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Equipment Guidelines For Trad

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    You can please part of the people part of the time and part of the time you can please part of the people but you will never please all of the people all of the time because there's always that one individual who wants to run things their way, right or wrong. For that reason I don't belong to any organized group. Too much BS.
    I think I'll go ride my Harley.


      Originally posted by Ron View Post
      Personally, I switched to trad to keep it simple. I was tired of all the junk and would rather things stayed the way they are. Just my $0.02.
      Ron's response is classic for a lot of the "new" trad archers (frustrated ex-compound shooters) these days. It's really sad that most trad archers have no clue what trad archery is. Trad archery can be simple or complex. It's whatever you want it to be. It's simply no wheels.

      The Ron's can still shoot their simple equipment and have a class to shoot it in if rules are expanded to accommodate those trad archers who enjoy a bit different style and equipment.

      Never saw so many grown men so afraid of a $2.50 plastic stick on rest...Van


        Originally posted by RickBarbee View Post
        LOL JEFFRO. I gotta hand it to you - you're nothing if not persistent at trying to cloud, or side track the issue.

        I figure it will be a dead horse when TBoT officially announces what they intend to do with the proposal, and at that time I'll refrain from beating it.

        RICK, no sir. not clouding or side tracking,
        i allways try and keep a good attitude about all things in my life, and t.b.o.t is part of my life, as i love, yes love the shoots, the people and all things involved ,
        i'v noticed that in the last couple of weeks, allmost no one responds to my posts, there are a couple of folks on this green screen that think there the bomb in trad archery, but as this is AMERICA, we all have our right to share our opinion, for or against whatever, my self i'v been shooting longbows since the mid 60's, been around allkinds of archery, some enjoyable some not.
        this issue you have brought up. is a good idea, but is it a good idea for t.b.o.t. I've talked to alot of men and women the last couple of shoots, and sofar the "vast" majority is against the change, thay like it the way it is.
        as i see it t.b.o.t. is a bowhunting group not a target shooting group it's something for like minded folks to do between hunting season's, yes there are some that go to compete and win, but theres alot that go to walk in the woods, injoy there friends and just shoot.
        so as a member of t.b.o.t i got to ask, is this good for t.b.o.t, me personally i don't think so. would this be good for a target based group yes i think it would, it would promote trad shooting, from our basic hunting style to olimpic style. also have you promoted this idea to other organizations.
        just my humble opinion.
        and i do wish you well with the knee,


          Originally posted by JEFFRO View Post
          ..... but is it a good idea for t.b.o.t. I've talked to alot of men and women the last couple of shoots, and so far the "vast" majority is against the change, thay like it the way it is.

          as i see it t.b.o.t. is a bowhunting group not a target shooting group it's something for like minded folks to do between hunting season's, yes there are some that go to compete and win, but theres alot that go to walk in the woods, injoy there friends and just shoot........ ,
          Jeff, very good post!...

          I think you named our own poison, we're "a bowhunting group", but we're shooting at the 12 spot. Now if that's not target archery or a spot shoot what is it?............just saying!


            Originally posted by Thumper View Post
            Jeff, very good post!...

            I think you named our own poison, we're "a bowhunting group", but we're shooting at the 12 spot. Now if that's not target archery or a spot shoot what is it?............just saying!
            Thumper makes a good point. We are shooting at the 12 spot and using binocs to figure out where it is Yes we are a bowhunting group for the most part but I don't recall anyone asking for my Archery hunting permit before allowing me to participate in a 3-D shoot.

            Look, we have many members that do not actually hunt. That's fine. Should we not allow them to join us in the fun of shooting at a piece of foam? They might choose to hunt in the future.

            I contend that the more folks we invite and that have exposure to walking around in the woods shooting at foam critters the more folks who will be converted to bowhunting with non-compound bows. Isn't that what it's all about?

            It's fine to have an organization with rules set up by like minded folks, but how do you expand without luring others?

            When people actually hunt they figure out very quicky what works for them in a hunting situation. Folks ain't dumb. If an elevated rest doesn't work, they quit using it. If a sight doesn't work they quit using it. If a stabilizer doesn't work they quit using it. If those things do work then they use them.

            Nothing wrong with a person using different equipment for hunting than they use for 3-D (target shooting). Archers have been doing that forever. It's part of the game. Have fun and loosen up a bit...Van


              Originally posted by Van/TX View Post
              I contend that the more folks we invite and that have exposure to walking around in the woods shooting at foam critters the more folks who will be converted to bowhunting with non-compound bows. Isn't that what it's all about?
              Probably the most important, and most sensible thinking I have read in a while.

              Definitely quote worthy.



                if you want more folks let the compouind and X bow guys join in. Some are really nice guys


                  [QUOTE=Van/TX;3715905]I contend that the more folks we invite and that have exposure to walking around in the woods shooting at foam critters the more folks who will be converted to bowhunting with non-compound bows. Isn't that what it's all about?

                  Isn't that what LSBA shoots are for...


                    LOL, come on guys. You know darn good and well we are talking about recurve, longbow, and selfbow shooters here.


                      my knee hurts too and I'm bored on top of that


                        Originally posted by Buff View Post
                        my knee hurts too and I'm bored on top of that
                        I hear ya.

                        I am back to work now at least.

                        What did you do to your knee, and how is the shoulder doing?



                          my finial post on this,
                          van i totally agree with your post, but...yes theres a but LOL. i personaly like the way the rules are, and i really hope thay don't change,
                          rick maybe someday we can sit at a campfire and drink "old scotch" and just relax..LOL
                          buff, don't think we'v ever met but the folks that know me, know 2 things, i love to shoot, and i'll agrue with a bobwire fence if i think it's listening...LOL

                          i wish all straight shooting, peace in there life and slow moving targets...


                            Originally posted by JEFFRO View Post
                            rick maybe someday we can sit at a campfire and drink "old scotch" and just relax..LOL

                            i wish all straight shooting, peace in there life and slow moving targets...
                            You know it Brother. No doubt we would get along real well.

                            That's the thing - I believe we all have a deep rooted respect, and care for one another even though we may disagree on some things.

                            It's all good.



                              Jeffro, do you ever check your pm's?


                                Originally posted by Buff View Post
                                if you want more folks let the compouind and X bow guys join in. Some are really nice guys
                                Buff, if that was directed to me you obviously did not read my post...Van

