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8 more days!

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    8 more days!

    I have not been around for a while, but I hope I am about to recover. Some of you may remember that I started having health problems in Nov 2012.

    After a year of doing everything possible to avoid surgery, I finally decided nothing else was working, so on Oct 21, I had C-4 thru C-7 in my neck fused and have been in a rigid neck brace ever since. I have 8 more days to wear this thing and I have to say this has been the longest 2 months of my life.

    I don't know if it is going to work or not, so far all is well and the pain is mostly gone, but I have not moved my head in almost 2 months. I wear the brace 24/7. I do not know if I will have enough movement in my head to ever shoot a bow again, but the Dr. who did the surgery was pretty optimistic.

    Either way, I could not continue with the pain level that I had, so this became my only choice. Neither steroid Injections nor a rhizotomy worked for any length of time.

    Hopefully things are looking up! I have missed most of hunting season the last two years because of this.


    Wayne, we're praying that it works out.


      Glad to see you posting again, Wayne. I know several people who have had that done. Pretty sure you will be shooting again.


        Wayne get well soon Brother...I hope and pray that all goes well for you my friend.


          Hope it all goes well for you. You must be excited to move in from this. Best if luck w/ it.


            Eight days is a long time, when your waiting for the outcome.
            I pray that everything works out for the good, just don't overdo it.


              Prayers for 110% recovery.


                I hope this works for you Wayne. I'll keep you in my prayers for a quick
                recovery and hope to see you at some of the shoots this spring.


                  Oh man!! I sure hope it all works out for you! Prayers going up.


                    I have been wondering how things were going with you, Wayne! I missed you at the Weaver shoot! I hope this all works out for the best and I will throw up a few prayers for you, my friend!

                    Hope to see you soon!



                      Best wishes on your recovery and glad to see you back on the board.


                        It will work Wayne! Good to hear you made the decision....follow the therapy, etc. and you'll be back in action in no time. Good luck!


                          Wish you all the best, buddy.


                            Rooting for you here my friend. Did not know you were going to
                            have it done. Last time we talked you were not to sure about it.

                            Dave Neidigh


                              hope it works, Wayne

