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Macie :)

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    more prayers up.


      Prayers being sent up by the Kuehl household.


        More prayers up!


          prayers for you this afternoon Macie! Keep fighting pretty girl!!!


            Praying for you right now, Macie


              Still sending prayers for Macie.


                prayers sent


                  Still praying


                    Prayers for CONTINUED healing!


                      ANother for her....


                        Still sending up Prayers.


                          Dear Heavenly Father I ask you to heal Maci from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet inside and outside of her body in the name of Jesus Christ, amen and amen.
                          Maci I feel as if I know you and I have never met you. I do know our Father in Heaven loves you and cares for you so much and is pouring down His healing spirit upon you; covering every part of your body and providing healing power. Take this power and relearn all that you knew before this happened and remember how to tell your mom and dad and brother that you love them and get up and walk out of the hospital. We are all here for you and love you so much. You are healed and whole and will forever be in our prayers. I hope to meet you someday. You are a miracle we are wittnessing and will be talked about for years to come. Some day soon you will be told your own story and I pray for that day to come soon as I know our Father God is great all the time and where two or more people agree so shall it be done. I claim that in His Holy Name Jesus Christ, Amen. I love you and would give you a big hug and kiss if I were near you so dad please pass along a big hug and kiss from me. Keep you spirits high because God is great and doing it in His time. Love, hugs, and many prayers


                            Come on Macie! Prayers up and wishing you the best. Your gonna pull through. You've got much love surrounding you and your family!!


                              Hey Macie!!!! We are praying for you. Your a part of the family and we can't wait to see you at Bownanza 2012! I am still sending prayers up for you all the time! Get better because your mommy and daddy sure miss you and they care an awful lot about you!!!


                                Sent again tonight...

