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Macie :)

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    Macie, praying that you amaze the doctors again and have a great trip.

    Brian praying for you and the family that things are good for you right now!

    Macie remember that there's a lot of people that Love you and want to have that big Pizza party. Keep smiling and laughing so that Mom & Dad are wondering what you're thinking!

    God Bless the Gardners.


      Good morning sunshine, it's Friday!


        I apologize guys/gals I haven't updated much lately. Not much change in Macies world. Trying to schedule a in patient stay at TIRR, for a week of PT. But other than that she's been doing good.

        Keili is struggling pretty hard lately. I think 4 yrs of trying to be strong for everyone is finally catching up. That and the fact that the kids have pretty much grown and don't need her on a daily basis any more. Prayers are always welcome.



          Originally posted by brianlg31 View Post
          I apologize guys/gals I haven't updated much lately. Not much change in Macies world. Trying to schedule a in patient stay at TIRR, for a week of PT. But other than that she's been doing good.

          Keili is struggling pretty hard lately. I think 4 yrs of trying to be strong for everyone is finally catching up. That and the fact that the kids have pretty much grown and don't need her on a daily basis any more. Prayers are always welcome.

          Prayers up for yourself and your family. God Bless.


            Originally posted by brianlg31 View Post
            I apologize guys/gals I haven't updated much lately. Not much change in Macies world. Trying to schedule a in patient stay at TIRR, for a week of PT. But other than that she's been doing good.

            Keili is struggling pretty hard lately. I think 4 yrs of trying to be strong for everyone is finally catching up. That and the fact that the kids have pretty much grown and don't need her on a daily basis any more. Prayers are always welcome.

            Completely understand this one. Praying for a powerful touch on Keili from Our Heavenly Father.

            Top 10 Reasons Why Mom's are So Special:
            1 -If it weren’t for your mom, you wouldn’t be breathing right now. If nothing else, you should thank her for that.
            2 - Mothers are the emotional backbones of the family. They provide the holding place for everyone’s feelings and do their best to keep us from being hurt.
            3 - Who would kiss your boo-boos to make it all better if she weren’t around? Mothers have the magic touch (and kiss) to help us heal our wounds, physical and emotional.
            4 - Truly, our mothers worked hard and made sacrifices, so our lives would be better. There are not a lot of people willing to do that, so let her know you appreciate it.
            5 - Mothers are forgiving—so forgive her in return. Perhaps nothing will be as valuable a gift to both of you as forgiveness. Open your heart and drop your resentments. Now that’s love.
            6 - When you want to climb the tallest mountain, your mother will make your lunch for you. She is the one who will support your dreams when no one else will. She will also remind you to wear clean underwear.
            7 - Her boundaries made you a better person. You may not have liked some of her decisions, especially when you wanted to party with your friends, but she did keep you out of trouble. Look at some of your friends without a mom who has cared that much.
            8 - A mother’s ears and eyes hear and see everything. They also have a computer-like memory for all the good (and some of the bad) that came your way. It’s nice to have someone with whom you can reminisce about your whole life.
            9 - Mom taught you to be a functioning adult. That was her job, and without that, making it through the modern world would be very hard. Your mom may have forced you to do your homework, but now you see how important it was.
            10 - A mother’s smile, when it is directed toward you, makes your day a whole lot better. All she needs is to know that she has helped you to be and feel your best.


              Tim you hit the nail on the head with that one.


                Originally posted by brianlg31 View Post
                Tim you hit the nail on the head with that one.

                She's a trooper for sure.


                  Originally posted by Tmag View Post
                  Completely understand this one. Praying for a powerful touch on Keili from Our Heavenly Father.

                  Top 10 Reasons Why Mom's are So Special:
                  1 -If it weren’t for your mom, you wouldn’t be breathing right now. If nothing else, you should thank her for that.
                  2 - Mothers are the emotional backbones of the family. They provide the holding place for everyone’s feelings and do their best to keep us from being hurt.
                  3 - Who would kiss your boo-boos to make it all better if she weren’t around? Mothers have the magic touch (and kiss) to help us heal our wounds, physical and emotional.
                  4 - Truly, our mothers worked hard and made sacrifices, so our lives would be better. There are not a lot of people willing to do that, so let her know you appreciate it.
                  5 - Mothers are forgiving—so forgive her in return. Perhaps nothing will be as valuable a gift to both of you as forgiveness. Open your heart and drop your resentments. Now that’s love.
                  6 - When you want to climb the tallest mountain, your mother will make your lunch for you. She is the one who will support your dreams when no one else will. She will also remind you to wear clean underwear.
                  7 - Her boundaries made you a better person. You may not have liked some of her decisions, especially when you wanted to party with your friends, but she did keep you out of trouble. Look at some of your friends without a mom who has cared that much.
                  8 - A mother’s ears and eyes hear and see everything. They also have a computer-like memory for all the good (and some of the bad) that came your way. It’s nice to have someone with whom you can reminisce about your whole life.
                  9 - Mom taught you to be a functioning adult. That was her job, and without that, making it through the modern world would be very hard. Your mom may have forced you to do your homework, but now you see how important it was.
                  10 - A mother’s smile, when it is directed toward you, makes your day a whole lot better. All she needs is to know that she has helped you to be and feel your best.
                  Tim this is GREAT and timely!

                  Keili there's lots of people praying for you and your family, world wide. We know you're greater than described above because you have demonstrated it so many times in the past.

                  Thank you Lord for this family, for their Love, Faith, Witness and Friendship they have given all of us here on TGS. Thank you for them showing and inspiring us throughout the last 4 years and how they enriched our families and lives in general.

                  Keili you and Bryan have been a very special example and motivation to everyone here and other places where people are praying for y'all and hearing about Macie not to give up. Stand tall and stand strong Keili, God is on the move and our prayers are going to be answered.

                  Lord give them strength and rest, meet all their needs according to your riches! Show us and lead us in how to pray and minister to the Gardners.

                  God Bless the Gardners!!!


                    I'm posting this picture from my phone. I'll explain in a little bit. Got some honey do's to do.


                      So do tall remember a couple of months ago, I asked for prayers for Rusty and his family when he passed away. Well he had a ceiling track lift and this chair. His parents told us a couple of weeks ago that they wanted Macie to have it. We have been trying to get one through insurance for over 6 months, but you have to have 3 bids from approved contractors, and most of them don't want to come out this far. Oh well, the good Lord had other plans.
                      Anyways we took it down yesterday and installed it in our house today. With it, we can pick her up out of bed and mover her into the bath tub or put her in her chair. The hoist has 2 attachment points so that you can go through the door and transfer to another track. For that we have to get a longer strap, because of our 11'-6" ceilings. But that's not a big deal. This sure is going to save our backs. Macie sat in the chair for 5 hours today and never fussed. So hopefully we can start getting her up more at night with us.
                      Thank you Lord and Rusty, Robin and Steven.


                        What a blessing from Rusty, Robin, and Steven. Thank you Lord!

                        I see Keili's back feeling a lot better in the future with that fine apparatus hanging around.

                        Have a great Monday Macie gal, you're looking mighty good sunshine!


                          Wow! That is just awesome to read about!

                          Macie, I hope you are doing fine. I love that beautiful smile. Looking at it made my day and more. Enjoy your week!

                          Keili, be strong! You are one in a million and a very special woman/mother. Your family is beyond blessed to have a mom/wife like you. I will be sending prayers for you tonight. God Bless.


                            Good morning Macie gal, hope your week is going good.


                              Drs and pump refill this morning. Macie is not very happy about getting up early this morning.


                                I love the smile you have while in the chair.

                                God continues to move in the Gardner household.

                                Praying for you Macie.

                                God Bless the Gardners!!!

