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    Good post op. I'm so sick of him.


      Haters gonna hate I guess. His playing partner said he could tell Tiger was in pain from the 3rd hole on and had no problem whatsoever with him withdrawing.


        Pain is funny. When you are winning or playing well you hardly notice it. When you are off your game it always seems to hurt worse. While I am tired of him WD'ing I feel for the guy. He has finished well back in LOTS of tournaments when he felt fine. You know he doesnt like WD'ing.


          Only 4 tournaments matter to Tiger. Everything else is just a warm up. Back ailments are no joke.


            Originally posted by JeffJ View Post
            Pain is funny. When you are winning or playing well you hardly notice it. When you are off your game it always seems to hurt worse. While I am tired of him WD'ing I feel for the guy. He has finished well back in LOTS of tournaments when he felt fine. You know he doesnt like WD'ing.
            Nothing in me feels bad for Tiger Woods, great talent, great fans, good wife and kids, more money then you could care to have, and he cheated on his wife, had a fake image portrayed, he is a butt head to his fans, and some of the stories I've heard of him are slightly less than flattering.


              Originally posted by tfrye View Post
              Nothing in me feels bad for Tiger Woods, great talent, great fans, good wife and kids, more money then you could care to have, and he cheated on his wife, had a fake image portrayed, he is a butt head to his fans, and some of the stories I've heard of him are slightly less than flattering.
              And yet he's done more for the game of golf than any player currently on tour and arguably as much or more than anyone other than Jack. Every guy out there makes more money today because of Tiger. Will never understand why so many people care about what he does off the course.


                Originally posted by bdchorn View Post
                And yet he's done more for the game of golf than any player currently on tour and arguably as much or more than anyone other than Jack. Every guy out there makes more money today because of Tiger. Will never understand why so many people care about what he does off the course.
                Any player of his skill level would do a lot for the game, and yes he draws in crowds because of his talent and fierce intensity. However, I cannot find myself to cheer for a guy like him, he is the definition of butt hole if you ever talk to anyone on tour about him. I do appreciate the competition he brings to the table, and enjoy watching him golf, but if it is him vs anybody else I will generally cheer for the other guy. He is a horrible example of a person to any young kids. They should look to Zach Johnson, Adam Scott, Bubba, Jordan Spieth, Ben Crane if they want a good example of how to act on and off the course.


                  its obvious tiger doesn't know the term "cowboy up"


                    Originally posted by lnester View Post
                    Compelling stat: 0.

                    That's the number of majors won by Tiger since the PGA Tour started testing for PEDs.
                    Yep I agree with this...more injuries also!

                    That dumb was freakish strong, thanks for PED's


                      As the years roll along, it's truly a testament to how good this man really was!

                      There will only be one like him.


                        Originally posted by tfrye View Post
                        Any player of his skill level would do a lot for the game, and yes he draws in crowds because of his talent and fierce intensity. However, I cannot find myself to cheer for a guy like him, he is the definition of butt hole if you ever talk to anyone on tour about him. I do appreciate the competition he brings to the table, and enjoy watching him golf, but if it is him vs anybody else I will generally cheer for the other guy. He is a horrible example of a person to any young kids. They should look to Zach Johnson, Adam Scott, Bubba, Jordan Spieth, Ben Crane if they want a good example of how to act on and off the course.
                        I think that just goes to show people believe what they want. At last years Travellers championship Bubba threw his caddy under the bus when he tanked a ball into the water. Just this year in Phoenix he was chastised for his on course behavior. I like the guy but he is one of the most volatile guys on tour.

                        As far as being an example to kids I would simply suggest there are certainly better role models but as Charles Barkley once said to parents everywhere, "It's not my job to be your kids role model".

                        Is Tiger a bad guy? I don't know him personally so it's not my place to judge but there's certainly more than enough smoke to suggest he is. That said, he is unquestionably good for golf and we may never see another like him


                          PEDs don't help u sink 40' triple breaking down hill putts. i don't care how long u are off the tee box, you gotta make putts. for whatever reason, tiger can't putt anymore. i think tigers problems are in his head (and back). he lost his confidence, his swing and his killer instinct. and he doesn't know how to get it back. I'm sure thats what really wears on him. the more he tries the worse he plays. when he was young, the only thing on his mind was winning. too many distractions now.


                            Originally posted by AtTheWall View Post
                            As the years roll along, it's truly a testament to how good this man really was!

                            There will only be one like him.

                            just think... what if Jack had todays technology back then?


                              Originally posted by tfrye View Post
                              Nothing in me feels bad for Tiger Woods, great talent, great fans, good wife and kids, more money then you could care to have, and he cheated on his wife, had a fake image portrayed, he is a butt head to his fans, and some of the stories I've heard of him are slightly less than flattering.
                              Never asked you to feel bad for him. I play golf to a pretty decent handicap(5-7 depending on time of year) which a quick google search says puts me in the top 10% of all handicaps in the US. Humble brag I know. Point being I have played golf at a decently high level. In the last couple years I have had three injuries...forearm, back and knee. All three have made me walk off the course mid round. Mind you only once was in a tournament/competition reality I didnt walk off but basically tanked a couple holes in match play so my opponent would win quicker. When you KNOW that at some point in the swing you are going to feel pain it makes you compensate and that causes you a million problems. Its also why you see pro golfers go from knee to shoulder to back pain or some combo of that.

                              I havent asked him directly but I can tell you Tiger doesnt want to WD. He is figthing a back issue which for a golfer is the worst along with the shoulder.

                              PS- Tiger has done more for the game of golf than every other golfer in history combined.

                              PSS- Im not even a Tiger fan. Dont hate him but I just dont favor him.
                              Last edited by JeffJ; 03-03-2014, 01:37 PM.


                                Originally posted by skeeter View Post
                                just think... what if Jack had todays technology back then?
                                True, although golf courses were set up different and much shorter then, so it kind of justified the technology that allows for farther shots. Interesting to think about the nonetheless.

