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    Originally posted by bdog14 View Post
    Got one. Lubbock tx, shadow hills #6 over the water

    I know that course to well


      Wow, I'm surprised at how many of you guys have done it. As for me I would consider any hole out farther than a chip in the same as a hole in one.
      All this said, it's cool to get one but the difference between a hole in one and putting one 2-3 feet from the hole is all luck. But then again, I'd rather be lucky than good any day.


        I don't play very much, but I got very close one day. Heck, I was all excited about that. It was a part 3 and stopped it about 10" from the pin...... maybe one day.


          Congrats, that's awesome. I ve been playing for 44 years and never made one. I have 2 double eagles thou. I ve witnessed 20-25 over the years. I'm around College golfers everday. They are pretty good!


            If I can time the windmill right I can usually get at least one per round


              Been playing for over 20 years and have never had one.

              But I have made two Albatross: first one was when i was about 15 and the second came at the first part of this year.


                Have had 8.. First in 1974... Last one in 2014... Longest 175 yds shortest 125 yds


                  I have got 5! All on Tiger Woods PGA golf video games lol


                    Never made one.

                    Congrats to those of you who have. I have put several within a foot of the pin, but never had one drop.

                    My most ridiculous was a 130 yard par 3, when I was playing with my brother and a couple buddies. Somebody said something funny in the middle of my swing, and I busted out laughting, bladed the shot, it skipped off the front ot the tee box, bounced off a turtle sunning on the edge of the pond, and landed 3' from the hole


                      Got my first last year (52 years old). My son got his first when he was 9 years old. I have seen 9-10 total.


                        i got one in july of this year on #4 at twin lakes in canton, hit a 8 iron about a yard behind the hole and it spun straight back in the cup, they were even nice enough to put it in the paper lol...before that i almost had a hole in one on a 315 yard par four, and ive had about 2-3 close encounters on par 3's where they just needed one more roll to go in


                          I witnessed one that just about killed me. I go home to see my buddies and play golf. They have a betting game that they made up so that over the course of time no one ever loses too much money. Kind of a skins format. Anyway, birdies, eagle, and a hole in one is extra. I don't get down there very often but on one occasion I am with them and Micah makes a hole in one. These guys hardly ever break 85 or even 90 much less make an ace. $50 per person!!!! With what I had to put in the pot + $50, my wife had a hard time understanding it.

