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Do you believe in ghost?

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    Originally posted by Live2Hunt View Post
    Not mine, but a pretty good biblical stance...

    Question: "What does the Bible say about ghosts / hauntings?"

    Answer: Is there such a thing as ghosts? The answer to this question depends on what precisely is meant by the term “ghosts.” If the term means “spirit beings,” the answer is a qualified “yes.” If the term means “spirits of people who have died,” the answer is “no.” The Bible makes it abundantly clear that there are spirit beings, both good and evil. But the Bible negates the idea that the spirits of deceased human beings can remain on earth and “haunt” the living.
    I agree with most of that however, where does it negate that the spirits/ghosts are of deceased humans?


      Originally posted by Jaycar85 View Post
      no i don't. must me a catholic thing
      Pretty ignorant response


        Luke 24:36-39 NIV

        While they were still talking about this, Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.” They were startled and frightened, thinking they saw a ghost. He said to them, “Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.”


          Originally posted by big papa View Post
          I agree with most of that however, where does it negate that the spirits/ghosts are of deceased humans?
          I believe 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 Addresses this plain enough.


            Originally posted by jooger17 View Post
            I remember when this thread was originally posted. It comes back from time to time, and I've never mentioned this story because it bothers me to talk about it. It goes along with "the gift".

            I was dating this gal, probably 08 or 09. We'd gotten pretty serious, but I'd never met her mothers parents. She told me as we where walking up to the house, "Don't think about any of 'the stuff' that we've done, I don't want her to know." I looked at her like she was crazy. She said, "don't look at me like that, it's true. She has the gift. My mom has it too, but she really has it." I chalked it up to her being crazy, never thought much more about it.

            Fast forward a few months. Rachel's dad and I where supposed to go turkey hunting the next morning, but Rachel wanted me to take her dancing. We went to a bar in Lufkin and met her cousin and her boyfriend. At closing time they all wanted to go to Jimmy's in Trinity Co (they stay open until 2) and I didn't want to go. Long story short, we went, her cousin and boyfriend got into a very heated argument. He and I had words and followed him outside to remind him how women are suppose to be talked to. Rachel's cousin came out and I figured I'd hang back and let them settle their differences, but close enough that if he tried to put his hands on her it wouldn't end well.

            It all happened really quick. They started fussing, I was probably 50 yards away and I started their direction. A car was coming west bound on 94. The boyfriend takes off his black shirt (I assumed that meant he wanted to fight) and had a white T shirt on underneath. He stepped out in the middle of the west bound lane, looked at me, and as God as my witness turned and watched the car hit him. I still have nightmare's about his body flying through the air. All I could tell about the car was that it was silver. I didn't know if it stopped, or what, my only functioning thought was getting to the man to see if he was ok. He wasn't. I'll spare the horrible details, but it was later determined that the car was doing 90-110 so you can imagine.

            About a week later, I was at Rachel's parents house visiting with her dad. He said that his wife had gone to look for the car. That just seemed crazy to me. There was no way for her to know anything about the car. As it turns out, the car had been stolen by a girl in Lufkin. She was traveling west bound from Lufkin. They found the car... It was hidden in a barn in Kountz. That's WAY east of where we where. The girl was arrested and went to jail. I asked Maggie later how in the hell she knew where the car was. She said she had a dream about it and somehow know where to go.

            I can't explain ANY of that, I'm not even going to try. I swear to everything I love, that is exactly how it happened...
            Whoa!!! the hair on the back of my neck stood up! Freaky.


              Yes...... If y'all only knew


                Originally posted by Uncle Saggy View Post
                Yes...... If y'all only knew
                Tell it... Oh yeah and once again does anyone know anything about Soldiers Waterhole outside Brady, or been there?


                  Originally posted by jsctx84 View Post
                  Tell it... Oh yeah and once again does anyone know anything about Soldiers Waterhole outside Brady, or been there?

                  I'm going to research the Waterhole. I'll pm you about our experiences.....


                    Originally posted by Uncle Saggy View Post
                    I'm going to research the Waterhole. I'll pm you about our experiences.....
                    Good deal


                      No such things as ghosts. Demons yes. Much worse.

                      Seen and felt stuff I wish I had not. Nothing to play with.


                        Originally posted by M.E.B. View Post
                        No such things as ghosts. Demons yes. Much worse.

                        Seen and felt stuff I wish I had not. Nothing to play with.

                        There are ghosts........ Agree with you on the demons....been there


                          I don't think people necessarily have to live in an old house either to have something happen. Although it definitely doesn't hurt


                            Let’s bump this up. This thread is so entertaining.

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                              My brother worked at the college where he attended. His job pertained to all things sports related. One night after a basketball game, all the team players from both the home team and opposing had left. From what I was told there were less than ten people in the gymnasium. My brother was waiting on the guys shooting hoops to finish so he could lock the building up. There were folding chairs on both sides of the gym for the basketball players to sit in.

                              Keep in mind, nobody else was in the building. It had been searched and all outside doors and other rooms were locked up tight. My brother and one of the guys shooting hoops were standing there talking and all of a sudden one of the folding chairs goes airborne and traveled fifteen to twenty feet above the gym floor and landed with a thud. He said that the other guy yells out, “Did you just see that!!?”. They were steel folding chairs.


                                Yes, i have had many experiences.

