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My Experience with the Traditional Community

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    Awesome man! I appreciate it!!!


      Happy to hear you met up with John. He is a goodun. Like some others mentioned, this tbh trad community is full of fine people. I'm proud to call many of them friends!



        There's no place like home.

        Welcome aboard.

        We're a big happy family.
        We occasionally have our little spouts & disputes, but what family doesn't.



          Nobody hunts with traditional bows because they have an ego.

          It's a great group of folks to hang with.


            Hi Darin and welcome to the fun side of archery!! Yes the greatest folks in archery are definately on the trad side. The wonderful thing about trad bows is that they are not draw specific, you can pick any of them up and shoot them, unlike the wheelie bows. Good on you John for pitching in and helping get another one hooked!


              Howdy Darin, I've enjoyed following all your threads as of late and have really enjoyed seeing your immersion into trad! Kudos to Jerp for the loaner bow, that's what this community is all about.

              The Sage does stack significantly past 28", I shoot 3 under so finger pinch isn't an issue for me but I sure notice the stack at 29.5! Another economic option is the new Samick Journey, this bow uses the Sage riser but incorporates longer limbs to make a 64" AMO bow. If you decide to buy your own bow and want to keep it low budget I would highly recommend this model.

              Again, welcome to the fire and we look forward to reading about the rest of your journey in trad!


                Yup, it's what we do.

                Like most families, we have our occasional dissagreements, but we always try and help the new people along. I am sure you will be doing the same soon.

                Most of us got the same help from others when we started, so it's only natural to pass it forward.

                I think by the time a lot of us got to traditional we have matured to a point where we just enjoy the experience. Helping others and seeing their successes and can be very rewarding when you reach that point.



                  Welcome to the Trad side of archery and you couldn't have found a better friend to get you started than John, he's a great guy.


                    That Samick Journey sounds like a pretty good option to start with until I can acquire the funds to get one of those Horne Longbows. That day I went to Horne Archery I just favored the longbows over the recurves. Mainly because I felt like I was shooting it better. I would like to hunt with a traditional bow at some point in the future. When I go hunting, I find it just as rewarding to have that animal within range. I don't always shoot or draw at a deer, and a successful hunt for me is to just get them in range and knowing I had that shot. Like my first day hunting this year, I had a doe and her twins easily at 22 yards. The twins were the size of Great Danes, to young for me, and I can't take a doe with young ones. Had a perfect shot opportunity at one of the twins and decided to let her grow up. Last night my 3 yr old daughter wanted to try shooting the bow. I showed her how to grip it and pull the string back, although only 6 inches. She let go and stuck it in the target 4 feet away lol. She was so happy. Today we are going to Cabelas to look for her a child bow so she can shoot too.


                      Kudos to Jerp. Some good folks here.



                        Great side of archery

