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The Travels Of The Bow Sacagawea

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    Sorry Alex. I guess I will have to wait for your pics of some exotics. Agtex good luck I am sure you will keep us posted.


      Well to try to save any confusion, here is the revised list!

      1.....Mark Johnson..................Chunky
      2.....Ron Jones.......................Ron
      3.....Curt Czaplicki..................Uncle Saggy
      4.....Ronnie Harper..................Elf Eyes
      5.....Clay Epperson..................C.Epperson
      6.....Chris Driscoll..................agtex 42
      7.....Charles Jones...................One Way
      8.....Alex Gutierrez....................gatorgar
      9.....Michael Buffington.............Meat Eater
      10....Kirby Wiseman..................Flywise
      11....Jason Sanders..................Jason Sanders
      12....Matt Smith......................Trick
      13....Arvin Weaver...................Selfbowman
      14....Gene Bohanon..................meangene 60
      15....Eric Wortham...................ENW
      16....Marty Thomas..................Buff
      17....Deb Weaver.....................Deb
      18....Roland Guerra...................Mesquite
      19....Todd Bolton.....................Stick'um
      20....Jerry Bischoffburger...........Bisch
      I'm still the last one on the list! I guess good things come to those who wait, huh?

      Last edited by Bisch; 05-23-2012, 10:17 PM.


        Thanks Jerry, but you will be on that hunt, won't you? You can play with it then


          Archer’s Profile:

          My name is Chris Driscoll aka “agtex42”

          I’m 28 years old, happily married for 4 ½ years to my beautiful (and understanding) wife Laura. We live in Hubert, NC with our son Patrick and our dog Red.

          My love with hunting and the outdoors began on Christmas Day when I was twelve years old. I came running in to the living room that morning to find my uncle’s old 20 gauge shotgun with a big-bow on it leaning up against the Christmas tree! It took me a while to learn the ropes of opening the breech and cocking the hammer but I eventually got the hang of it and the following fall found me in the Oklahoma Panhandle chasing quail with my Dad and Grandfather.

          We must have walked 20 miles that weekend and I don’t remember getting into more than a handful of covies. Despite not seeing many birds I probably went through a box of shells without touching as much as a feather, but on the last hunt of the trip my luck changed. My Pappy’s dog Sue got on point as we were walking back to the truck and he quickly rushed me up behind her and said “this one’s yours Chris, go get em!”

          Pappy gave Sue the go-ahead and as she crept forward that quail came barreling out of the scrub at the speed of sound! I got my bead and squeezed one off, I could hardly believe it but the feathers flew and my first game bird dropped to the ground a scant ten steps in front of me!

          From then on the hook was set! Two years later I found myself sitting on the edge of a food plot in North-central Mississippi chasing whitetails with my uncle. It was youth weekend and we had hunted hard but just weren’t getting the deer in range. We were leaned up against a split-trunk oak watching some does feed at the opposite end of the plot when my uncle whispers in my ear “don’t move!” Out of the corner of my eye I saw a big doe edging into the plot about 15 yards to our right. She paused to survey the scene and after a flick of the tail she stepped out into the plot and began to feed. Moments later she was broadside with her head down and I hit her with every ball in the shell of that 00 buckshot!

          My Dad eventually got on a lease in Bodcaw, Arkansas a few years later and that’s when I first got to experience bowhunting. Crossbows were legal during archery season back then, but I decided I wanted to try my hand at a compound bow. We picked up a 50 pound Parker at the local Walmart and my Dad’s buddy got me setup with a peep sight and all the other goodies. We had to back the limb bolts way off to get it manageable for me, but after a few weeks of practice I got to where I could hit a paper plate at 20 yards with some consistency.

          Opening weekend found me 15 feet up a ladder stand overlooking a feeder we had setup in a creek bottom. About thirty minutes after sunrise a doe began to work her way in from my right and that’s when the nerves kicked in! I stood up but was shaking like a leaf as the doe slowly came in to the feeder. I came to full draw when she was about 50 yards out and began to sight in on my quarry in preparation for the shot. Needless to say, by the time the deer came into range I was a nervous wreck and my bow arm was shaking so badly due to fatigue that the arrow sailed about 4 feet over her back!

          I didn’t bow hunt much after that experience but continued to pursue whitetails through the rest of high school and college with my rifle. When I graduated college I was commissioned as a 2ndLt in the United States Marine Corps, and while stationed in Corpus Christi the bowhunting spark was re-ignited. Thanks to all the advice from my new found friends on TBH I managed to kill my first deer with a bow in McMullen County in the fall of 2008.

          I enjoyed several hunts with my compound since then, and in the spring of 2010 I was introduced to 3D archery when I was transferred to Jacksonville, North Carolina. It was then that I first began interested in trying my hand at traditional archery. Our club had a handful of older guys that all shot recurves, and I quickly noticed that they took life a little less seriously than the rest of the compound shooters.

          One afternoon I took a chance and walked over to introduce myself. Before I knew it I was wearing a glove and getting pointers to get my back muscles engaged and hit my anchor point. Most of the advice flew right over my head but the hook was set and when I got home I told my wife I knew what I wanted for Christmas that year. Being the sweetheart that she is I was treated to a Samick Sage with all the accoutrements a few months later. Duty called and I was deployed overseas, but the Sage went with me and over the next six months I managed to fling a few arrows downrange with my buddy Travis.

          I arrived home just in time for deer season and opening weekend found me in the woods with a Sarrels Superstition. I hunted hard that fall, had several close encounters and one missed shot opportunity. I won’t go into detail because the stories have already been posted here before and I’m getting a little long winded in my bio!

          It’s been such a blessing to be a part of this online community of traditional archers, you guys and gals are a special group of folks and I’m honored to be considered part of the gang! Thanks for all the advice you've given me over the past year and half, I've got a long way to go in my trad journey and I look forward to sharing it with each and every one of you!
          Last edited by agtex42; 06-09-2012, 10:37 AM.


            Very nice job Chris.



              Thanks for sharing... Enjoy the bow Bro!!!


                Greta read, Chris! I hope to meet you down the road and Good Luck with Sacajawea!



                  Nice write-up Chris!


                    Good deal Chris, glad she made it to you fine.



                      Great write up Chris. Enjoyed.


                        I enjoyed the bio Chris. Thanks for sharing.


                          well done chris


                            Very nice Chris, waiting for updates.


                              Anyone heard anymore.


                                No real updates at this point, just been enjoying shooting the bow! I've been busy getting things together prior to leaving the country so there hasn't been an awful lot of time for archery. I'll be packing her up and shipping to the next archer at the end of the week.

