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Macie :)

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    Lord, We need a miracle here. Please be with Brian, Keili, and for lil Macie. To God be all the glory as it is your will. AMen


      You are not putting anything on us. We believe as well. We have nothing but prayers and love for Macie, you and your family both are coming y'alls way!


        Prayers continuing for your family! Don't think y'all aren't thought of daily!!! Our god is an awesome God and we can never forget that!


          Still praying for a miracle. You guys keep the faith.


            My heart aches...PRAYERS UP!!!


              Brian, I'm so sorry to hear that. You and your family are in my prayers, esp that beautiful little girl of yours. Thank you for telling us, I can't imagine how hard it was to type that out, brought tears to my eye just reading it. But I'm so glad your not giving up faith, and neither will we. We will continue to pray each day for little macie.


                This is definately not the news I was hoping to read.
                You are all in my prayers.


                  God be with this family..


                    As I said last night you are not dragging us into anything. You would do the same for any of us if we were in your situation. As I said last night I am at a loss for words and feel like a part of my own heart has been ripped from my chest. Prayers will continue for Macie, Keili, You, Tyler, Harley and the rest of the family.



                      Originally posted by sticshooter View Post
                      May God Bless you Brian and your family and for Macie, that she IS in Gods hands and though this is difficult for us to figure or deal with He is in complete control no matter what. We are daily praying for this little girl and you and your family.Here if you need us and praying for strength and comfort though this.<><
                      This. Continued prayers for all of you.


                        My God, please be with this family!!! We ask for healing, we ask for comfort...please.


                          It's disheartening to read this on a Sunday morning. Don't ever give up!

                          Continued prayers...


                            Father, You are the great physican. You know whats going on here. Brian and his family believe You can heal macie. I know You are still in the miracle business and if there ever was a time for one, this is it. I ask Father that You touch little macie and show how great and awesome You are. Father also strengthen this family. I ask in Your Son Jesus Christ most Holy and precious name, AMEN



                              Brian remember God is sovereign and
                              His plans are best for us. Even though
                              We might not understand at the time
                              fully why He does what He does. I will
                              continue to pray for you and your family.
                              Never let go of your faith and trust in
                              your Lord and Savior.


                                Prayers continue...

