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Macie :)

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    Originally posted by Tmag View Post
    Father, this morning I ask for comfort for Macie in all that goes on with her. Give wisdom and favor to the Dr and staff as they search for the GJ, send it to them today Lord. Let Macie feel no pain or discomfort in her feeding, touch her as only You can Lord. We ask you to heal her completely in the mighty magnificent, marvelous name of Jesus and we give You all the praise, honor, and glory for answering our prayers. Amen!

    Have a great day Sunshine, and keep on smiling!

    This. Amen. Agreed!


      Good morning Macie gal, hope the storm was nice to y'all this morning. Have a great Monday.


        No damage here, Macie thought the thunder was funny. Lol


          You have a good week Macie! Glad to hear the thunder didn't scare you.


            Good morning sunshine, have a great day Macie gal!


              Prayers Up!!!


                Hello Macie, Good News about the storm passed over y'all.

                Glad to hear that all is going well and the Gardner household is doing good.

                How is Keili with her recovery coming along? We've been praying for her.

                Believing that all is well with you Brian and everyone else.

                We might be coming that way next month (May) for a wedding, if so we can meet and have lunch or dinner, will keep you posted!

                Macie you keep laughing and smiling, it's good for us!!!

                God Bless the Gardner's.


                  Hope you had a good Wednesday, have a better Thursday and Friday Macie!


                    Ed that sounds great. Let me know when and we will try and make it happen.

                    GI called, they finally got a GJ in. Now we just have to get it scheduled. They wanted to wait till the 12th but Keili said that wasn't going to work, to far away. Listening to Macie whine is working on everyone's nerves.

                    She has been enjoying this weather. I came home the other day and the nurse had all the blinds and windows open. Macie was looking outside just grinning. Lol.


                      Originally posted by brianlg31 View Post
                      Ed that sounds great. Let me know when and we will try and make it happen.

                      GI called, they finally got a GJ in. Now we just have to get it scheduled. They wanted to wait till the 12th but Keili said that wasn't going to work, to far away. Listening to Macie whine is working on everyone's nerves.

                      She has been enjoying this weather. I came home the other day and the nurse had all the blinds and windows open. Macie was looking outside just grinning. Lol.
                      Music to my ears right there, glad the GJ is in and especially glad Macie gets to enjoy this beautiful weather we are having. That breeze yesterday afternoon felt pretty good siting on the front porch swing smelling the freshly mowed grass.

                      Have a great day Macie gal, we still think about daily and pray for a miracle.


                        Keili had to work on Saturday, the nursing company had messed the schedule all up again, so Harley took care of Macie whole Tyler and I built a fence around the back yard. About 12:30 Harley asked if she could get Macie up and bring her out. Of course! So for almost 4 hours Macie and Harley sat on the front porch and watch Tyler and I work. I didn't take pictures because we were busy, but it was great to see Macie getting some fresh air and a little sun.

                        Still no word from GI on when they are going to replace the G button. Hope it's soon because we are getting ready to be really busy at work, and graduation.


                          Now that is a Saturday to remember!


                            Hope your week is off to a good start Macie, have a great day!


                              3 1/2 yrs ago I never thought I'd see Macie turn 16!! Tommorrow she does just that. It's really hard to believe. We are so blessed by the good Lord to still have her here with us.

                              Once again I cant thank you enough for praying and supporting her and my family as we take each day as a new one. Hopefully God has plans for many more birthdays and days.


                                Originally posted by brianlg31 View Post
                                3 1/2 yrs ago I never thought I'd see Macie turn 16!! Tommorrow she does just that. It's really hard to believe. We are so blessed by the good Lord to still have her here with us.

                                Once again I cant thank you enough for praying and supporting her and my family as we take each day as a new one. Hopefully God has plans for many more birthdays and days.
                                That is great! As always, I will continue to hold Macie and your family in my prayers. God Bless!

