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Conflicted about going Vegan.........Long Read.....

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    Originally posted by ThePap View Post
    That was a very fast response, thanks everybody. staying away from processed foods is a must. In the documentary it was proven even the packages that stated "Humane" or "free range" proved to be otherwise. there was a special here in Houston on Chan13 news last Thursday about how many families here in the Houston area are starting up their own farms in the Houston area suburbs and are 100% legit. I need to look into this. im happy to hear yalls thoughts, I love to hunt and eat what I kill. Now I can probably use this as an excuse to buy a new boat!!! afterall I want fresh fish right!! haha
    Go google your movie and see how many people agree with their "facts".

    I hate agendamentaries with a passion.


      Kill and eat.


        I stick to one rule when I grocery shop and that is stick to the outside of the store. Produce, meat market and dairy department. I don't buy anything from the inside aisles ( if I do I buy organic ). The inside aisles are all the processed foods.


          Originally posted by JakeGraves View Post
          There is a huge difference in eating clean food and going vegan. It sounds like you are more concerned with eating clean, unaltered foods.

          Eating Clean. I think that may be more beneficial. Vegan is a huge commitment. like I said I was conflicted. either way a life change is in order. thanks for everybody's input.

          Besides being a refinery worker I have to wear leather steel toes!


            I hate the corporatization/monopolization of agricultural to begin with. Everything wrong with our food can be traced back to government subsidies.


              I mostly kill the meat I eat.


                Stay away from processed foods as much as possible. If you want a real eye opener in regards to meath that you purchase, go purchase some fresh chicken breasts from a small town meat market and compare them to what you get in the grocery store.

                I'm going to do my best to only purchase meat (when we do which is rare) from fresh meat markets. I'm not convinced the "organic" meats are any better, just more expensive.


                  Conflicted about going Vegan.........Long Read.....

                  I just try to eat as clean as I can. No way I could go vegan. Like Gaffigan said," If their food is so great, why they try to make it taste like ours?"
                  If you do go vegan, resist the affliction that has cursed every
                  vegan I know. The overwhelming urge to tell someone you're a vegan at least ten times a day


                    I have a good friend, an attorney, who hunts. In fact, I got to know him through deer hunting. A few years ago after getting introduced to veganism by a local area mayor, for health reasons, he and his wife decided to go vegan. Within 6 weeks or so, his blood pressure went down, cholesterol dropped, and he was able to get off his medication. He lost weight and says he feels so much better. He will still "cheat" every once in a while, but for the most part, he gave up eggs, cheese, meats, fish, and anything from animals. His wife researched recipes and fixes healthy vegetable and fruit dishes. Vegetarian pizza, salads, soups, etc. again he still eats a small portion of animal products occasionally, but for the most part, he has weened himself off of animal products.

                    He did not do this because he is anti hunting or against using leather or animal products, just not ingesting them.

                    a couple of years ago, at his encouragement, I decided to try it to lose weight and see if I could get off some meds in an effort to feel more energetic. I had no intention of staying a vegan, but I committed to try it for 3-4 months. I also exercised and lost 30 lbs. My numbers went down, but not to the point the doctor was willing to take me off my heart related meds, although he was pleased with my results. Well, I started back eating meat (had been dying for a big arse steak) but stiil tried to eat more vegetables and less animal products. It did not work out that way!!! I gained the 30 lbs back plus 10!

                    My friend suggested reading "The China Study"

                    and "Eat to Live".

                    There is NOTHING wrong with being a vegan, especially for health reasons! My friend and his wife look better and feel better. I should probably get back on that lifestyle strictly, but frankly, I don't have it in me to stay that disciplined. It can be difficult to go out to eat with friends (or go to Bownanza!!!) and find mostly vegan food, but it CAN BE DONE.

                    I like my CFS and Mexican Food too much.


                      I'm on the common sense diet. I eat lots of fruit, lean meats, vegetables... just keep it all as close to the vine as possible... meaning fresh, steamed, or grilled fruits and vegetables. Grilled or healthy baked protein. Splurge in moderation(mexican food). And get lots of exorcise. Ran a 15k last fall and a half marathon in march(first organized races I've ever ran). I'm 34 and am in the best shape of my life. I don't eat organic. I just choose not to watch those shows.


                        As one other poster stated, it sounds more like you are interested in organic, non-hormone, non genetically modified food. Nothing wrong with that at all. Eating fish you catch and other proteins you raise or kill isnt unhealthy. Wild caught and home grown is going to be more healthy than anything in the grocery store anyway. Maybe look into raising rabbits. One buck and two does can keep a family pretty well fed year round. All kinds of folks that are into homesteading and sustainability can give you ideas. Hey if God didn't want us yelling incomprehensible gibberish with a turkey leg in each hand He wouldn't have given us thumbs.

                        Vegan is just a misguided effort to take being an herbivore to a pretentious level.


                          Originally posted by flywise View Post
                          Pretty sure I'm saw some statistics the other day that said the life span of a vegan is 7 years shorter on average.

                          No proof anywhere that supports your t being a better healther lifestyle
                          I believe you may have read that wrong. Everything I have read indicated the reverse.


                            At one time, I thought my body couldn't handle red meat. More times than not, a store bought mediocre grade of meat sent me straight to the restroom. I also thought I was becoming lactose intolerant - same issue as the red meat.

                            I worked for several doctors and the checked my gall bladder half a dozen times thinking that was my problem. They called every nutritionist/internal medicine doctor/GI doc/etc they new an found nothing definitive.

                            Long story short - I switched to only eating meat I shot, buying grass-fed beef only from my parents ranch, and buying the high dollar "all natural" milk. If I do buy meat (mainly chicken) I buy it from some place that has a butcher counter like central market.

                            I haven't had a problem since - too many nitrates in the packaged store meats and hormones in milk.


                              Originally posted by txpitdog View Post
                              As one other poster stated, it sounds more like you are interested in organic, non-hormone, non genetically modified food. Nothing wrong with that at all. Eating fish you catch and other proteins you raise or kill isnt unhealthy. Wild caught and home grown is going to be more healthy than anything in the grocery store anyway. Maybe look into raising rabbits. One buck and two does can keep a family pretty well fed year round. All kinds of folks that are into homesteading and sustainability can give you ideas. Hey if God didn't want us yelling incomprehensible gibberish with a turkey leg in each hand He wouldn't have given us thumbs.

                              Vegan is just a misguided effort to take being an herbivore to a pretentious level.
                              I respectfully disagree. Not one vegan that I know is pretentious nor do they try to impose their eating lifestyle on others. They simply believe it is more healthy, and they want to live longer.


                                I'm pretty much on the same page as most of the others here. I try to stay away from processed meat or "meat counter" meat, particularly beef. We've known a number of people (ranchers or ranchers' families) over the years who ate a piece of beef almost every day, and very few vegs. ALL of them died horrible, painful, lingering deaths from colon cancer.

                                Same with processed meats. We had a family friend several years back who had worked in a meat processing plant. He said "if you knew what went into a wiener or bologna, you wouldn't go near it." My doctor told me that if you eat one wiener a day, your probability of colon cancer goes up 50%.

                                But I'm not a vegan, no way. We eat 99% fish or all natural chicken from a local rural meat market. I'll eat a small steak maybe once every couple of months, and that will be organic, from Central Market, or maybe in the form of some BBQ or something.

                                And of course, some vegs and fruits.

