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Conflicted about going Vegan.........Long Read.....

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    It's definitely a good idea to eat clean and I wish you luck! I try when I can. My mom grew up tuned into the clean food stuff, so it rubbed off on me. I almost never buy meat from the store. I eat about 2 deer a year along with fish, ducks and squirrels. I love vegetables and fruit because that's what I was made to eat as a kid. I didn't do anything of this bargaining crap with my folks. It was eat what was served or go hungry. Seeing overweight kids pigging out on fast food or sweets bugs the heck outta me.

    Look at a chicken in your yard, then look at a Tyson bird. Somethin' ain't right with that!

    There's no denying that Americans aren't eating healthy, at all. Fat, slow, and sick is becoming the norm. I can barely look at people on scooters at the grocery store piling up all kinds of processed feeds into their carts. I'm sure the absurd obesity rate is a big factor in many of our healthcare woes. We have millions of people EATING themeselves into diabetes and immobility.


      No way I could go vegan and personally I don't care to. Here's what my family does to try to eat cleaner.
      Butcher a steer ever year that we raised
      Hunt and eat plenty of venison
      Garden for the veggies
      I have laying hens for eggs
      For milk we drink promised land(not sure it's better, but taste darn good)
      Buy my chickens from a buddy that raises them for show.
      Buy my pork from another buddy that shows them
      I spend less money on buying animals that I know what they've been fed and It taste 100% better. I'd suggest buying GOOD meat first and trying it before you go vegan.


        I eat a lot of meat, I'll admit it. The recommended portion size is only 3 oz. So even the amount of meat on a quarter-pound hamburger is 33% over the recommended amount. And that 12 oz ribeye.... *sigh*.

        I'm sure a vegan diet is good, but what about just watching the meat portion sizes more closely? It doesn't have to be all or none. I think it's better to adopt healthy habits you can do for a lifetime, not just for a couple months. But good luck with whatever you decide.


          Nothing wrong with vegan as long as you are not doing to save a animal. You can prepare meals just as tasty as those with animal products.
          I also changed my eating habits after watching a Netflix movie. Food inc., really good watch. I went vegan for almost 2 yrs, and 6 months of that was raw food only. Can't say I have ever felt better. I wasn't overweight or out of shape, just wanted to start eating healthier. My food bill was close to $400 a week though and I decided to give it up. Now I just stay away from any kind of processed food, and try and eat as much whole food as possible. AND never eat fast food! I get sick just thinking about that stuff.


            Originally posted by Encinal View Post
            Go google your movie and see how many people agree with their "facts".

            I hate agendamentaries with a passion.

            Originally posted by Burnadell View Post
            I respectfully disagree. Not one vegan that I know is pretentious nor do they try to impose their eating lifestyle on others. They simply believe it is more healthy, and they want to live longer.
            The ones I know don't say anything unless you ask them.

            If you're just starting out trying to eat good and want to take the first step I would say stop eating "bad" snack foods first (chips, dips, coke, candy etc.). And stay away from anything fried.

            I would keep the meat until you can avoid the bad above. Then try to cut down on bad meats and lower portion sizes.

            We did the Fuhrman diet Burnadell posted. If you want to lose weight and feel good that's a great book (Eat to Live). But it's sooooooo freaking hard to eat good all the time.




                Originally posted by Burnadell View Post
                I have a good friend, an attorney, who hunts. In fact, I got to know him through deer hunting. A few years ago after getting introduced to veganism by a local area mayor, for health reasons, he and his wife decided to go vegan. Within 6 weeks or so, his blood pressure went down, cholesterol dropped, and he was able to get off his medication. He lost weight and says he feels so much better. He will still "cheat" every once in a while, but for the most part, he gave up eggs, cheese, meats, fish, and anything from animals. His wife researched recipes and fixes healthy vegetable and fruit dishes. Vegetarian pizza, salads, soups, etc. again he still eats a small portion of animal products occasionally, but for the most part, he has weened himself off of animal products.

                He did not do this because he is anti hunting or against using leather or animal products, just not ingesting them.

                a couple of years ago, at his encouragement, I decided to try it to lose weight and see if I could get off some meds in an effort to feel more energetic. I had no intention of staying a vegan, but I committed to try it for 3-4 months. I also exercised and lost 30 lbs. My numbers went down, but not to the point the doctor was willing to take me off my heart related meds, although he was pleased with my results. Well, I started back eating meat (had been dying for a big arse steak) but stiil tried to eat more vegetables and less animal products. It did not work out that way!!! I gained the 30 lbs back plus 10!

                My friend suggested reading "The China Study"

                and "Eat to Live".

                There is NOTHING wrong with being a vegan, especially for health reasons! My friend and his wife look better and feel better. I should probably get back on that lifestyle strictly, but frankly, I don't have it in me to stay that disciplined. It can be difficult to go out to eat with friends (or go to Bownanza!!!) and find mostly vegan food, but it CAN BE DONE.

                I like my CFS and Mexican Food too much.

                I'm not convinced that the vegan only did all of that. I have learned to self portion my meals and have lost over 25# with no additional exercise. My BP & cholesterol is better and I look and feel much better. And I haven't changed WHAT I eat but rather how and how much I eat.

                I plan to start adding exercise as I have hit a plateau and I have about 10# more to reach my goal.


                  Originally posted by txtrophy85 View Post
                  Just get away from processed food

                  Eat organic chicken. Eat grass fed beef. It's not a hard lifestyle change
                  I'm in this camp also! Also investigate paleo and permaculture, big problem with the permaculture crowd is the over abundance of the dancing naked in the mud- flowers in the hair-moonbeam types, on second thought scratch permaculture for now and look into sustainable food and farming, it take you through the backdoor and you can avoid moonbeam altogether.


                    Originally posted by Edward F View Post
                    I stick to one rule when I grocery shop and that is stick to the outside of the store. Produce, meat market and dairy department. I don't buy anything from the inside aisles ( if I do I buy organic ). The inside aisles are all the processed foods.


                      Originally posted by mmoses View Post
                      All those shows have a bias to them. Its easy to make it seem worse than what it is.

                      I could never go vegan. But I prefer farm eggs, venison and prime cuts of pork and beef.

                      get away from processed foods and you will see a huge difference in how you feel.

                      Here here


                        Originally posted by ThePap View Post
                        That was a very fast response, thanks everybody. staying away from processed foods is a must. In the documentary it was proven even the packages that stated "Humane" or "free range" proved to be otherwise. there was a special here in Houston on Chan13 news last Thursday about how many families here in the Houston area are starting up their own farms in the Houston area suburbs and are 100% legit. I need to look into this. im happy to hear yalls thoughts, I love to hunt and eat what I kill. Now I can probably use this as an excuse to buy a new boat!!! afterall I want fresh fish right!! haha
                        FYI Vegans do not eat fish.

                        A person who eats a vegan diet AND fish is called a pescatarian.

                        To each their own - whatever you choose to eat is none of my business. I personally do not choose to be vegan. vegetarian, etc.
                        Last edited by jmock87; 07-19-2015, 09:11 PM.


                          Originally posted by txtrophy85 View Post
                          Just get away from processed food

                          Eat organic chicken. Eat grass fed beef. It's not a hard lifestyle change
                          x2. A little more expensive but well worth it.


                            Originally posted by tex4k View Post
                            I'm in this camp also! Also investigate paleo and permaculture, big problem with the permaculture crowd is the over abundance of the dancing naked in the mud- flowers in the hair-moonbeam types, on second thought scratch permaculture for now and look into sustainable food and farming, it take you through the backdoor and you can avoid moonbeam altogether.
                            We need pics of the permaculture crowd lol


                              You were made to eat meat by God himself. Don't believe me, do you have eyes in the front of your head? Do you have subdued canine teeth in your head? Yep, you are supposed to eat meat, tubers, flowers, fruits, fish, eggs, bugs, and whatever else you could catch and eat that didn't make you sick. Being omnivores is a wonderful thing, we can get by with just about anything. What you choose your anything to eat is up to you. IF you do go vegan, please make darn sure to supplement to make up the missing holes in your nutrition.

                              Also, please check out a couple of the following links, best of luck to you.

                              For beginners to competitive athletes, anyone looking to lose weight and burn more body fat, MAF is your personalised health and fitness guide.

                              New York Times Bestselling Author & Leading Expert in Biohacking, Longevity, Fitness, Functional Nutrition, Supplements & More


                                If you believe every "documentary" you see on Netflix....especially one called "Vegucated" might as well go vegan.

