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Guest Mistake Stories...

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    Wow. I'm going to have to pop some Xanax before my hunt next week now.


      I let a Hunter bring his brother to one of the old places I managed..(Said he was down on his luck no job)...The last morning of the hunt the guy is griping about not seeing any deer so I put him in my favorite stand...With ONE RULE..Do not shoot the first 2 deer that come to the feeder ,they are 2 button bucks that I have fed and watched since Sept...Well I hear 1 shot early and I know what the idiot has done....I go to pick him up and sure enough there are my 2 baby bucks laying side by side...I went ballistic and told his brother to get this idiot off the place after he cleaned and TAGGED both bucks...Then he is not even apologetic he said he forgot about the conversation and his family needed the meat (From 2 30lb babies).....That was the last time I let a guest or a "Meat-hunter" on a place I am trying to manage....


        I had worked a tricky deal with a quirky land owner. He said I could bow hunt, walked me all over his place, and let me set a couple of feeders. The week before opening weekend, he had his wife call me and say he was going to be out of town, so could I not hunt till he got back on October 19. He was letting me hunt for free, but I was pretty irritated. I ended up hunting a couple of times. Had no cameras, but had a good deer come in on me in the dark and bust off. Another hunt later I killed a decent 8 pt with my bow. A few weeks later, another guy comes out to hunt turkeys. He sat in my stand and shot a 150" 10 pt. That pretty much ruined the whole hunting situation. I did what I was supposed to, the other guy screwed up, and neither of us has been invited back to deer hunt. I still get a call to pig hunt there once in a while, on his limited terms.


          At about 12 I killed buck with one side broke off... thought he had a spike side, felt 1 inch tall taking that back to my great uncle....

          Was tempted mightily on several ocations. Never could do it...

          Worst we have recently had was my buddies mld place, owner wants to blow hunt, so another buddy who was down takes owners kid and his own son. Owners kid knows rules, we all talked about rules. Spikes are a go, does ho, pigs gogogo, we hear bang... freaking guy told him to shoot the 2.5 year old 8... I was so hot I had to walk away I work HARD on this place. Kid knew rules but his dad doesn't handle like I woulda. Adult knew rules and just ignored them. They went and shot a jack rabbit that night, made a jackalope... but that buddy hasn't been back. We habe basically gotten to where I sit with guest, period. Exception being 2 guys, one has a 200 inch deer on his wall. The other I would trust with everything I own


            Amazing what people will do that usually haven't paid a dang dime.

            Telling them "Don't shoot X, Y and Z" is almost a guarantee that is exactly what they will shoot.


              Well I regret to revive this thread, but have acquired a story of my own from this weekend. Took a buddy hunting to the lease, get there on Friday night and give him the rules. "You may take a doe, or a cull buck only. Cull buck meaning spike if you desire, or deer with lop-sided rack with bad genetics." "I'm after a trophy being I shot two deer early bow season on a gift hunt elsewhere, don't need much meat and lease rules allow only one trophy." Understood... Drop him off at a blind and get him settled in, and off to my stand. Bout an hour before the sun goes down I hear a canon go off and know its his gun. Thinking optimisticly, yes!!! He got one. Head on over to pick him up, as I pull up ask him, Got Anything? Yes, got buck, not a bad one either. I felt uneasy at those choice words. Go to pick him up, and its a 2.5 year old itty bitty 10 pointer with milk on his nose. It was pretty quiet most of the night. Worst part about it, Ive probably got $5,000 a year invested in the place on fees, feed, overhead etc., dont get my trophy, and dont need the meat from a doe, spike etc.


                Originally posted by The Rhino View Post
                Well I regret to revive this thread, but have acquired a story of my own from this weekend. Took a buddy hunting to the lease, get there on Friday night and give him the rules. "You may take a doe, or a cull buck only. Cull buck meaning spike if you desire, or deer with lop-sided rack with bad genetics." "I'm after a trophy being I shot two deer early bow season on a gift hunt elsewhere, don't need much meat and lease rules allow only one trophy." Understood... Drop him off at a blind and get him settled in, and off to my stand. Bout an hour before the sun goes down I hear a canon go off and know its his gun. Thinking optimisticly, yes!!! He got one. Head on over to pick him up, as I pull up ask him, Got Anything? Yes, got buck, not a bad one either. I felt uneasy at those choice words. Go to pick him up, and its a 2.5 year old itty bitty 10 pointer with milk on his nose. It was pretty quiet most of the night. Worst part about it, Ive probably got $5,000 a year invested in the place on fees, feed, overhead etc., dont get my trophy, and dont need the meat from a doe, spike etc.
                I've posted this before, but we once had a a guest shoot a 2.5 yr old typical 12 point. He could have cared less about it and said he needed the meat


                  Not a very good friend IMO and no repeat invite Rhino.


                    I just dont understand how these morons brains work. Most of these stories are just blatant disrespect for the person inviting them to hunt.
                    I'm new to TX, but not new to hunting. I was invited to go on my first TX deer hunt and was told I can shoot anything I want as long as its legal. I watched some young bucks each morning and never even picked up my rifle. Had a great time and was grateful just for being out there.
                    Guess what? I got invited to go hunt another ranch


                      Originally posted by The Rhino View Post
                      Well I regret to revive this thread, but have acquired a story of my own from this weekend. Took a buddy hunting to the lease, get there on Friday night and give him the rules. "You may take a doe, or a cull buck only. Cull buck meaning spike if you desire, or deer with lop-sided rack with bad genetics." "I'm after a trophy being I shot two deer early bow season on a gift hunt elsewhere, don't need much meat and lease rules allow only one trophy." Understood... Drop him off at a blind and get him settled in, and off to my stand. Bout an hour before the sun goes down I hear a canon go off and know its his gun. Thinking optimisticly, yes!!! He got one. Head on over to pick him up, as I pull up ask him, Got Anything? Yes, got buck, not a bad one either. I felt uneasy at those choice words. Go to pick him up, and its a 2.5 year old itty bitty 10 pointer with milk on his nose. It was pretty quiet most of the night. Worst part about it, Ive probably got $5,000 a year invested in the place on fees, feed, overhead etc., dont get my trophy, and dont need the meat from a doe, spike etc.
                      You just can't comprehend people like this. He would have had to call someone to come get him after I threw him off the ranch.You are a better man than me. NO WAY I could get in a truck with him.


                        He would have had to pay me for that mess. Their is a difference between an accident and just ignoring the rules, which he did.


                          Originally posted by gatorgar View Post
                          He would have had to pay me for that mess. Their is a difference between an accident and just ignoring the rules, which he did.



                            Whats beyond me is, Ive seen big ole fat shooter does everywhere, yet everyone just wants to shoot the biggest buck they see regardless size.


                              Originally posted by The Rhino View Post
                              Whats beyond me is, Ive seen big ole fat shooter does everywhere, yet everyone just wants to shoot the biggest buck they see regardless size.
                              My cousin was meat hunting Friday. Had does infront of him all afternoon. 1.5 year old 6 showed up. It died

                              I asked him why he shot that baby and he said, and I quote "Men don't shoot does! "

                              That really annoys me, but I have no say on how he wants to use his tags and that lease is more of a party lease than anything, so whatever. I'll wait on my trophy, like last years 24" and take a big ol Doe for meat.


                                Man that bites Rhino. Sorry brother. We have had 3 spikes 1 forky and a 5pt shot this year. All 1.5. Two were shot by my own dad and brother who were part of setting the rules. (It's my dad place so honestly he can shoot whatever the heck he wants and I don't care) No spikes and nothing under 4.5. The others were shot by guest who were under STRICT instructions to shoot does only. I can't I'm my wildest dreams fathom why someone would destroy a happy occasion such as being invited to hunt FOR FREE on someone's ranch for as many does as they can shoot by shooting a 1.5yr old deer. It just blows my mind. Why would someone ruin such an opportunity?New rules are as follows set by my dad after the last little buck was shot on Friday. Anyone shoots a buck when not supposed to-$500 fine. If it's not a legal buck-$500 fine and game warden will be called and they will wait for him to get there.

