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A Game Of Thrones

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    Originally posted by bermise View Post
    I didn't understand that line from Cersi. How exactly did Jamie betray her? He was tricked into a meeting with Tyrian and told her about it immediately
    Probably because he didnt kill tyrian or bring him to her immediately....


      That ***** has got the cray cray... no wonder he keeps sleeping with her [emoji23]


        Maybe we will see Uncle Benjen again. A reunion between him and Jon.


          Another great episode. Great affects. It's moving very fast now.
          I love brohn. He's in trouble now. Cersi will kill him, or he will go over to tyrion. He already told Jamie he's not fighting dragons. Jamie's in a mess.
          The books are no longer close to this story line. I'm good with that. They could never have made that work, so the writers have done a great job. One thing not mentioned at all is where is euron grayjoy?


            yeh where was he...last we saw he was on the beach with jon snow..


              I'm also thinking Bran will warg into Jamie and push Cersei out a window......where all this started.....


                Originally posted by Sackett View Post
                I'm also thinking Bran will warg into Jamie and push Cersei out a window......where all this started.....
                That would be awesome....


                  Cersey - is intrigued by the walkers.. makes a deal with them..first borns for a WW allegiance against the Armies of the North and the Dragon Queen...and she , herself, becomes a White Walker Queen...

                  The WW are closer to her bat**** craziness than anyone else...and she loves death and destruction... all she wants is absolute domination over every living soul..


                    Originally posted by systemnt View Post
                    Cersey - is intrigued by the walkers.. makes a deal with them..first borns for a WW allegiance against the Armies of the North and the Dragon Queen...and she , herself, becomes a White Walker Queen...

                    The WW are closer to her bat**** craziness than anyone else...and she loves death and destruction... all she wants is absolute domination over every living soul..
                    I don't think she makes a deal w/ the WW's, but I'm worried that she takes advantage of the situation and tries to turn the odds back in her favor somehow. i.e. blowing up the septem, red wedding, etc.

                    Also, wasn't Littlefinger on Arya's list? I thought he was.


                      Originally posted by WhiplashTX View Post
                      Yup. In the books they hinted at it being the same except they went down the polygamy route.

                      A king can rescind the vows as shown earlier when Stannis offered Jon Winterfell.
                      I thought Jon was released from his vow by death...not sure though.


                        Littlefinger is stirring up caos as usual and is now onto Arya. Will Jon and Dani marry? He is the rightful King and has legitimate right to the throne over Dani, listen to what Sams wife said. Plus the only ony that really knows about Jon legitimacy is his little bro Bran Stark.


                          Yes John Snow is released from his vow because he died. But that's not the guy they're talking about. They're talking about Sam Tarley (fat maester wanna-be) and if he's released from HIS vow. And as of now, he's not. He's still in the night's watch. Now can John release him? Should be able to.. especially when the whole thing is over and there's no need for the Night's Watch anymore. But I'm not sure if Sam can inherit his house or not. As of now, John can't give him that. Tarley is a southern house. Not a northern house. But he did take his dad's sword. So maybe that will help him somehow.

                          If the dragon dies and becomes a zombie dragon. I think he will still breathe fire. But you never know. I don't think Gendry plays that big of a role. Just a cool side story parallelism as John and Gendry fight side by side like Ned and Robert. And Gendry is swinging a war hammer just like his old man did.

                          Yes John is legit. But I wish they would just hurry up reveal that to all of Westeros. All these little teases are driving me insane. I want everyone to know how much of a BAD***** John is! Gah!

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                            Originally posted by afishinman14 View Post
                            If the dragon dies and becomes a zombie dragon. I think he will still breathe fire. But you never know. I don't think Gendry plays that big of a role. Just a cool side story parallelism as John and Gendry fight side by side like Ned and Robert. And Gendry is swinging a war hammer just like his old man did.

                            Yes John is legit. But I wish they would just hurry up reveal that to all of Westeros. All these little teases are driving me insane. I want everyone to know how much of a BAD***** John is! Gah!

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                            They teased Gendry's demise with the trailer for next week. The hound was swinging the war hammer... So Gendry's return may be short lived.

                            Yes I was screaming at the TV read the girls name. If Sam had heard Stark, it would have been blown wide open. Instead they keep teasing us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              How is Sam going to take the news of his Father and Brother being toasted by the DragonQueen...?


                                Mentioned in an earlier post it brings up a big story flaw IMO... Why doesn't Bran hop into Jamie's body and kill Cersi, then hop into Bronn's body and kill Jamie? War over and then get onto the WW's....

