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I am failing as a traditional archery ambassador

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    I am failing as a traditional archery ambassador

    I have been itching to write a success story and post some fine LDPs, but it just hasn’t happened thus far, so I figured I would post a season recap of my frustrations thus far.

    I got on a new lease this year north of Pearsall. It is a new lease for the group so it stands to reason this season will be spent learning how to hunt the new terrain and getting to know each other. We are managing the place for 6.5yr old 150”+ and therefore have very rigid management criteria. Needless to say a lot of money is being invested and we are all very serious about our hunting.

    When I was interviewing to join the lease and I do mean interviewing, I was nearly rejected when the lease manager found out that I shoot a recurve. It was only after much discussion and supplying substantial shooting credentials I was accepted. As you can imagine I felt ample pressure to perform to confirm the confidence that was granted in me.

    Since joining I have encountered some friction from other members regarding my choice of equipment. I have since found out the leases the members came from, while bowhunting only, did not allow traditional archery equipment. Therefore I have taken every opportunity to shoot when they are out practicing in order to prove my abilities and feel I have done so adequitly.

    However the cards have not been dealt my way in the only place in really matters this year, hunting. I started off just fine, but it has gone downhill since.

    Back in June I shot a 50lb pig. Double lung, went 30yds, 5minutes later I was headed to camp to skin him. Unfortunately no one else was around. From June until September all of my spare time was spent working and no other shot opportunities where presented.

    In October I shot a 100lb sow, 15yds slightly (very slightly) quartering too me. I had the lease manager come out to warm up his tracking dog. After 45min in the dark it was evident to me that the dog had lost the trail, so I slipped back to the start of the trail and followed the blood. An hour latter I recovered the sow 200 yards from the spot of the shot. The arrow had entered just above the knuckle, but had only caught one lung and the liver prior to exiting midway back in the rib cage. Though the shot was decent, I caught some flak because, “a compound would have knocked her down in 30yds.”

    In early November I shot a 100lb boar, 12yds quartering away. I hit him dead in the knuckle and the arrow abruptly stopped. He left with my arrow and was never recovered. Due to the lack of blood I feel that the arrow never entered the chest cavity.

    The following weekend I shot a doe, 17yds quartering away. My windage was dead on, but I was 4-5”s high and hit shoulder blade. She snapped my arrow off at the insert on the first tree she passed. Though I feel strongly that she survived, I was disappointed.
    The next weekend I had a 6.5-7.45yr old six point (cull) come in. Though this deer would not be considered a “trophy” I wanted him more than any deer I have ever seen while hunting. He is just an extremely unique deer. Anyhow, he gave me the exact same shot the doe had the previous weekend (he could have been standing in her tracks). The shot felt good but I hit him a few inches behind the elbow and very low. After an hour wait I started the trail. Two hours and ~250yds latter I could find no more blood. I went back and got the lease manager and his dog and we jumped the deer twice over the next two hours. Not only was I disappointed that I had not recovered such a magnificent animal, I had to deal with being the first member to shot a buck this season and then to not recover it and with a recurve at that. I was upset to say the least.

    God miraculously answered my prayers and the following weekend, my six point came back. I passed several opportunities at 20yds waiting for a closer shot that never presented itself, but was content with seeing the deer again. The arrow had entered very low just a few inches behind the knuckle just as I had thought, but due to the elevation of my stand had exited so low that I could not see the exit hole on the opposing side of the deer. He was healthy, but now the guys had even less confidence in my equipment.

    Since that encounter I have devoted all my time at the lease to finishing what I started and harvesting that deer. I have now seen him three times since shooting him, but have been unable to get an acceptable shot opportunity.

    This past weekend I shot a 30lb boar at 25yds perfectly broadside. The arrow struck dead on the knuckle and stopped abruptly. The pig whirled and ran down the road for 30yds prior to entering the brush, so I had ample opportunity to confirm the arrow’s location. I tracked the pig for 150-200yds with minimal blood on the ground, but substantial wipes on vegetation. The pig went through several extremely tight spots that you would think would have snapped off the arrow, but never did. And once again the animal went unrecovered and once again the recurve guy wounded another animal.

    To say the least I am frustrated. The “hunters” on videos/tv take horrible shots, make marginal hits and watch their animals fall. The compound shooters on the lease have been lining up multiple pigs in one shot, shooting does in the neck, taking long shots and have recovered everything thus far. I feel my shots have been ethical and well within my ability and none of my shots have missed its mark by more than a few inches if at all, but even so I just can’t seem to get it done this year.

    Because of my troubles, I have left my new bow at home and gone with my old faithful bow which I shoot well and have harvested multiple animals with. I am so frustrated that if the situation were any different I would break down and finish out the season with a compound. Don’t get me wrong, I have complete confidence in my abilities and know my equipment is effective; I just can’t catch a break.

    Sorry about venting with the long post, but I have worked so hard to get on a lease of this caliber and feel that I am representing not only myself, but other traditional archery as well.

    stick it out brother I have shot hogs with my compound in the boiler room and did not find them for several days. You will catch a break and when you do you will open there eyes to that trad stuff. I have friends that shoot longbows and recurves and have had much success, so don't give up keep a pluggin and keep us posted.


      What kind of arrows/broadhead are you using?

      I'd ask your dad what's wrong......


        As you are aware I stopped listening to dad long ago. I simply appear to listen to amuse him these days.

        50lb limbs, gold tips, razorcaps, 202fps. I know it is not the heaviest combination, but I have been shooting the same limbs and goldtips for the last 5-6 years without any issues.

        I am curios as to the durability of the razor caps. I switched over from wensels at the start of the season. The razor cap that shot the 100lb sow snapped a weld at the ferrule and it only hit ribs. I would be curious to know if anyone has had any negative experience with razor caps.

        Also before it is asked, none of these animals have been shot at or near a feeder, so they do not appear to be in a heightened state of alertness.


          "The compound shooters on the lease have been lining up multiple pigs in one shot, shooting does in the neck, taking long shots and have recovered everything thus far" TradAG...After reading this section of your post, who are these hypocrites to say anything about either your equipment or shot placement. If they continue with this type of unethical shooting, it is only a matter of time when they can't find their game either. Or the possibility that they couldn't find it already and kept quiet about it and did not let you know they could not recover.

          Personally, I believe with the pressure they put on you in your "interview" is mentally preventing you from performing to your abilities. You have too much pressure "not to miss". Therefore, you are not shooting to your potential.

          My advice (whatever it's worth) is an either/or..Either accept the pressure from these bozo's and take closer shots (limit yourself to your 99.9% comfort zone) or find another lease with other trad shooters. I was skeptical in the 90's when I saw my first longbow in a hunting camp but that was quickly reversed when the guy shot a PY on the first day. I now hunt 99% of my time with either longbow or recurve.

          One more consideration is to use a cut on impact 2 blade head. I know the debate goes on forever but a 2 blade provides better penetration but does not provide a big hole for blood tracking. Also, keep your arrows to at least 9 grains/inch to improve penetration.

          Best of luck to ya.

          Doug Key


            Hang in there with your shooting skills you will over come. Not having shot the razorcaps I can not say, but the wensels if you feel they are better go back to them.


              hmm. in my opinion. it could be that there is an issue with your equipment. or it could be a mental thing. " if i screw this up the compound guys will be ******". or it could be murphys laws, whatever can go wrong will go wrong. you are one of the best recurve shooters in texas. i would say it is one of the later two.



                This is a hard thread to respond to. I know how good of a shot you are. I feel your pain and frustration in your post. I am sorry you are going through this. As far as advice.....We all go through slumps or times of bad luck. I myself am very streaky. What I mean, you performing the same and things either working out well or not. When they are going bad, it doesn't seem to matter what you do. I can only say, that if you hang in there it will change, it always does. Sooner or later, you will be on a good streak and those jerks in camp will be struggling. It is just the way of, things balance out in the end.

                That being said, it doesn't sound like you are having much fun. Hunting is all about fun...or should be. You will have to do some soul searching to see if you want to stay on a place like that, even with the great deer.

                I can't think of anything else to add, we are here if you need to vent. You could still turn this season around. Best of luck.

                OH.. if you want we can get a witch doctor and kill a chicken or something to break the curse. MONKEY BLOOD stay off Chris!!!!!


                  Sorry to hear the bad luck. Sounds exactly what it is bad luck! The other guys well they are just lucky, because those are risky, low percentage shots. It will get better, hang in there.

                  If you think it is your skills, come shoot with me and that will make you feel better.


                    Keep your head up. You know what you are capable of. Just keep in mind you are doing something they can only dream of. And I have no doubt you are much prettier than they are. That knowledge along has carried me thru many a dark time.


                      Originally posted by TradAg02 View Post
                      As you are aware I stopped listening to dad long ago. I simply appear to listen to amuse him these days.

                      Its always good to get the arrow there before he sheds.. I'd check and make sure your arrows are flying straight/tuned and you might try going back to the wensels(more as a mental thing). I second the 2edge they would penetrate better and give you a pass thru and a better blood trail.


                        Thanks guys.

                        I have gone back and made sure that everything is tuned, they are flying where I send them. I don’t feel the issue is really with my shooting. I hit my spot on all four pigs and was only slightly off on both the deer. Had I had any penetration at all the doe would be in the freezer. While I feel the buck was my fault, my shot was only a few inches off. Had the shot been 2” higher I think we would be looking at an LDP right now.

                        Reflecting on this post and talking to other shooters has helped me realize the only variable that has changed in my whole setup is the broadhead, guess I just needed to talk it through. Since the only head I recovered had a busted weld after only hitting a rib, I am going to assume that the broadheads are the issue.

                        I have set aside the next three evening to tune my new bow. It is 5lbs heavier and I have several 550grn arrow combinations to work with. I had tried tuning some arrows for it a few weeks ago, but while I was able to get the arrows to hit the spot they were not tuning as well as I would like. Combined with the frustrations of this season I laid it down. Since most of my issues have been penetration issues I thought I would pick the new bow back up and see if I can get it lined out.

                        While I am frustrated, I am still having fun. To me, just knowing that at any minute the buck of a lifetime can step out makes it worthwhile. I explained my obsessions to a coworker the other day, “It is like chasing women, the excitement is in the build-up and anticipation of the chase, getting one is only icing on the cake.” As far as the guys in camp, anyone who knows me will tell you that I am much harder on myself than anyone else could ever be.

                        I am simply frustrated. It seems that we (traditional archers) are always having to prove/defend ourselves. I have hunted with many individuals over the years who had no business hunting, but since the entered the field with a rifle or a compound nothing was said. I take pride in our hunting and shooting discipline and am simply disappointed and feel I am letting us down at the moment. As splitfinger said, I am sure if I haul a monster into camp, all else will be forgotten.


                          I snapped a ferrule on a wensel that I had glued together to put it on a carbon shaft. That seems to be the only weak part of the broadhead.
                          I switched to a 2 blade stainless ferrule with thick stainless blades. I used to not always punch thru with the snuffers and wensels but the only pig I've shot with the 2 blade zipped thru.

                          the 2 blade is a Howard Hill style 3:1 ratio


                            alot of people on tradgang use those razorcaps, so i asked them if they have been having problems too and a surprising number cam back and said they had the same problem with welds breaking, but there are others that have had no issue. i think i am going to stick to wensels.


                              It ticks me off that these slobs would put this kind of burden on you then turn around and take stupid shots that they shouldn't be taking.

                              I've noticed this same attitude from a lot of property owners/managers. Leads me to believe they grew up in Urbania raised on filet mignon and tofu. They're clueless about hunting and only have a property owner's knowledge of what they're doing. What kind of "blood" dogs did he have? Chihuahuas? That just blows if you ask me.

                              Has nothing to do with your abilities as an ambassador. Has to do with their people skills and idiotic attitudes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

