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Where does oil come from?

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    Where does oil come from?

    While I'm not quite able to answer that question, I know for certain it does not come from dead things. Real conversation with my young coworker this morning.

    My co-worker said, "The reason we had rolling blackouts in 2021 was because the gas lines froze."

    I did a double take, "what? I didn't know natural gas lines would freeze."

    "Oh yeah, and besides which, we can't rely on gas forever. There's only a finite amount."


    "Yeah, because it comes from, you know, dead things."

    At this point I laughed, "you don't really believe that do you?"

    "Well yeah! It takes millions of years, but yes, oil comes from dead things."

    I pounced, "when things die, they decompose and turn into food for bugs. Bones decompose and the only thing left is carbon, which turns to dust. And that only takes a few months, except the bones. Depending upon the climate, bones can decompose in as little as 9 months and as long as many years. The point is, how can decomposing things, that have no fluids, turn into oil?"

    "Well, I don't know, but that's what happens!"

    Organic material + intense heat/pressure + time = material rich in hydrogen and carbon (hydrocarbon). We look for geological formations that are likely to trap these hydrocarbons to drill into and tap for extraction.

    Petroleum, or crude oil, is a fossil fuel and nonrenewable source of energy.
    Last edited by BlackHogDown; 12-06-2023, 11:02 AM.


      It comes from Walmart Tracey, I’m surprised at you.


        Dead organic matter same as H2S and soilant Green ( but soilant green is made of people)
        Last edited by S-3 Ranch; 12-06-2023, 11:31 AM.


          People will hear and believe anything. Then to make it worse they repeat the stupid garbage they heard like it's truth.

          Oil could have come from maybe an entire ecosystem that was put under sediment really fast. Sort of like a great flood.


            As a Nation, we are screwed! This is a perfect example of the dumbing down of America!


              Unicorn sheit!


                Y'all made my day! thanks!

                Wait until I tell him that the entire world would be dead if natural gas freezes. The freezing temp of natural gas is -296.7 F because it is too dry to freeze at warmer temps. LOL!
                Last edited by Dusty Britches; 12-06-2023, 12:11 PM.


                  Burning Diesel, burning dinosaur bones !


                    I stopped reading at “peak oil”.


                      God makes it happen, just like everything. Close thread.


                        I get my oil from O'Reilly's.


                          Oil does not come from dead organic materials, that was a false narrative


                            I read somewhere that it comes from the bottom side of the flat earth. You just gotta go around the corner and look.


                              I don’t know. I shot a big ole boar hog once and the buzzards wouldn’t even eat it. After a couple weeks, it sure looked like oil ozzing out from under it.

