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Do you know what I love?

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    Beautiful sunsets in all their glory
    Beautiful smiles greeting you peacefully each day
    Discovering tranquility
    Being surrounded with nothing but love, peace, and happiness



      Brussel Sprouts

      oh sorry wrong list!!!


        The walk from your stand to go recover a animal you have just taken


          I've seen a lot of sad posts this morning, so here's a bump to make you smile.

          A few more things:

          little children when the laugh, giggle and run around trying to get their feet under them
          wet dogs
          ice tea while sitting in the rocking chair on the front porch on a hot day with the breeze cooling me off
          bubble gum
          the way my dog looks at me when I ask, "want to go to work? Let's go!"


            our dog when she's "catching some air" sticking her head out of the back of the truck

            that feeling when you just popped open a second beer everyone is just arriving to deer camp on fri night, fires going, catching up with old friends and family

            last fri when my wife and I saw our baby on the sonigram for the first time ever




                Watching my kids
                The Face of god at sunrise from the stand
                Early morning rain
                The smell of gun powder after a cannon is shot
                Vern Gosden Songs
                Breaking 80 at the course
                A long trip on the Harley
                Fishing with the Kids
                My wife next to me


                  having my kids under my roof wen they come and visit us n bring grandson.
                  feelin Gods rays of sun light on my faces on a cool day wen my eyes are closed.
                  watchin everything come alive in a stand .
                  momma making tortillas on a saturday morning wen i come in from cuttin grass early n the morning.
                  talking to the man upstairs and feeling his presence ,gives me goosebumps.


                    Boudin and Community coffee? No way I can come up with anything that good. Unless.... you add my mom's french toast in there somewhere


                      I Love...

                      That my 8 year old daughter runs through the house and screams "dad is home" and then jumps into my arms every time I walk in the door from work.

                      That my son will ask me almost every day can we go fishing today? If I say no not today then he will ask can we go shoot a deer instead?

                      My wife. For a lot of reasons!!!!

                      The smell of fresh cut grass and the smell of rain.

                      My grandmas cooking.
                      Last edited by BradBryant1000; 06-13-2012, 08:55 AM.


                        The sound of twin yamaha's running 5500 rpms on a calm day in the gulf.
                        The sound the splash from the hull makes while running on a bay that looks like glass.
                        The smell of a trout slick.
                        The feeling after you know you put a slam dunk shot on deer.


                          I love...

                          My family
                          My friends
                          Sitting around the campfire at the lease
                          Watching the world wakeup, feeling that much closer to God
                          The explosion of a fish on a topwater lure
                          The sound and feel of a big fish pulling drag
                          Cutting across a smooth as glass lake with the ears pinned back
                          The smell of leather
                          The smell of cedar
                          The smell of freshly burned gunpowder
                          Being as close as possible to wildlife when they have no idea I'm there
                          The sound of a deer crunching on corn
                          Seeing a new deer that you've never seen in person or on trail cam
                          Being at full draw & anchored, peep sight and pin settle down on "the spot"
                          The military
                          The feel of a "sleeper" Op on a throwline
                          Seeing a "tree shaker" Op on a line when you round the bend on the river
                          Staring up at the stars
                          The smell of bacon
                          The smell of fresh coffee

                          I love life


                            The smell of rain, fresh cut grass, and wet cement! And the first sip of a cold beer when youve been hard at it and hot! That haze that stays about 1 foot off the ground on a cold morning in the deer stand!


                              My kids with an intensity that words will never describe.
                              My GS family and all the dog clan.
                              Watching my kids excel in school, sports and life but not always in that order.
                              Sunrise/sunset while perched on a windmill.
                              Watching my friends kids grow and become good people just like their parents.
                              Road trips.
                              Campfire fellowship... especially with music.
                              The good light... especially when my camera is in my hands.

                              Lee Harvery's Brandon by legdog, on Flickr
                              Last edited by Legdog; 06-13-2012, 09:28 AM.


                                Sitting at our hunting cabin listening to rain hit the tin roof.
                                Staring into a camp fire in the middle of the night
                                The first time you've seen a night sky of stars after being in the city too long.
                                Fish on the line when flyfishing.
                                Opening morning of bow season as the cool breeze rolls through the trees.
                                strumming on my guitar

