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Fixing dents with super glue?

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    Fixing dents with super glue?

    So, it happened a week or so ago. I was visiting an county outdoor range with my son and I don't know how it happened, but my bow slipped from my hand and hit the deck. Well unfortunately the "deck" was crushed rock. So I ended up with a couple dimples on the face of my riser, and one little dent. My son was there, so I didn't get to yell the obscenities I wanted to .

    I got over it pretty quick, it is bound to happen. but with the wet weather talk, I got to thinking I might want to seal up that one little dent as it looks like it probably punctured the epoxy. I watched the Black widow video and they sell this thing called thing spider goo and mentioned just using super glue.

    Anybody do this? How did it turn out? Are there better methods? It is a pretty small dent. In fact, you probably wouldn't see it until I pointed it out to you in the right light/angle.

    I asked Dan Toelke (from what to do if/when this happens.
    The best thing to do is take clear (or colored if you want) finger nail polish to the areas that are damaged.....


      Home Depot sells super glue gel. It works better than regular CA (superglue), because ca is really not viscous at all. Make sure it is Cyano acrylate gel and not some other rubbery junk


        Come by and we'll fix her up. I'll have the rasp and spray paint ready to go.


          Originally posted by caughtandhobble View Post
          Come by and we'll fix her up. I'll have the rasp and spray paint ready to go.
          Ha ha ha ha ha ha! NO!


            I have used super glue to fill dings when I restore old bows but I always have to sand it down level. In your case, you may have to spray one side of the riser. It is not hard to do, it just scares some guys when sandpaper gets close to their bow. It is pretty slow going but also pretty safe to use 600 grit wet or dry sandpaper. Wipe it down with a little alcohol then give it a quick spray of spar urethane. It is better to spray too light than too heavy.


              Id repair the dent rather than filling it. Put a damp towel over the damaged area and then rub a hot iron over it. The steam will swell back out the compressed wood grain. If you feel the coating was compromised, just put a drop of superglue on afterwards, rub it in w a gloved finger, and buff with 000 steel wool. I have repaired significant damage to gun stocks this way


                Alcohol and water and heat from a blow dryer will sometimes swell the dent in the wood out to nearly disappear. Seen a gunsmith do this on the stock of a $35K Krieghoff rifle.

