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Do you know what I love?

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    Sun Rises in November
    The moment the sun disappears from the sky and the temp drops 5 degrees
    The instant your deep diving crank bait deflects off a rock and you KNOW you're about to get bit
    Pulling up to the weigh in with 25lbs in the livewell
    My 1st day home from the rig
    PAY DAY!!!
    My mom taking me to the airport every 2 weeks
    Watching my 14 year old nephew dominate on teh baseball field
    Having my 21 month old nephew bring me my guitar and say "pay it!"
    Proving the boss wrong
    Cold beer on a hot day... Or any other day in fact
    Camp fires
    New guns


      Waking up to the love of my life and thankful that GOD still finds me worthy enough to spend time with her!


        Johnny - that was a great read, thanks.

        Other things I love - things that I "take time to smell the roses"

        A single rose that says I love you.
        a young calf running with his tail straight up
        mutton busters
        butterflies on the hummingbird feeder

        keep 'em coming


          Originally posted by txdukklr View Post
          that Jesus forgave me even though i'm me
          being with my family
          hunting with my son
          the sound of the alarm for a hunt
          the sound of my kids playing
          ^^^^Exactly this^^^^

          And Johnny's story. Thanks for sharing.


            My dog
            Sun rise in Africa
            The feeling you have from working hard in the heat then setting down in your favorite chair with a big ice tea and knowing.... You did good
            The smell of a .22 shell on a frosty morning
            Any girl that will smile at me


              My Wife
              My Son
              The smell of good BBQ
              Chill of an early fall
              Smell of a shotgun during Dove season
              The excitement of my son learning something new
              The smell of my wife's hair while curled up beside me.
              How my son and wife can make a bad day great.
              That last few seconds before the son comes up while in the blind.
              Fresh plowed field!
              A new litter of pigs on the momma's teats!
              Grandad and all his wisdom and show me how a real man lives his life and takes care of his family!!!


                Getting together with family.
                Just thinking about times that have past.
                My dogs.
                The smell of sweaty horse that just worked his arse of to make your job easier.
                The smell of leather every morning I walk into work.
                Looking forward to deer season.
                Talking to my love after a long day.
                Catching up with old friends.
                These are in no order and I could go on and on this really made me think about what I love.


                  I love being a Daddy,
                  and I love this thread


                    Originally posted by Dusty Britches View Post
                    Tom T Hall's song "I Love"
                    X2. I think he kinda nailed it, right there

                    I also love seeing my arrow appear in the spot I was looking at.
                    Don't get to see that often enough.
                    Last edited by garfish; 06-09-2012, 04:34 PM.


                      I love fishing in the early morning.
                      The way my wife thinks I am the best husband even though I know I can be better.
                      Playing with the dogs with my wife in the evenings after a long day of work.
                      The solitude of a nice motorcycle ride, nothing but the sound of Loud exhaust and my thoughts.
                      Family dinner at my moms.
                      BBQ with friends.
                      Hunting on vacation.


                        kathy for 38 years.


                          Smell of burning oak.
                          Rain while sleeping.


                            The crackle and pop of a fire.
                            The way my heart melts when my son says, "Hi daddy!"
                            Having a buzz thats just kicking in and a great country song starts up.
                            Opening morning.
                            My iPhone


                              I think I'm going to read this post every morning to put a smile on my face for the day. Thanks!


                                When Mr Bubba jumps on my chest and licks me to death for a minute and then takes his place on my shoulder like a parrot and barks at me if I don't eat fast enough and give him a nibble every few bites.

