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is open carry going to make it?

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    I'll throw another fly in the ointment and say that I'm not for the "dumbing down" of the CHL class requirements, and if it were still like it was when I took my first class in '96, there wouldn't be near as many CHL holders. My first instructor was a lawyer in Longview (wish I could remember his name), and it took two days. Everyone was expected to know how to handle a gun and shoot before the class. There was no gun handling/shooting instruction at the range, and if you exhibited any unsafe behavior at the range, you were asked to leave and failed the class.

    I didn't realize how dumbed down the requirements had really gotten until my mother in law passed the course. That's just embarrassing.....


      Soooooo, whadayathink? will it pass?........


        Back to the OP's topic. I would not be suprised if this was all a big show. There are powers to be that do not want this to pass and they are standing against the people who have voiced there opinion on this subject. This is what happens in third world countries. Sad fact, it's republicans who are infringing the rights of Texans.


          Originally posted by LWolken View Post
          Back to the OP's topic. I would not be suprised if this was all a big show. There are powers to be that do not want this to pass and they are standing against the people who have voiced there opinion on this subject. This is what happens in third world countries. Sad fact, it's republicans who are infringing the rights of Texans.
          Rights of Texans?

          Has anyone ever read the Texas Constitution on arms?

          From the Texas Bill of Rights:

          Sec. 23. RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS. Every citizen shall have the right to keep and bear arms in the lawful defense of himself or the State; but the Legislature shall have power, by law, to regulate the wearing of arms, with a view to prevent crime.


            Originally posted by Speedgoat View Post
            Who are you defending it against? Everyone on here is for it. But be ready for stupid and his brother a hole to show up.
            Ya'll keep saying this same thing over and over..
            There are other states that have had OC for a LONNNNNNNNG time... if Stupid and A-Hole were to have shown up and ruined it for would have happened in those states already.

            The paranoia of how people are going to all of the sudden act with OC is unsubstantiated and overblown at its very core.

            Same crap was said about Concealed Carry.


              Originally posted by Speedgoat View Post
              That is why patriots stand together. There are enough shooters in the civilian populace, with advanced tactical training, to be more than a viable threat to tyranny.
              how do you know who is trained and who isnt? ive gotta be honest here. ive been in training classes where those people were passed who couldnt even break the weapon down to clean it. they're trained and certified, but can't handle their weapon to save their life.


                referred to Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee 5/5/15


                  these are the people who need to be contacted to get it moved forward.


                    Originally posted by Tommyh View Post
                    how do you know who is trained and who isnt? ive gotta be honest here. ive been in training classes where those people were passed who couldnt even break the weapon down to clean it. they're trained and certified, but can't handle their weapon to save their life.
                    You just made my point for stupid and ahole


                      I sure hope it passes.

                      Bottom line is this. As an American citizen we/you/I have the right to carry a gun to protect yourself/family from danger up until you commit or try to commit a crime with the gun.

                      I see it like this. If I walk into a burning theater and yell fire, I'm ok cause there was a fire. If I walk in and yell fire and there's not a fire. I'm guilty of breaking the law. The whole while in both cases I had every right and ability to do either but it's my choice how I use that right. Not the governments.


                        Will it pass? I hope not


                          What bothers me is the map posted on page 1. It's just embarrassing that we are behind so many other states on this. This is Texas for cryin' out loud!!


                            Originally posted by whakm View Post
                            Will it pass? I hope not
                            Exactly!!! To HE77 with the 2nd Amendment!


                              I do not understand the fear what so ever.............
                              I seriously cannot wrap my head around some of the thought processes.


                                Originally posted by systemnt View Post
                                Ya'll keep saying this same thing over and over..
                                There are other states that have had OC for a LONNNNNNNNG time... if Stupid and A-Hole were to have shown up and ruined it for would have happened in those states already.

                                The paranoia of how people are going to all of the sudden act with OC is unsubstantiated and overblown at its very core.

                                Same crap was said about Concealed Carry.
                                Ok dude, I see you Now, here is the real deal. I am not worried about other states. I live in Texas. I believe that the right to bear arms is unalienable and undeniable. I am ready for it. I am not ready to be comfortable with it concerning my family. Point blank. Are we not adults, men? I have a platform to extend my opinion. I don't care if you agree with it. I doubt you would feel comfortable with your family hanging around a bunch of people with guns that you do not know. That is it. There is no hold-up to the bill. If there is just one accident, or incident created by this, then that is just too many. Many of us teach our children to respect firearms from an early age. However, there are many more that would open carry, or conceal carry just in an effort to be a ******. ******es scare me. They do not have the interest in training to a higher level of experience and you never know who they are until something happens. Open carry will lead to more people carrying, period. This will be further opportunity for incident, at least for the first year, until things die down. Stop being so dramatic in your replies to those of us who have concern. The concerns are legitimate.

