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Experience with Gout?

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    Experience with Gout?

    Well, I learned what gout is about a month ago. It's been coming and going since and I've been excruciating pain in my left foot since yesterday. I have a super high pain tolerance but it hurt for the sheets to even touch my foot last night. It is definitely some painful stuff. Thankfully we have a NP in our church that called me in some meds for it so I'm hoping I get some relief. Anybody else dealt with it much? How often were flare ups? I guess I need to look into what's triggering it. I don't drink beer but the deer meat might be getting me.

    Gout suffer here, at least I used to. I had a flare up on a bear hunt in Canada that almost ruined the whole trip. It definitely isn't a joke when it comes to pain. Had it in my ankles mostly, one time both at once. Got on Allopurinol a few years ago and no issues since. That said, if you are not interested in meds, you just have to find out what your triggers are and avoid or limit. I have heard the cherry juice thing but that never worked for me. Hope you get some relief soon.


      Treat it daily

      If only happens once or twice a year then get a Rx of Indocin 50mg twice a day when if first starts. It will knock it out in 1-2 days if caught early.
      If going on a week, I inject it with a steroid and then meds.

      If it happens more than twice a year, start on Allopurinol 300mg

      most people will have it once and never again


        I am the king of gout!! I’ve had more severe flares than I can count for the last 20 years. Can’t walk two or three days a month. Finally saw a rheumatologist and has me on colchicine, allopurinol, and a steroid and finally have gotten some relief.


          Picked up a prescription for Colchicine, Indomethacin and Methylprednisolone today. I had never had it before it hit me out of nowhere about a month ago. First round was pretty intense for a couple of days and had a couple mild flare ups since. This round is the worst though. I've barely been able to walk since yesterday


            shot knocks out the bad ones quickest.


              I get it about once every 2-3 years. Just had it a few days ago but not as bad as some in the past. It sure does hurt like hell


                I’ve only had a handful of flare ups over the years but good lord, I wouldn’t wish that crap in someone I don’t like.

                First time was middle of the night when I was set to be the best man in my friend’s wedding. I woke up around 2 AM with near blinding pain in my foot, trying to figure out WTH was going on. I rolled over and stood up, about busting my arse in the process, and said a few choice words.

                The wife woke up and asked what was wrong, I responded by questioning if she had gone Kathy Bates Misery style on my foot while I was sleeping, she of course had no idea what I was getting at so I then asked her if I had gotten out of bed earlier in the night and just not remembered, thinking I somehow broke my foot.

                We’re both pretty light sleepers and she relayed I hadn’t got out of bed, so I kind of put it together from there. I slept with my foot elevated the rest of the night, and it def helped some, but I still had to walk it off a good bit before that wedding the next day, then just grin and deal with it.

                All that said, my younger brother used to get it bad before going to get it checked out. I know he’s been prescribed Allopurinol and has had steroid shots when needed. He’s also mentioned something about dark cherry extract helping in flare ups. I can’t say how much that helps because I fortunately haven’t had many episodes with it but I know from the few I have had that is sucks.


                  I had it, it’s on a par with a kidney stone for pain. My big toe was as red as an apple. I took allopurinal for a few years and finally stopped taking it, cut my drinking way down and I’ve never had it again. I feel for you, go to a doc and get some relief.


                    I feel your pain! follow the directions for the colchicine or you may get upset stomach. Do not take allopurinol while you are having an attack.
                    Check you heart. Some studies show people with gout may also have heart disease.
                    Your diet only contributes to about 10% of the cause.
                    This is what my doctor told me.


                      I had it 2-3 times a year. Terrible. My doctor tried starting out at 100 mg, then 200 mg Allopurinol. Still had issues. Once I got on 300 mg, no more problems. My brother recently got 300 mg from the diagnosis and hasn’t had another problem. Everyone that I know that is on 300 mg daily no longer has a problem


                        Alopurinal has been taking care of mine for a couple years now. 300 mg


                          What causes it?


                            Originally posted by 100%TtId View Post
                            What causes it?
                            Gout is caused by excessive uric acid in the bloodstream which leads to the formation of urate crystals deposited in the joints and surrounding tissues


                              Do some research on probiotics and gout. Taking probiotics regularly can prevent it. Call me crazy but I've never had a gout outbreak while taking probiotics (Nothing special just generic digestive probiotics have worked for me.) A trigger for most people is beer or grain liquors. If you drink regularly alternate to wine part of the time. Wine for some reason is not as bad. Stay away from high yeast alcohols. As mentioned allopurinol will definitely work but I don't want to be a on a lifetime medication. Dropping weight to a normal level will make it go away for most people as well. Belly fat is a big factor for some reason.

