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If I wanted to hunt trad this year what would you recommend

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    Thanks. Maybe I need to go on a paid hog hunt.


      Man, you guys already said everything I was thinking....

      Good luck, and keep us posted.


        I had to sell my compound before I could get to where I needed to be. I spent a couple years with both. Once I only had one to focus on, it all worked itself out.


          Keep your shots close.You will find that it is more likely that you will recover a deer than a hog .If you go out and wound and lose another hog you will have even less confidence.Practice on a life sized deer target to determine your effective range.


            Originally posted by Bisch View Post
            The most important thing you have to do is to gain full confidence in your trad gear. If you go out to the stand even remotely thinking anything like "I should have brought my compound" or are sitting in a blind looking at a deer at 30yds thinking "Man, if I had my compound, I could shoot that deer", you will set yourself up for failure.

            You also must have the same confidence in your shooting ability. If you are sitting in a blind with a deer or pig at 8yds and you think "Boy, I hope I don't mess this up", you will probably , mess it up.

            Because of not having sights, the proper mental outlook is critical. When there is a live animal in front of you the shot is automatic (at least for me it is). I can tell you a lot about my shot when I am practicing, but usually don't remember the shot on live critters.

            The next thing, like John said above, is to make sure you have the best tune you can achieve. A good tune helps to make errors not quite as bad. A badly tuned setup will make errors much worse.

            Have confidence in your trad gear and good luck! I'll be watching for you trad LDP's.


            thanks alot Bisch ! were going out pig hunting tommorow and i felt my shooting tonight with my trad was pretty good at 20yrds but then again ive never shot a broadhead through my trad, so tommorow at work im going to fletch up some arrows and take few different broadheads and shoot them and see how they fly at work. Now if i dont feel like their shooting worth a hoot I'm gonna just take my wheels out and smoke a pig,but Marshall thinks im ready to stick a pig with my trad!

            im nervous and excited if that makes any sense.


              In order to build your confidence shoot you trad bow out to 30 and 40 yards then work you way in closer and you will find closer shots easier. I shoot a 50# Bob Lee Smoke. My favorite bow!!! Its always good to comfortable with the equipment you use.


                Originally posted by TxAg View Post
                I had to sell my compound before I could get to where I needed to be. I spent a couple years with both. Once I only had one to focus on, it all worked itself out.
                +1 what he said


                  When I started shooting trad, I sold the compound and never looked back.

                  You got this, just do it


                    Do you guys sit or stand for your trad shots? I have always sat for my compund shots, but I have never practiced trad sitting down.


                      Originally posted by stinkbelly View Post
                      Do you guys sit or stand for your trad shots? I have always sat for my compund shots, but I have never practiced trad sitting down.
                      Good question!

                      You need to get a chair like you will be hunting in and practice from it. Same goes for a tree stand or ladder stand. The extra length of the trad bows can sometimes present problems and it is much better to figure them out while practicing rather than while hunting!

                      Also, make sure when you shoot up or down, to bend at the waist to keep your upper body correct. Do not keep your body straight and just raise or lower your arm.



                        Originally posted by Bisch View Post
                        Good question!

                        You need to get a chair like you will be hunting in and practice from it. Same goes for a tree stand or ladder stand. The extra length of the trad bows can sometimes present problems and it is much better to figure them out while practicing rather than while hunting!

                        Also, make sure when you shoot up or down, to bend at the waist to keep your upper body correct. Do not keep your body straight and just raise or lower your arm.

                        I regularly practice sitting down. I stand if I can, but sometimes they sneak in and I don't have a chance to stand.


                          I practice while standing from all distances, but my "sitting practice" is specifically designed to give me confidence for hunting my current set-ups. I have a chair in my backyard that is identical to what I have in my blinds. I move the chair from 8-18 yards and shoot at a 3d deer


                            House flys with a rubber cup on the end of your arrows will get you tuned up. LOL


                              Originally posted by stinkbelly View Post
                              Do you guys sit or stand for your trad shots? I have always sat for my compound shots, but I have never practiced trad sitting down.
                              I'm working on two mirror blinds they are 14 inches tall and 36 inches long... can ya guess the shot?

                              Yep, laying down on my belly. I'm hoping with the correct wind to get within 5 yds for the shot.
                              The riding field has become a regular for a few hogs, it has elephant grass on the side they like to root along the edge.
                              My plan is, set the mirrored plastic blinds up at noon, then when the first sign of the hogs (4- 4:30) then crawl to it and lay down and just roast in the hot Hawaiian sun till one gets close and I can take the shot.
                              I just bought a GoPro with a remote so I'm playing with that for a reverse angle shot.

                              Crazy? yeah, but just a little....


                                Can't wait to see that video, Greywolf- nothing like an up close ambush! I shot a pig at 5 yards once while sitting on the ground with no blind - incredible rush!

