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kid bows/thanks tinman

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    kid bows/thanks tinman

    I was recently introduced into the wide world of traditional shooting and so far its kind of like shooting my compound the more i do it the more i like it. I found tinmans sketches of kidbows and started making one ,i broke the first three and finally got one to stay together[boy does it get a workout]so we [me and the kids that is] started shooting and thanks to an arrow donation from stikshooter we are shooting pretty good. Now im making my own Flemish twist strings for them and that was to say the least an adventure but i have now made 3 to date and am starting to make more, I even ordered the right string from 3rivers. And i await patiently for it to arrive so i can make a new string for my longbow. I just wanted to take a minute and thank all those who had a hand in turning me on to a really fun hobby,first stikshooter just cause he always seems to find the fun stuff first and harrasses me until i give in : Chris K[the infamous FLUFFY] he was there when i got my longbow and gave some pretty good advice as well as Greg and Bud at the Shootout all those guys got me started and in a way got my kids started and now for the finally tinman thanks for posting the kidbow stuff and pointing me in the right direction, me and my kids thank you for it Sincerly Larry Garris

    Glad to help,I just seem to have more fun with trad gear.I like doing as much myself as possible ie.arrow making,cutting staves,building bows,cutting feathers,making selfnocks etc...and I am not downing the wheelie guys,but I just seem to have more fun shooting with trad people,like stump shooting,flight shooting,close,far whatever.I just never experenced that same kinship when I shot around with my compound buddies.


      Cool deal, Doc.

      I think the Neotribe bows have gotten more than one Dad into traditional archery...who saw that coming?


        Hey tinman i had 12 kids at the house last night shooting bows and several asked me to make them one see what you started AINT IT COOL??


          Just wait until there old enough to go stump shootin' with you, I am waiting for that as well. I would like to go stump shooting with my boys but they have to many sports that they are in right now, and when that ain't keeping them busy, they are trying out there poor excuses for pick-up lines on the girls. I cannot help them with that, my wife always tells me to shutup when I before I even get started. One of these days I hope that they wish they would of when I asked them too.

          Fluffy Kiefner


            Cool deal, Doc. It's easy to get a yard full of 'em after word gets out.

            I keep a 3D deer on the side of my house for the local kids to shoot my surprise no one has stolen it (or the antlers)...yet. I've come home from work to find a handful of kids having fun and staying out of trouble.


              thats great man i came home this afternoon to find all the neighbors kids in the yard playing nice ,taking turns and carrying on the tradition see what ya started by the way i started making strings using the flemish twist and it adds a cool color to the bows when i quit being so computer illiterate im going to post the pics thanks for turning me on to this its way cool


                Cool deal, Doc. Start a thread in the DIY forum...I need to improve on my strings.


                  Whatsup, Doc?

