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Oink, Oink

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    Oink, Oink

    I took this hog this weekend. It is my first big boar with trad gear. I had a group of hog/javi hunters in this weekend. After having a large Sat. night none of them wanted to go out Sunday AM so I decided to go it alone. I was watching some roads and a feeder when I heard the fight about a mile away down at the lake. Arriving at the lake I made out two large boars and a herd of about 30 hogs grazing in the flooded timber. After a careful stalk, I managed to get within 25 yards of the group. There was a smaller boar that keep screaming and chasing several of the pigs. He chase one within 5 feet of me without giving me a shot. After a few minutes, he pushed another one near, and I sent an arrow off of his back at about 20 yards. He ran back towards the group, and the longbow didn't spook any of the herd. After a few moments most of the herd settled into the nearby bush. It was there that things got intense. All of a sudden I had hogs all around me. To my immedate right, not 15 yards I heard growling. I turned to see a large sow with shoe size piglets under her. I froze. Each time I tried to move she would growl, but she didn't spook. Mean while there were pigs crossing the trails in front of me at 15-20 yards, but I had lost track of the 2 large boars that I really wanted a crack at. One of the smaller boars ran though the sows piglets and gave me my chance to move. I made it about 5 feet without detection. It was then that I heard a larger growl coming from behind the bush in front of me. After several minutes of standing motionless, I decided to see what was making this growling and heavy breathing sound. I eased around the bush to find the two large boars nose to nose perfectly still. I have no idea what they were doing or about to do, but I had a great shot opportunity. I snuck to about 12 yards and hammered one with a magnus 2 blade. He went about 60 yards.


    Sounds like a wild time. Hog hunting is alot of fun and stalking them can keep you on your toes. Congrats!


      Hog pics



        Looks like you decided on the right one. Great hog bro!


          WOW!!!! great story ATTABOY!!!


            That must have been exciting...glad you didn't "sleep in" with the rest.


              That sounds some exciting. Thanks for sharing.


                That's a big hog and a great story. Sounds like it had your blood pumpin .
                Good job !!!


                  Congrats on the boar! He has got some cutters.


                    That is a good un! Congrats!!!


                      That's the way to do it! Outstanding, Congrats!



                        congrats on a fine trophy


                          Man that thing is LARGE! That definately would have had my blood pumping. Cool!!!!


                            Congrats on the big hog. Is that a Navajo bow?



                              That is the way to do it!!!! Nice all the way around, think I will go shoot in the dark just to practice some more!!!!!

