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New truck headlights?

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    New truck headlights?

    Why are new truck headlights so bright? I feel like they are getting to the point where the lights are so bright that it's a hazard to oncoming traffic. The new LED lights are blinding to the point I see spots after the truck passes. Heaven help you if they turn their high beams on.

    Im not talking light bars that can be turned off, just low beam headlights.Do other people feel like these are getting a little ridiculous?

    I drive a '22 ram and get flashed by about every 4th car, with my low beams on. Truck is fully stock. If I put anything at all in the bed it gets even worse. I can sure see good though!


      I have a 2003 Dodge 5.9 4x4 with the original head lights. I leave them on bright 100% of the time and no one blinks their high beams at me because they are far dimmer than the newer trucks.


        I've seen two reasons for this and I agree with you. One is people are putting led light bulbs in a non led housing and that will cause this problem. 2nd guy that lift their trucks and don't get the lights adjusted can cause the same problem.


          I have a 2021 Ram 3500 leveled and I get flashed constantly at night, it's an annoyance but now I don't even flash back because they are insanely bright.


            Why I don't drive at night.

            I get tired of pulling back on my blinker switch to throw all my forward lights into high beam mode and blinding these A-holes a mile down the road that are flashing me.


              Why I don't drive at night.
              I get tired of pulling back on my blinker switch to throw all my forward lights into high beam mode and blinding these A-holes a mile down the road that are flashing me.


                Why I don't drive at night.
                I get tired of pulling back on my blinker switch to throw all my forward lights into high beam mode and blinding these A-holes a mile down the road that are flashing me.


                  I just swapped to LEDs in a 4runnuer cause the factory bulbs sucked. I get flashed 1 out of 10 on low beam. But theres just as many coming at me that are bright and dont have any issues with spots. However, I dont stare at the oncoming car saying dannng thats bright he shouldnt have those.


                    I think all the car companies are in competition on who can have the brightest lights. Even some of the little cars are obnoxiously brite.


                      Originally posted by Quackerbox View Post
                      I just swapped to LEDs in a 4runnuer cause the factory bulbs sucked. I get flashed 1 out of 10 on low beam. But theres just as many coming at me that are bright and dont have any issues with spots. However, I dont stare at the oncoming car saying dannng thats bright he shouldnt have those.
                      I don't stare at them either, but when I have to turn my radio down just to be able to see the white line along the bar ditch, things are to bright.

                      I might also be close to joining the GOFs.


                        I put the brightest led bulbs in my 2500 Ram, 3" lift and 35" tires

                        I've adjusted them up about 6" higher @ 20ft just to combat the new trucks myself!


                          I've got a 2016 ram 4x4 that's been leveled, same issue with being flashed at. I adjusted the headlights down to try to remedy the issue but there isn't enough adjustment to make much difference to oncoming traffic. Also have a 2017 F250 that is stock height for a 4x4 and get flashed at about half as much but it also casts the light differently than the ram does. The 2020 and up Fords do have ridiculously bright factory headlights(almost double the brightness of my 2017 in a side by side comparison).
                          I think part of the issue is that not only are the newer lights twice as bright as they used to be but the factory ride height on the newer trucks is 4 to 6 inches higher than it was 10 years ago which puts the headlights windshield height on most passenger cars and smaller trucks.
                          Side note, most factory vehicles are set to run the fog lights on only with the low beam lights. Therefore if the fog lights are on most are already on low beam lights so flashing at them does no good because the driver can't change anything. I know some people have them programed to be on with high beam lights as well but that isn't the majority of vehicles on the road.


                            And, trucks today are either lifted or they have just grown taller, putting the headlights right in your face.


                              I flash all oncoming traffic with bright lights stock or not !

