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    Welcome Home!

    The TBH Forum was LONG past due for an upgrade. Casey, Mary and I have put it off (for more than a few years) because we knew that it would be a monumental task, but we have been open to some security vulnerabilities that were beginning to make the upgrade more critical. We met over the weekend and started the upgrade process, but quickly found out we had some outdated server obstacles that would need to be addressed before the forum software upgrade could begin, so most of the weekend was spent attempting to tackle those issues. We realized that the server issues were well beyond our capabilities, so we finally called in an international expert on such matters - my brother, Matt, who lives in New Zealand.

    Matt was able to make relatively short work of the server upgrades, and then we (he) were finally able to start the actual, originally intended forum upgrade (at about 4:30 am on Monday morning.) The upgrade and data migration went about as smoothlly as could be expected, other than it simply took almost 40 hours to complete.

    There are a LOT of custom styles that we incorporated in the previous version of the software that aren't compatible with the newer version (another reason we put off the upgrade), so it will take some time to get the look and feel of the forums where we want them. We ask that you be patient as we work through changes over the coming days, weeks and likely, months.

    In the meantime, feel free to post away and test various new features and capabilities of the forum, and let us know if you have any questions or find any glitches that need to be addressed. There is a mobile version of the forum software.

    Thanks again for your patience and continued support of the site!
    My Flickr Photos

    Glad it's back up and running. How long before we change the color to green?


      Howdy Michael! Glad to be back.

      My avatar pic shows up in my profile page, but not when I posted.

      To edit my edit... my avatar pic also shows in my post preview, but I don't see it in my post. Does anyone else see it?
      Last edited by Duane; 06-13-2023, 10:33 PM.


        This looks so different so far…no green screen is the most noticeable part. Y’all should have given everyone a heads up about the server upgrades maybe??


          There was a heads up about the server updates. It stated the forum would be down through the weekend indefinitely due to maintenance.


            I thought it just crashed, again


              Glad to be back


                Is it just my phone, or is the site EXTREMELY slow?


                  Something looks off…can’t quite put my finger on it

                  I can’t imagine the undertaking of updating the site…it sucked not being able to pass time enjoying the every day banter here, but appreciate all that y’all do to make TBH such an incredible place


                    Does look a little different…


                      It’s running super slow, and I couldn’t upload pics from tapatalk. Just an fyi, not a complaint. I know there will be growing pains


                        I just updated the configuration - hopefully that helps a bit with the speed.
                        Last edited by olympionex; 06-14-2023, 01:57 AM.


                          Thanks for giving up all the personal time to work on this. It is appreciated!

                          You mentioned a mobile version of vbulletin? Do you mean an app like Tapatalk or the site formats automatically to mobile devices?

                          Did we lose the Tapatalk plug in?


                            Thank for all your work. After 20 years i will have to re-learn this new site thx again


                              Pheewww. That was rough.

