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Guest Mistake Stories...

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    Took a guy from work. "does only" I even let him have my box blind while I froze my butt off in a tripod because he had his son.

    Boom Boom.............. Boom Boom Boom. nI am sick while driving to get him because I just had a terrible feeling something wasnt right. I get over there and he ground checked a young nine point with the most beautiful chocolate horns you could ever ask for. He tries to pull my heart strings saying it was his sons first deer (son shot it in the head with a 22 cricket after they walked up to it)

    I didnt make a scene in front of the young man, but he gutted it and skinnied completely by himself and was never invited back.

    The real kicker is the next day i find 2 dead does behind a terrace in the hay field that he never even looked for after he found the buck.


      Originally posted by Smithwr View Post
      Took a guy from work. "does only" I even let him have my box blind while I froze my butt off in a tripod because he had his son.

      Boom Boom.............. Boom Boom Boom. nI am sick while driving to get him because I just had a terrible feeling something wasnt right. I get over there and he ground checked a young nine point with the most beautiful chocolate horns you could ever ask for. He tries to pull my heart strings saying it was his sons first deer (son shot it in the head with a 22 cricket after they walked up to it)

      I didnt make a scene in front of the young man, but he gutted it and skinnied completely by himself and was never invited back.

      The real kicker is the next day i find 2 dead does behind a terrace in the hay field that he never even looked for after he found the buck.
      Wow, this is one of the worse ones I've read on here....


        Originally posted by jerp View Post
        Ok, I will fall on my sword and admit I was "that guy" one time. I did not start deer hunting until I was in my mid 20's (man, that's 30 years ago!) I was still very green and was invited to go to Jim Hogg County to a friend's family ranch - my first trip to south Texas. All he told me was "don't shoot a buck unless it is mature" - without specifying what that meant. Heck to me, mature meant "has big antlers!" First morning I blasted a 10 point with the biggest rack I had ever seen that was not hanging on a wall somewhere. My buddy came to get me - I was standing there about to bust with pride until I saw the look on his face. I said "he's a shooter, right?" He just stared at it - and me - and finally said "well, it looks like it was a shooter for you, so I guess so" I soon was told that the buck was only 2.5. Once it was explained to me I felt about 1" tall. He invited me back the next year but I was so paranoid I passed on some mature bucks I probably could have shot. I only shot a doe - I KNEW I could properly identify one of those!
        Personally I don't think you did anything wrong. Somebody should have set with you.


          Originally posted by Smithwr View Post
          Took a guy from work. "does only" I even let him have my box blind while I froze my butt off in a tripod because he had his son.

          Boom Boom.............. Boom Boom Boom. nI am sick while driving to get him because I just had a terrible feeling something wasnt right. I get over there and he ground checked a young nine point with the most beautiful chocolate horns you could ever ask for. He tries to pull my heart strings saying it was his sons first deer (son shot it in the head with a 22 cricket after they walked up to it)

          I didnt make a scene in front of the young man, but he gutted it and skinnied completely by himself and was never invited back.

          The real kicker is the next day i find 2 dead does behind a terrace in the hay field that he never even looked for after he found the buck.
          That's the kind of guy that's a waste of good air. Obviously, he knew he was doing wrong and did it anyway. You took the high road because of the kid but he intentionally used the kid as cov er on the entire trip. WOW


            Originally posted by GarGuy View Post
            That's the kind of guy that's a waste of good air. Obviously, he knew he was doing wrong and did it anyway. You took the high road because of the kid but he intentionally used the kid as cov er on the entire trip. WOW
            Yea, I worked the place hard too and that was back when I only made about 30k a year. Next year the siblings of the estate had a big falling out, put up cross fences and I lost the whole place. $1 an acre 10 minutes from my house lol. I figure I spent close to $10k on that place and shot exactly 1 coyote. Now, no guest hunts alone.


              Wow. Some of these stories will blow your mind. The only one Ive got was back in 2002. I had a place in South Leon county that I hunted hogs on. It was about 400 acres and the lady that leased it for hay and cows wanted the pigs killed. So I went myself all the time. We ran dogs some and got a bunch of pigs off the place.

              Well I decided to let my brother and a couple of our friends from Ft. Worth area hunt with us one weekend. So I take off with one brother and my brother goes with the other. We hear a shot and then nothing. We didnt think much of it and when we got back to the truck, Matt (my brother who was 15 at the time) and Mikey are at the truck just sick. Turns out they shot a "big ol' boar" sleeping under a tree. Well the boar happened to be a 3 day old heifer. Yep. Talk about ground shrinkage.

              Being the jerk I can be at times, I immediately blamed my brother. Turns out it wasnt him and they other guy shot before Matt even saw it. I gave the lady a check for the calf, but she never cashed it. She called me when she took cows to sale later than year and told me the total. Guilty party paid.

              She lost the lease so I did too. I never let another person hunt on any of my leases without me after that. That grand would have been tough for me to swallow at age 21.


                Bump for anymore!


                  I start ever hunting story the same. I get buck fever so bad I shake leaves out of the tree when I take a shot at anything. When I was a young man in my early 20's my buddy took me on a spike only hunt on his place. After a couple of hours of watching does I was already shaking when a long spike came out at about 150 yards. I hold my 270 as still as I can and squeeze the trigger. It's cold and all I see is steam . When the steam clears there is my spike laying right there. He heard the shot so when he shows we drive over to pick him up. Problem is it's not "him" it's a doe. I had shot 10 feet or more to the right. He wasn't mad and he still invites me hunt from every year but he will never let me live it down.


                    I've never shot anything that I wasn't suppose to, but if there were certain rules I didn't understand I would feel better having someone sit with me. It's better to be baby sited till you know what to look for than to never be invited back.


                      Originally posted by steve corn View Post
                      I start ever hunting story the same. I get buck fever so bad I shake leaves out of the tree when I take a shot at anything. When I was a young man in my early 20's my buddy took me on a spike only hunt on his place. After a couple of hours of watching does I was already shaking when a long spike came out at about 150 yards. I hold my 270 as still as I can and squeeze the trigger. It's cold and all I see is steam . When the steam clears there is my spike laying right there. He heard the shot so when he shows we drive over to pick him up. Problem is it's not "him" it's a doe. I had shot 10 feet or more to the right. He wasn't mad and he still invites me hunt from every year but he will never let me live it down.
                      Good greif man. You should really think about putting the rifle up until you can hit closer than 10 feet of what your intending to shoot.


                        How am i just now finding this thread? this is great


                          Originally posted by Smithwr View Post
                          Good greif man. You should really think about putting the rifle up until you can hit closer than 10 feet of what your intending to shoot.
                          That was ove 30 years ago. I'm a little better now.


                            Originally posted by UncleCharlie View Post
                            Post up your hunting guest mistake stories if you have them. Another member of this forum had a guest this weekend on whitetail doe patrol but had green light on an axis or blackbuck. No white tail bucks!!

                            Dude ended up shooting a whitetail with double drops pushing 170.

                            My most memorable was being invited to a supplier's lease for a hunt along with about 8 others. The rules were that the buck needed to be mature and typical. This was a corporate lease in Leakey area and the land owner didn't want anything with non-typical traits shot. They also were allowed a few axis bucks and these were drawn for between hunts.

                            First morning I had a middle aged buck main frame 10 walk out in front of me. It was a nice deer but also had triple brows on one side and double on the other along with some small bumps for double drops on either side. In other words the opposite of the 'clean' animal they were looking for.

                            Deer went down the hill and about 30 minutes later I heard the shot. Guy who shot it changed his story 5 times during the rest of the day and finally settled on "I knew he was big but his head was in a tree and I couldn't really tell what he was."

                            I figured not identifying the animal before shooting was probably the worst excuse you come up with and the owner of the ranch agreed. She took the horns from him and charged the vendor we were with 7500.00 and was threatening to kick them off the place. Greatest part of the story is the guy who shot the buck and got them in trouble made sure he hung around even after he pretty much got them kicked off the place to see if he would get drawn to hunt an axis.
                            If a land owner or company rep sends an inexperienced hunter to the stand and says good luck and don't shoot blah blah blah....... Its their fault !


                              Ill throw myself in the fire.

                              We have a place we hunt on that is covered in axis. My BIL and I head up there in about may to fill feeders and shoot some axis. We got there friday with about an hour of light left so we sneak into the party blind. The grass was tall so we could barely see the bottom of the feeder. We spotted some axis under the feeder and knew by the grass that we had some good sized axis does under it. I recently got my dads 7mag so I was wanting to shoot it. We decided to both shoot. I would shoot the left one and he would shoot the right. Dad needed fresh axis meat for the chili cookoff the next weekend.

                              We count to 3 and both shoot. Deer scatter everywhere so I reload and am following them in my scope. After they clear out, we walk down there and there is nothing on the ground. I am furious so I start circling. I spot spots and knew I screwed up. Little baby axis doe that was about 50lbs. The one I was shooting at had a little one in front of her that was hidden by the grass.... Hit her in the throat and it came out her back side with out touching any meat..

                              Dad won the chili cookoff though.


                                my bad Back 35 yrs ago I lived in Midland and I was an avid quail hunter with dogs and etc. I had a customer who would call me whenever he wanted to take some of his clients quail hunting on his place in Coke Co. We made many hunts together. He had invited me many times to deer hunt but I was always quail hunting somewhere. So I finaly decided to take his offer. And was told to bring my shotgun for turkey and riffle for the deer. He put me in a box bling and the Turkey came in from everywhere. No deer showed up. so just before the time for him to pick me up I decided to drop some turkey. Three fell and I thought I had done well so he then informed me one of the turkey tags were for spring turkey. OOP's he then tagged the 3rd with his tag. he gave me a lot of ragging after that but he continued to call me for the quail hunting.

