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Vanilla as an Attractant?

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    Vanilla as an Attractant?

    It seems I've read this somewhere before, just did a Google search and found all kinds of discussion about it.

    This weekend at the lease for work weekend one of the older guys had 2 ginormous bottles of Pure Vanilla Extract and a whole mess of scrape drippers. He said he puts them out every year and they work like a champ. Never heard of this.

    So what say the GS? What's the verdict on Vanilla extract as an attractant?

    Do a search for "vanilla" on here. A bunch of folks use it as a cover scent.


      I use vanilla extract for coons, never heard it used as an attractant for deer.


        an old pig trapper I used to run with bought it by the case and put it in spray bottles. he sprayed everything down with and hung vanilla scented wicks on his traps.


          Never heard of this but what do I know.


            Good cover scent, the stuff from Mexico is the best. If you have hogs I might advise against using it as an attractant.


              Deer have a natural sweet tooth. And will come to an area that has it out (or any thing else that smells really sweet or fruity). But warning, if you put vanilla on corn, or hand tossed corn, they will not eat the corn with it on it. But the coons will . And just about every thing else.

              Do a search on here for vanilla.


                I've used it with my dad and I've seen deer come in licking the smell out of the air.


                  Who all remembers "Cover Up" cover scent? Mudslinger sold tons of that stuff when he ran his shop, smelled just like vanilla but had a "special additive" that made it a cover scent..


                    I have never tried this.


                      Hmmm, if vanilla works as a cover scent, will playing Vanilla Ice in my blind make me invisible?


                        Originally posted by Lowe View Post
                        Who all remembers "Cover Up" cover scent? Mudslinger sold tons of that stuff when he ran his shop, smelled just like vanilla but had a "special additive" that made it a cover scent..
                        Still have several bottles of this. Use it all the time as cover scent


                          Dan Fitzgerald is the reason that I take a videocamera in the woods!

                          VK "Vanilla-Killa" was his liquid magic.

                          He used this stuff all the time in his videos with Bob Foulkrod.
                          (Red & Black flannel/wool shirts, compound bows and instinctive finger-shooting)

                          Started watching his videos 25 years ago,
                          when they were available to rent at the video store.
                          (couldn't afford to buy them at $49/each).

                          Still enjoy watching the video's I purchased in the early 90's.
                          (think they will let me trade them in for the remastered DVD's?)

                          [ame=""]TEAM FITZGERALD TV - YouTube[/ame]


                            Here you go guys, the original Cover Up Cover Scent along with a host of other products. Still the original formula! This stuff works and I did sell a ton of it.

                            The 2 things that worked as advertised were this and Pete Rickards Cattle Scent. Think about it, very few places in TX that are deer leases do not have cattle on them and what would be the most common scent, CATTLE! I have had deer literally feet downwind from me using Cattle Scent and also Cover Scent when I sold it. You can spray yourself with teh Cover Scent as it smells good, but do not do it with teh Cattle Scent, it stinks!


                              I use it. Great cover scent as well as deer like it. I sometimes put half a cup in a feeder full of corn. I spray it on my hand corn and spray myself down heavily. If I put out two piles of corn, one sprayed and one not, they will eat the sprayed first. It doesn't take long for them to associate the smell with food and then the cover is perfect.

