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Paris TBOT scores???

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    Paris TBOT scores???

    It's been a week and a half. Just sayin...

    Per Charles, Todd Smith is to post on the TBoT web site soon. Thanks Durk.


      I've been checking the TBOT page every day or two. there is a line that says
      new shoot scores right after it says up dated 30 jan, 13, but when you click on that
      you get the 2012 shoots.


        They are up now.


          I just checked. They're not


            Yes Sir, If you go to the TBOT Web site they are there, I just looked at them.
            Click on: Please click here to see our shoot schedule
            Click on: Click Here to se results of past shoots
            Then the only entry under 2013 will be the Paris shoot.

            It is there, I just looked again.


              They are there. I just looked too. There was some really high scores at this one.

              Congrats to all the winners,



                I wish someone would post them here on TBH-I can't see them on the TBoT site-I don't have Adobe reader.


                  Some salty shooting going on up there


                    I clicked on everything just
                    Like Wayne said and 2012 was the only list there.

                    I tried several times. I am on the TBOT website. The list of
                    Past shoots and results doesn't go past 2012.


                      Wow, Ryan is on fire!!!!!!!!!!!!


                        Ok i got it. LOL i clicked on
                        Link to AFC's site then clicked link on their site back to TBOT and it worked.

                        Don't understand why, but it did.


                          The course was set up pretty soft and the scores reflect that, but that is FAR better that having it so hard that only the top guys can hit the targets and everyone else spends all day looking for arrows. KUDOS to AFC for the set up for this shoot. Everyone had a great time, the same guys won that would have won anyway and it helped some folks who were just starting out build a lot of confidence.

                          I set up a lot of courses at Collin County myself and I have a tendancy to set them up too hard. I think I am going to soften them up a bit so everyone will have more fun.



                            Originally posted by Wayne Meuir View Post
                            The course was set up pretty soft and the scores reflect that, but that is FAR better that having it so hard that only the top guys can hit the targets and everyone else spends all day looking for arrows. KUDOS to AFC for the set up for this shoot. Everyone had a great time, the same guys won that would have won anyway and it helped some folks who were just starting out build a lot of confidence.

                            I set up a lot of courses at Collin County myself and I have a tendancy to set them up too hard. I think I am going to soften them up a bit so everyone will have more fun.

                            Wayne, I have always said that too easy is always better than too hard for just that reason!



                              When someone shoots their best score , whether adult or kid. They will want to make that shoot again. One or two tough shots to separate the top shooters is good but FUN for everyone is always a good thing.
                              Wish I could have made this one.

