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Your stance - open, closed or neutral?

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    Your stance - open, closed or neutral?

    When I first started with this trad stuff I read and observed that most shooters use a neutral or slightly open stance. I was flipping through my copy of "Shooting the Stickbow" by Anthony Camera and read that his opinion on stance is all three can be fundamentally sound - whatever works for you. I started closing my stance - back foot slightly behind the centerline - and I like it. I seem to get more expansion, back tension and maybe even a bit more draw length for some reason. As long as the shoulders are lined up properly, does it really make a difference how you set your feet?

    It does to me. I learned from "Hitting 'em Like Howard Hill". I'll never forget..."EVERY SHOT STARTS AT THE GROUND". The very first thing I do when I approach a target is line up my feet.


      I guess I should have asked - "does it make a diffference how you set your feet as long as you do it the same way everytime?"


        In a perfect world I use a slightly open stance. That being said, the world is not perfect. At almost every shoot I go to and almost every hunting shot (because I am usually sitting when hunting) there are times where I cannot achieve a perect stance. I try to use the same shot routine for every shot - from start to finish. But I cannot sometimes. I was taught by Rod Jenkins that you should attempt to use the same shot sequence, but, when something happens to make part of it not doable, then you make sure all the other parts are still right. That is what I try to do.



          Good topic. I practice all 3 and some in between for my hunting situations. I never know where my feet are going to be planted when I get a shot opportunity or how I'm going to be seated. I just try to have everything above my belt line the same and pivot or bend at the waist. It's harder to do now that my waist has increase exponentially with my age.
          For shooting 3D targets, I seem to be able to be more consistent with a semi closed stance that allows me to use the back muscles better. My feet are at about 15 degrees off from perpendicular or inline to the target depending on how and where the stake is placed. There's always variables to contend with when you shoot left handed


            Originally posted by jerp View Post
            I guess I should have asked - "does it make a diffference how you set your feet as long as you do it the same way everytime?"
            Thats just it-you CAN'T do it the same way everytime.


              Walk forward...Stalk forward...Shoot forward


                good topic, I use a neutral stance for the most part but practice each one just for hunting situations.


                  I shoot at all different angles with my feet and check my alignment with my shoulders more than anything and it seems if I shoot with my shoulders being slightly, it open works better for me.


                    I've experimented with all of the above and have found that a slightly open stance works the best for me. I try to have the same shot sequence from stance to follow-through every time I shoot, but as others have already pointed out that's not always possible.


                      Open if the shot allows for it, if not I just try and get my shoulder lined up with the target.


                        I shoot arrows that are a bit stiff, I have to close my stance or I will shoot left.


                          neutral, but if plan on shooting 3d you should practice every kind of stance. Stand with one foot on a rock in front , behind, in a hole. on a root, on a knee, doing the splits. YOU WILL ENCOUNTER ALL OF THESE.


                            Slightly open when conditions allow it, but as long as I have my anchor, and bow arm alignment right it matters not.

                            I pay more attention to my stance from the waist up, than from the waist down.



                              I try to practice from all positions... that way if I have to shoot from a different position from hunting Im ready

