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    18 Major Championships won
    19 Major Championship 2nd place finished
    56 Major Championship top 5 place finished


    There will only be one.


      Originally posted by tfrye View Post
      Nothing in me feels bad for Tiger Woods, great talent, great fans, good wife and kids, more money then you could care to have, and he cheated on his wife, had a fake image portrayed, he is a butt head to his fans, and some of the stories I've heard of him are slightly less than flattering.
      Maybe she wasn't a very spiffy wife.. Just saying.


        Originally posted by JeffJ View Post
        Never asked you to feel bad for him. I play golf to a pretty decent handicap(5-7 depending on time of year) which a quick google search says puts me in the top 10% of all handicaps in the US. Humble brag I know. Point being I have played golf at a decently high level. In the last couple years I have had three injuries...forearm, back and knee. All three have made me walk off the course mid round. Mind you only once was in a tournament/competition though. When you KNOW that at some point in the swing you are going to feel pain it makes you compensate and that causes you a million problems. Its also why you see pro golfers go from knee to shoulder to back pain or some combo of that.

        I havent asked him directly but I can tell you Tiger doesnt want to WD. He is figthing a back issue which for a golfer is the worst along with the shoulder.

        PS- Tiger has done more for the game of golf than every other golfer in history combined.

        PSS- Im not even a Tiger fan. Dont hate him but I just dont favor him.

        I completely understand playing with pain sucks, I too have spent my fair share of time on the golf course. I play from a scratch to 5 handicap and had D1 offers, so I understand the game at the competitive level. And it does suck to watch some struggle through pain. And it can really miss up the swing, which then messes up the mental side of golf. I agree with you, he has done a lot for the game, however my point is anyone with that talent would do a lot for the game. I just hope Jordan Spieth will have a good career and give Tiger's stats a scare. I have played with Spieth several times in high school and will always cheer for him. However Spieth is starting to act like a fool on the golf course haha, he did not have a good attitude in Arizona when he was playing against Els.


          Originally posted by AtTheWall View Post
          18 Major Championships won
          19 Major Championship 2nd place finished
          56 Major Championship top 5 place finished


          There will only be one.
          Records are always broken, but it may not be in our lifetime!


            I don't know why anyone really cares. The PED crowd must not play golf.


              Originally posted by tfrye View Post
              True, although golf courses were set up different and much shorter then, so it kind of justified the technology that allows for farther shots. Interesting to think about the nonetheless.
              it was all about finesse and shot making back then. put the guys of today on those old courses with the "back in the day" gear and see how they do. aint no way the golfers today would be hitting 340 yd drives with the old persimmon head drivers and 175 yd 9 iron shots with the old wilson staff blades.

              it would be really cool to see a throw back tournament. have the guys of today play oakmont or augusta pines or pebble beach with 1970's technology. balls, clubs, shoes, everything.


                Originally posted by tfrye View Post
                he is the definition of butt hole if you ever talk to anyone on tour about him..
                He's one of the more popular guys with other tour players actually.


                  Originally posted by skeeter View Post
                  it was all about finesse and shot making back then. put the guys of today on those old courses with the "back in the day" gear and see how they do. aint no way the golfers today would be hitting 340 yd drives with the old persimmon head drivers and 175 yd 9 iron shots with the old wilson staff blades.

                  it would be really cool to see a throw back tournament. have the guys of today play oakmont or augusta pines or pebble beach with 1970's technology. balls, clubs, shoes, everything.
                  Would be fun to watch! But I think you would be surprised how well they did, as the PGA slogan, "these guys are good" but it would defiantly ad some difficulty and would see higher scores then what he are use to today.


                    Originally posted by Smell the Glove View Post
                    He's one of the more popular guys with other tour players actually.
                    I think popular is a safe word to use when talking about Tiger Woods haha of course he is popular. Ask Zach Johnson would Tiger did to him, or just talk to Hank Haney about Tigers friendship qualities.


                      Originally posted by tfrye View Post
                      Would be fun to watch! But I think you would be surprised how well they did, as the PGA slogan, "these guys are good" but it would defiantly ad some difficulty and would see higher scores then what he are use to today.
                      oh i agree the would still play well, but they'd be hitting 4 or 5 iron to the green vs 8 iron. no more approach shots that stick to the green like yard darts. reaching par 5's in 2 would be scarce. it would be fun to watch.


                        Tiger a quitter? LOL!!! Man, these threads are seriously entertaining sometimes.


                          Originally posted by skeeter View Post
                          just think... what if Jack had todays technology back then?
                          What if Jack had to play against the level of competition that Tiger plays against today?


                            Originally posted by TxTechBowhunter View Post
                            What if Jack had to play against the level of competition that Tiger plays against today?
                            his skills, mental toughness, and todays technology. my moneys on jack!


                              Originally posted by Johnny View Post
                              Tiger a quitter? LOL!!! Man, these threads are seriously entertaining sometimes.
                              Tiger is definitely not a quitter, probably the most accomplished athlete of all time! Amazing talent, and will to be the best of the best.


                                Originally posted by TxTechBowhunter View Post
                                What if Jack had to play against the level of competition that Tiger plays against today?
                                I'm with you. Also, course conditions today are not "just" longer. They put a premium on short game like no course did in Jack's day. Nicklaus NEVER had the short game of a Tiger or Mickelson

