especially if he does it all the time. There is a good chance the hogs have learned to just keep running, which would then lead them onto your lease.
    This is no kid. He is in his late 30's or early 40's and he has kids. He is bringing them up the right way. If you look at one if the pics at 330 am his kid is in the back seat of the utv.


      We have a zero tolerance policy now. After playing the "give another chance game". Our warden knows that we will throw the book at them. We have done it and will continue to do it.


        Originally posted by hogslayer78 View Post
        This is no kid. He is in his late 30's or early 40's and he has kids. He is bringing them up the right way. If you look at one if the pics at 330 am his kid is in the back seat of the utv.
        In that case, yes I would be pressing charges, especially if the landowner is willing to back you 100%.
        I thought we were talking about a younger fella.


          First buy a better camera

          The guy knows you and the GW are on to him now. I would make it clear if he trespasses again he will go to jail. Let it go this time and try to keep the peace. Hammer him if he's on camera again.


            Bull*hit, press charges on him. I originally thought maybe a stern warning, but he is a grown man!


              Have you run it by the land owner? Cutting the fence is a felony.


                Who cares if they are locals....breaking the law is BREAKING THE LAW!

                If they have retribution, you already documented the beginning of another round of ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES.

                If they respect the law, they will leave your stuff alone. If they think they are above the law....hell, this is better than hunting IMO! Cleaning the system of of those who take advantage of the laws due to stature in a local community......we need to get rid of BS like that! EXPOSE THEM!



                  I know our country commissioner soooo I would have taken it straight to him personally...

                  If I DIDNT know him... I think I would make me some fliers... and post them around town with pictures like you don't know who it is/was...

                  Betcha when daddy finds out he gets SHUT DOWN...

                  This is a tough deal... I think I would do the flier things. I say this because I know what effect it would have in my town... Idk about this town... move/hide some more cameras, record more, and have the warden on speed dial. AND MAKE HIM FIX THE DANG FENCE


                    Go buy the movie "Black Sheep" with Chris Farley in it. Send it and pics of the idiot to the daddy. My guess is that daddy may take care of the problem for you.


                      thats a bad deal....good luck


                        Think small town politics, I am assuming the commissioners answer to someone also? Include that person in the conversation with the commissioner also if you chose to go that route? So say you charge this person with trespassing, who will fine and charge them? Do you think all of these folks aren't connected in one form or fashion? You will not be able to meet this head on IMO. Elections are next year for several so do you think they want to put a commissioners son in jail?
                        To clarify I don't agree with trespassers and I realize several folks will not agree with this at all.


                          Bad situation. Let the GW know


                            THe land owner has the write to file Hunting without consent. He will have to sign an affidavit saying he wants charges filed by the game warden. Have you talked to your landowner. He may not like the guy and want to file. If he does not he may talk to the dad or the individual and get it settled. I would start there first. If the land owner does not act then there is not much you can do.


                              County Commissioner...what's he going to do!?...not pave the road

                              If the land owner is behind you then prosecute. You said he cut a trail...that means he planned to make this a common occurrence. I would set up several more cameras. Good luck!


                                Bury you some 2x4's with a bunch of nails driven through them in the ground along his trail he's using to access your land. Four flat tires is no fun.

