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Paranormal stuff

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    Originally posted by IowaHunter View Post
    A friend from church was battling cancer at MD Anderson in Houston. He appeared in a dream one night at 3:00 in the morning and said, “I’m going home now. Don’t come see me today.”

    I received a call from family friends in the morning that he passed at 3:00 that morning.


      Originally posted by Uncle Saggy View Post
      Please dont insult someone you do not know
      does not look like an insult,, but it can be a good idea since it is the truth


        I love this thread


          Originally posted by flywise View Post
          I stayed the weekend in the house of the snyders....the family the town is named after..............its haunted. I can testify under oath if needed

          Let’s hear it.

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


            Anybody seen "The nun"? Those conjouring series movies always freak me out.


              Originally posted by Keith View Post
              Did you every tell your parents or siblings about any of these occurrences in later years? If so, what was their response?

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              I've told them a little bit, mostly my sister since she's the most level headed sibling. They all kind of disbelieve and try to rationalize, but the one where she saw the face and i was spooked gives her the creeps still.

              I would later find out my mom was going through a lot of depression and spiritual warfare in a sense at that time. Being a believer now i have now doubt it was demonic stuff going on, meant to scare us and oppress us. I mean Acts talkd about 3 guys getting horribly mangled when trying to cast out a demon in Jesus name without being believers. so definitely know this stuff can be real.


                When I was a kid, my family and my dad's mother had visited my aunt in Ennis (she was the last of my deceased grandfather's siblings). My grandfather had passed long before I was born. My sister was barely a toddler, I was about 5, my brother about 7. My cousin Dusky was there with husband and their sons (they were older). It was a reunion of sorts. Anyways, years later, I had asked my dad who the old guy with the fake leg, missing fingers and eye patch was..... He didn't know what I was talking about. My brother didn't remember any such man there, nor did my mom. Got around to asking my granny some years later. She started telling me that some people see things that others cannot. She went into detail about seeing her deceased brothers and other family members. She went on and on about things that I had not begun to understand yet (I was about 12 at this time).
                The man I saw was my aunt Gladys's deceased husband who had seen WW! and other skirmishes in his military career. He had passed from this mortal coil around the early 50's. Apparently Gladys had kept the leg in a closet along with other personal effects of his. I never got to talk to her about this event, but I did describe Joe to Dusky a few years back. She believed me and said she had seen him too, but in dreams.
                I've always wondered why I have never 'seen' my grandfather.


                  Here's another: About a year ago, on Sept. 16, I had a 'dream' about an ex-gf whom I had loved very much. We were together for a while, talked marriage and all of that, but things went south. We had an amicable break-up. Yes, it was painful, but we knew it wasn't going to work. Time passed, I have a new gf, etc.
                  Well, in the dream she had come to me and said that she loved me and everything was good and fine and to keep on going. I thought, "well, that was a sweet little dream" and didn't think much of it until....
                  About four days later in town, I ran into an old neighbor. She asked me if I had heard about C.... C. had passed away on Sept. 15, 2017.


                    Can't believe that I have never seen this thread. I'll take the time this afternoon to read all the posts. Here are a couple of my experiences.

                    I use to live in a house in Newport in Crosby, Tx. It was about the time that our youngest daughter was born so it is the 7-8 years ago time frame. We were always hearing something that vaguely sounded like voices but were so faint that it was hard to tell. Always seeing shadows or movement out of the corner of our eyes. Kids toys were put up in place when the kids would go stay at grandma and grandpa's house and then as my wife and I would walk down the hall to our bedroom that evening, the toys would be out in the middle of the floor. My wife would say "I know I put those toys away after the kids left". She would clean them up again and we would go to bed. When we woke up the nest morning.....the toys were back out in the middle of the floor.
                    One night we went to bed and my oldest son, who was probably 14 at the time, fell asleep on the couch and we heck with him, let him stay right there. In the middle of the night I am woke up by his screaming and yelling for me and my wife. I grab a pistol, run down the hallway and round the corner into the living room and see what appears to be an old woman standing there staring at him. I still to this day am not 100% certain what I saw but it really unsettled me not to mention how bad it rattled my son.
                    There was also a time that I came back from an evening goose hunt and went immediately to take a shower while my wife finished up dinner. I was standing there waiting for the water to heat up and decided to take a leak while doing so. I am standing in front of the toilet where there is a frosted window that overlooked the driveway. In that windowsill was a candle that my wife was burning. As I am standing there taking care of business, the candle slowly slid from one side of the windowsill to the other. Kinda creeped me out a bit.
                    We had just brought our newborn home a day or two before and were waiting on one of my waterfowl hunting buddies and his wife to come see the new baby (curtintex, if you read this, you can ask Lance and Elaina about it as they were the friends coming over) as we are waiting, all of the other kids were in the backyard playing and my wife was cooking dinner. I was in my recliner feeding the baby when out of the corner of my eye, I see something moving out the corner of my eye to the left. I turn my head to look and see the very top of an extremely blonde haired head walking behind the couch and into the kitchen, My wife never saw anything and no......all of my kids have very very dark blonde or brown hair. About an hour later, lance was holding Abigail while facing the window that faces our front yard. He says " I thought all of the kids were in the backyard" I turned and looked at the little girls face looking back at us through the front window and say......"That is not one of ours" the she was gone.
                    Many more stories about that place but those are the major ones that stand out in my mind.

                    Another place....My mom worked for Dr. James Moore for close to 40 years. Dr. Moore at one time owned the Sheridan house and the Wainwright Mansion in Fort Clark Springs. He would always let us go out there for mini vacations and stay at one of the houses. That place...especially the Wainwright house was crazy haunted. Hundreds of experiences over the years in there. I remember one time standing in the bedroom I was staying in at the back of the house and looking out the window at the deer in the backyard, also in my line of sight was the 4 "servants quarters". The servant quarters had been empty for many decades but on this evening, I unmistakably saw numerous figures in 1800's era clothing through the windows and they seemed to be just "floating very gracefully from room to room.
                    Another time we were all getting ready to go out to eat at the Las Moras Café that is inside of the fort. I went upstairs to get my older sister and she was standing in front of a full length mirror brushing her hair. I took a picture of her from the hallway into the room with a polaroid camera and said "come on, we're leaving" I ran down the stairs, got in Momma's old station wagon. As I am sitting there waiting, I look down at the now developing picture that I just took and yes, now there is my sister in the pic and a transparent figure behind her just apparently watching her brush her hair.
                    That same evening, I am laying in bed trying to go to sleep. I was trying to sleep with the door open because of the heat of the day and no AC. Trying to get a draft through the door and out the open window. As I am laying there, in the hallway that leads down the stairs and into the Butler kitchen, a light comes on in the hallway and I hear somebody walking up the wooden stairs. I fully expect to see my stepdad as he is the only one who was heavy enough to make those audible footsteps. The steps get to the head of the stairs and nobody is there and the light turns itself off. I was DONE.....I got my 15 year old self out of bed and made a beeline to my Momma's room and said move over, y'all just acquired a new snuggle buddy for the night


                      Originally posted by Thwackdaddy View Post
                      Can't believe that I have never seen this thread. I'll take the time this afternoon to read all the posts. Here are a couple of my experiences.

                      I use to live in a house in Newport in Crosby, Tx. It was about the time that our youngest daughter was born so it is the 7-8 years ago time frame. We were always hearing something that vaguely sounded like voices but were so faint that it was hard to tell. Always seeing shadows or movement out of the corner of our eyes. Kids toys were put up in place when the kids would go stay at grandma and grandpa's house and then as my wife and I would walk down the hall to our bedroom that evening, the toys would be out in the middle of the floor. My wife would say "I know I put those toys away after the kids left". She would clean them up again and we would go to bed. When we woke up the nest morning.....the toys were back out in the middle of the floor.

                      One night we went to bed and my oldest son, who was probably 14 at the time, fell asleep on the couch and we heck with him, let him stay right there. In the middle of the night I am woke up by his screaming and yelling for me and my wife. I grab a pistol, run down the hallway and round the corner into the living room and see what appears to be an old woman standing there staring at him. I still to this day am not 100% certain what I saw but it really unsettled me not to mention how bad it rattled my son.

                      There was also a time that I came back from an evening goose hunt and went immediately to take a shower while my wife finished up dinner. I was standing there waiting for the water to heat up and decided to take a leak while doing so. I am standing in front of the toilet where there is a frosted window that overlooked the driveway. In that windowsill was a candle that my wife was burning. As I am standing there taking care of business, the candle slowly slid from one side of the windowsill to the other. Kinda creeped me out a bit.

                      We had just brought our newborn home a day or two before and were waiting on one of my waterfowl hunting buddies and his wife to come see the new baby (curtintex, if you read this, you can ask Lance and Elaina about it as they were the friends coming over) as we are waiting, all of the other kids were in the backyard playing and my wife was cooking dinner. I was in my recliner feeding the baby when out of the corner of my eye, I see something moving out the corner of my eye to the left. I turn my head to look and see the very top of an extremely blonde haired head walking behind the couch and into the kitchen, My wife never saw anything and no......all of my kids have very very dark blonde or brown hair. About an hour later, lance was holding Abigail while facing the window that faces our front yard. He says " I thought all of the kids were in the backyard" I turned and looked at the little girls face looking back at us through the front window and say......"That is not one of ours" the she was gone.

                      Many more stories about that place but those are the major ones that stand out in my mind.

                      Another place....My mom worked for Dr. James Moore for close to 40 years. Dr. Moore at one time owned the Sheridan house and the Wainwright Mansion in Fort Clark Springs. He would always let us go out there for mini vacations and stay at one of the houses. That place...especially the Wainwright house was crazy haunted. Hundreds of experiences over the years in there. I remember one time standing in the bedroom I was staying in at the back of the house and looking out the window at the deer in the backyard, also in my line of sight was the 4 "servants quarters". The servant quarters had been empty for many decades but on this evening, I unmistakably saw numerous figures in 1800's era clothing through the windows and they seemed to be just "floating very gracefully from room to room.

                      Another time we were all getting ready to go out to eat at the Las Moras Café that is inside of the fort. I went upstairs to get my older sister and she was standing in front of a full length mirror brushing her hair. I took a picture of her from the hallway into the room with a polaroid camera and said "come on, we're leaving" I ran down the stairs, got in Momma's old station wagon. As I am sitting there waiting, I look down at the now developing picture that I just took and yes, now there is my sister in the pic and a transparent figure behind her just apparently watching her brush her hair.

                      That same evening, I am laying in bed trying to go to sleep. I was trying to sleep with the door open because of the heat of the day and no AC. Trying to get a draft through the door and out the open window. As I am laying there, in the hallway that leads down the stairs and into the Butler kitchen, a light comes on in the hallway and I hear somebody walking up the wooden stairs. I fully expect to see my stepdad as he is the only one who was heavy enough to make those audible footsteps. The steps get to the head of the stairs and nobody is there and the light turns itself off. I was DONE.....I got my 15 year old self out of bed and made a beeline to my Momma's room and said move over, y'all just acquired a new snuggle buddy for the night

                      Ummm no! I would have moved outta that house in Crosby so quickly!!!

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk




                          Originally posted by Thwackdaddy View Post
                          Can't believe that I have never seen this thread. I'll take the time this afternoon to read all the posts. Here are a couple of my experiences.

                          I use to live in a house in Newport in Crosby, Tx. It was about the time that our youngest daughter was born so it is the 7-8 years ago time frame. We were always hearing something that vaguely sounded like voices but were so faint that it was hard to tell. Always seeing shadows or movement out of the corner of our eyes. Kids toys were put up in place when the kids would go stay at grandma and grandpa's house and then as my wife and I would walk down the hall to our bedroom that evening, the toys would be out in the middle of the floor. My wife would say "I know I put those toys away after the kids left". She would clean them up again and we would go to bed. When we woke up the nest morning.....the toys were back out in the middle of the floor.
                          One night we went to bed and my oldest son, who was probably 14 at the time, fell asleep on the couch and we heck with him, let him stay right there. In the middle of the night I am woke up by his screaming and yelling for me and my wife. I grab a pistol, run down the hallway and round the corner into the living room and see what appears to be an old woman standing there staring at him. I still to this day am not 100% certain what I saw but it really unsettled me not to mention how bad it rattled my son.
                          There was also a time that I came back from an evening goose hunt and went immediately to take a shower while my wife finished up dinner. I was standing there waiting for the water to heat up and decided to take a leak while doing so. I am standing in front of the toilet where there is a frosted window that overlooked the driveway. In that windowsill was a candle that my wife was burning. As I am standing there taking care of business, the candle slowly slid from one side of the windowsill to the other. Kinda creeped me out a bit.
                          We had just brought our newborn home a day or two before and were waiting on one of my waterfowl hunting buddies and his wife to come see the new baby (curtintex, if you read this, you can ask Lance and Elaina about it as they were the friends coming over) as we are waiting, all of the other kids were in the backyard playing and my wife was cooking dinner. I was in my recliner feeding the baby when out of the corner of my eye, I see something moving out the corner of my eye to the left. I turn my head to look and see the very top of an extremely blonde haired head walking behind the couch and into the kitchen, My wife never saw anything and no......all of my kids have very very dark blonde or brown hair. About an hour later, lance was holding Abigail while facing the window that faces our front yard. He says " I thought all of the kids were in the backyard" I turned and looked at the little girls face looking back at us through the front window and say......"That is not one of ours" the she was gone.
                          Many more stories about that place but those are the major ones that stand out in my mind.

                          Another place....My mom worked for Dr. James Moore for close to 40 years. Dr. Moore at one time owned the Sheridan house and the Wainwright Mansion in Fort Clark Springs. He would always let us go out there for mini vacations and stay at one of the houses. That place...especially the Wainwright house was crazy haunted. Hundreds of experiences over the years in there. I remember one time standing in the bedroom I was staying in at the back of the house and looking out the window at the deer in the backyard, also in my line of sight was the 4 "servants quarters". The servant quarters had been empty for many decades but on this evening, I unmistakably saw numerous figures in 1800's era clothing through the windows and they seemed to be just "floating very gracefully from room to room.
                          Another time we were all getting ready to go out to eat at the Las Moras Café that is inside of the fort. I went upstairs to get my older sister and she was standing in front of a full length mirror brushing her hair. I took a picture of her from the hallway into the room with a polaroid camera and said "come on, we're leaving" I ran down the stairs, got in Momma's old station wagon. As I am sitting there waiting, I look down at the now developing picture that I just took and yes, now there is my sister in the pic and a transparent figure behind her just apparently watching her brush her hair.
                          That same evening, I am laying in bed trying to go to sleep. I was trying to sleep with the door open because of the heat of the day and no AC. Trying to get a draft through the door and out the open window. As I am laying there, in the hallway that leads down the stairs and into the Butler kitchen, a light comes on in the hallway and I hear somebody walking up the wooden stairs. I fully expect to see my stepdad as he is the only one who was heavy enough to make those audible footsteps. The steps get to the head of the stairs and nobody is there and the light turns itself off. I was DONE.....I got my 15 year old self out of bed and made a beeline to my Momma's room and said move over, y'all just acquired a new snuggle buddy for the night
                          HELLL to the naw on all of this.


                            Yep. I'd have beat feet real quick real far!


                              Originally posted by Thwackdaddy View Post
                              Can't believe that I have never seen this thread. I'll take the time this afternoon to read all the posts. Here are a couple of my experiences.

                              I use to live in a house in Newport in Crosby, Tx.
                              I've heard spooky things about Newport.
                              Houses on graveyards and such.


                                Originally posted by DaveC View Post
                                I've heard spooky things about Newport.
                                Houses on graveyards and such.
                                Supposedly there were lawsuits involved and it was a big mess after some "hauntings/poltergeist" activity back when Newport was first being developed. Some of the original houses were on a street called Poppets Way. one of the original owners started excavating for an in ground swimming pool and some graves were dug up. Supposed to have been an old slave graveyard. The house we rented while our new one was being built was one road over from Poppets Way.
                                just googled it and found these

                                The house, according to Google Streetview, May 2011 803 Poppet's Way, Crosby, Texas:  This address, located within the Newport subdiv...

                                When I was in my early teens, a neighbor of ours came over and had this movie on VHS that he swore was the scariest movie he’d seen. Always up for a good horror flick, I didn’t realize that it was based on purported true events. The movie “Grave Secrets” was loosely based on the
                                Last edited by K. Lane; 09-26-2018, 01:59 PM.

