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    I can’t get Tapatalk to work with the new setup…..any tips on that?


      I'm very grateful that yall let me back in. Not sure what I did to get band camp. It was awful! But I apologize. And promise to be on better behavior. I'm also apologizing should I have gotten anyone else banned, like I did Golden Eagle. I hope he forgives me some day.


        Thanks for the hard work guys! Good to see TBH back up and running.


          Wow! I thought the rapture had taken place and I missed it!


            Thank you for upgrading the forum. It is appreciated.


              Glad it’s back!
              I was getting worried.
              thanks for keeping it alive.


                Originally posted by Texas Grown View Post
                I'm very grateful that yall let me back in. Not sure what I did to get band camp. It was awful! But I apologize. And promise to be on better behavior. I'm also apologizing should I have gotten anyone else banned, like I did Golden Eagle. I hope he forgives me some day.
                So it was your fault! Last time I got sent to banned camp was when I called Mary grandma. Uh oh, the smilies aint workin.


                  Glad it’s back, thank you to everyone that works hard behind the scenes to make this the best site on the www.

                  There were a lot of rednecks out there that were lost without TBH working, including this guy.


                    And we’re back !
                    will def take some getting used to.
                    gonna hurt my eyes looking at the White lol.
                    Thanks again for all of your hard work, to give us a place to lurk.


                      Thanks to everyone who had a hand in getting this done.

                      For those of you that were in the dark, if only you had Facebook you could have been getting status updates. I know what you are thinking "Facebook and banks are the devil. "


                        good to be back, thanks all!


                          I too was eondering why I got banned. Lol
                          glad were back online


                            Who broke in and painted the walls white? Thanks for all the work y'all put in to keep this place going!


                              Welcome back!!


                                Can I whine like a little B? I don't like the new format at all. Yea i'm sure i will learn to like it over time but right now my mind is saying this sucks. Even if it was set up like most of the other foumns out there would be better. Before anyone says anything yes I read that they are still working on it. So i will keep my fingers crossed it gets better. Now let me go take some midol. LOL

