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In a slump..

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    This happens to me every few weeks. More than likely because I'm so new to trad shooting. But it always seems like after 3 or 4 days of shooting poorly, it all falls back in and I shoot better than ever before. It's a cycle for me right now. I don't wanna jinx myself, but it's to the point that slumps don't bother me now because I know what's on the other side when I get back on my game.


      Quit thinking...


        Go do some stump shooting.
        I have always had a problem, right before a big hunt to totally forget how to shoot my bow.
        It feels funny in my hand like I have never shot it before.

        I can go away from the pressure targets put on me and just shoot some judos at stumps and it seems to come back

        Good luck with it.
        Trying to hunt with a Trad bow can be just plain Awful.... sometimes


          Been there..

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


            John, you just explained my whole year! It seems like all I've done this year is doubt myself and change my form. I'm confident it will come back as long as I practice good mechanics and keep seeing good results but it is hard to be patient when I know I can shoot so much better!


              I hear y'all! Went out to shoot the other night, shoulders/arms were tired, couldn't be consistent for anything. The part that always gets me is when I do my parts right, concentrate on "my spot" I hit right where I want... And I KNOW when I release the arrow it's gonna hit there. But you let your mind get cluttered, muscles tired, and your focus not sharp, things usually go south in a hurry! When I shot Fri eve, it was like Buff said, release would be crappy, and other things that usually arent a prob. Fatigue was the prob that day, not from shootin, but my shootin muscles were already tired before I started. I ain't shot since Fri night for that very reason. I would put 2 in the heart/lungs, feel good, then the next 2 would be off. Doesnt happen to me too much anymore, but it sure is frustrating when it does! Gonna get back at em tonight and see if the planets have re-aligned! Good Huntin, and God Bless, Rusty


                Well, that slump lasted a little longer than I would have liked but it ended last weekend. Thanks for all the advice. I just got into a rut where I was uncomfortable and nothing felt right which after a week or so makes you start questioning everything- is it a form problem? Something wrong with my bow? Do i need to start over on arrow tuning? I just kept grinding (working mostly on form) and things eventually clicked - I somehow found my rhythm again. One thing that helped I think was to quit shooting at spots. I shot at balloons, beer cans and 4" styrofoam cubes. The last 4-5 days I have been shooting better than ever, and just in time. Now if I can just get a deer to stand broadside 15 yards!
                Last edited by jerp; 09-28-2016, 07:14 PM.


                  Originally posted by jerp View Post
                  Well, that slump lasted a little longer than I would have liked but it ended last weekend. Thanks for all the advice. I just got into a rut where I was uncomfortable and nothing felt right which after a week or so makes you start questioning everything- is it a form problem? Something wrong with my bow? Do i need to start over on arrow tuning? I just kept grinding (working mostly on form) and things eventually clicked - I somehow found my rhythm again. One thing that helped I think was to quit shooting at spots. I shot at balloons, beer cans and 4" styrofoam cubes. The last 4-5 days I have been shooting better than ever, and just in time. Now if I can just get a deer to stand broadside 15 yards!
                  15 is OK, but 10 is even better!



                    There you are Jerp! I'm pumped for ya! Went down kinda the same road, and then Monday night, everything just fell back in place. And like you, I had been going through decades of stuff in my mind. Solid consistent anchor, FULL, smooth draw, smooth release...yaddy-ya, and any other zen like maneuvers I could think of. Somehow the planets aligned, and it all came back. Funny how the muscles always knew what to do if they can just get that cluttered mind on board to their way of thinkin! Good Huntin, and God Bless, Rusty


                      you need a slump buster...


                        Good timing, John!



                          Same thing happened to me yesterday and today was no better 3 shots and none good. I am waiting till tomorrow to go out and get close again. Then, all will be well again!


                            You'll get it back!


                              Nvm, traditional. I'm not there yet


                                Ah being a rookie has its' advantages. I'm not good enough yet to get into a slump, I'm across the board terrible!

                                Glad you got it back Jerp. Saturday is close brother!


