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Still hunting becoming a lost art?

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    Shot two pigs about 100 yards from each other still hunting a couple weeks ago. Very fun!


      I love still hunting but it is very unproductive for whitetail.

      Hogs, javalina are fun in the off season when you will not interfere with others hunting. Mule deer are also great animals to stalk.


        Still hunting is my favorite method. I try to do it on a cold damp morning so that I can wear my old wool pants that are 70 years old this year and a flannel jacket with a wool or knit cap. Nothing fulfills my hunting instinct better than doing it that way. I don't have that much acreage (160) so it is usually a two hour or less hunt. But I always come back to the house refreshed and happy. It really tickles me to know where the deer will travel and sneak into a good place until one shows up. Then it is a decision of how best to stalk and ambush. Fun!!!


          I do and I have found a few places that I can do it on. It is just way more fun, and that is what I hunt for. Don't really care whether I drag something out or not, matter of fact, I would rather not.
          You can see so much more by moving very slowly. Sometimes a colorful spider that I have never seen before, or just exploring new territory.


            Still hunting is one of the most fulfilling things you can do. There is nothing like being up close and personal with nature, working a tedious pace until you find success by putting your skill to work. And, sometimes you don't find find what you"re after but it doesn't mean the hunt was anything less an a hunt. I believe it is one of the most beautiful ways to bring food home. A true art form and quite often an adventure.


              The last three post's pretty well sum up my thoughts as well, I have only had Public Land to hunt for the last 10 years or so and find that pushing to the back past most then still hunting is what I like best


                i love still hunting, loading a deer in the back of my truck is the ultimate goal, but im truly out there in the woods soaking up gods creation and enjoying the nostalgia of hunting with a stick and string...i hunt from a stand during the season too, just to get an observation of where the deer are going, leaving and coming from....but i love still hunting and getting a deer is the icing on the cake


                  In a National Forest, it's about the only way what with no baiting allowed. Even sitting in a spot takes some reconnoitering first to be successful.

                  I do love walking the mountains half-way expecting an elk to be around the next corner.


                    Did a little yesterday. It's the off season prep time for me. My son, (who is 7) went with me yesterday and we found a total of 2 does, one young buck and a fawn. Funnest part was actually being close enough to the First doe and the buck (even though he was a youngster) to have taken a shot. So of course I raised an empty bow and bent the string. My son had a good laugh but understands it is part of teaching and learning. I don't believe there is a better time spent.



                      In Colorado that is the only way I hunt. I get down there and try and make a stand, and cant sit long enough. I start thinking it would be better over there, or whats down by the water. Pretty soon I am up wondering around. I know it has cost me some pigs but I still get my fair share by sneaking up on them. I just cant sit still long enough, wish I could sometimes.

