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Fsc 12-18-2010

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    Fsc 12-18-2010

    O.K., very simple, you can either draw a Christmas tree (took me all of 2 minutes) or you can just do a star. Anyway star needs to be about the size of a dime. Shoot the star from 12 yds., any tip you want to use.
    Attached Files

    Doc, Arvin is a pain, he wants to know why you did not decorate the rest of the tree.


      does look kinda drab


        I knew there were some lazy folks on here and didn't want to give them an excuse to feel left out!lol J/K!! That kinda sums up my feelings about this last week, pretty drab! Tell Arvin, I'll furnish the decorations if he wants to come to my house and put them up! That's also why I inserted that you could just draw a star, there was a comment one time about not wanting to have to do an art project to do the shot. Takes about 10 seconds to just draw the star. Not many participating for some reason, just trying to keep it simple.


          i havent been able to participate lately ive been working at least twelve hours aday dark when i go to work and dark when i get off gets old real fast


            I have no excuse. Just plum forget sometimes. From May til about September/October, though, was working way too many hours and simply didn't have time. Even if I forget or am too busy working, I still enjoy checking out the weekly challenge and pics of everyone's shots.


              I am green with envy of you guys that are that busy, really. I am about to go stir crazy with cabin fever. bbs383ci, I wish they woukd leave the time thingy alone where we had the longer days. You guys be careful and be thankful of having the jobs with this bad unemployment right now. Hey, maybe Rick will loan out some of those nite-lites hes come up with. Hey, that would be a cool shot, nighttime! You hear,ugh, see this Rick!! If you don't beat me too it-----!!


                No doubt, Trad Doc, I'm blessed and thankful for this job!

                Anyway, I sometimes shoot at night using one of these contraptions I got from Sears awhile ago:


                  here's my shot for this week, ive shot better, and considering im shooting in a 5 spot tourney this weekend im not that impressed with it.


                    Originally posted by trad"Doc"53 View Post
                    Hey, that would be a cool shot, nighttime! You hear,ugh, see this Rick!! If you don't beat me too it-----!!
                    Yep Larry, busy is the operative word as of late.

                    I'll try to get this shot done tomorrow evening after dark, and give ya a night shot on it. Any particular way ya want it done?

                    I'm going hunting tomorrow afternoon, so it may be pretty late by the time I get the shot posted.



                      Hello Gents,

                      Wondering how this shoot goes. Rules and what does FSC stand for.




                        I'll get mine done tomorrow, as my target looks pretty much like what is posted.


                          Originally posted by Death from Above View Post
                          Hello Gents,

                          Wondering how this shoot goes. Rules and what does FSC stand for.


                          Mornin DFA.

                          FSC stands for "First Shot Challenge".

                          This is a weekly event we stickbow shooter play, where someone calls a shot, and defines the particulars of it.

                          We all then take the shot as outlined by the caller, BUT the attempt of the shot has to be the first attempt, and the first shot of the day on which ever day you decide to take it.

                          You have from Sunday to midnight on Saturday to post your results in picture format.

                          The winner gets to call the shot for the following week.

                          This is just a friendly competition with the goal of getting folks to practice that "one shot/first shot hunting scenario" in the hopes of helping us all improve on it.



                            My shot 12-18-10-

                            my shot for the week not good but in the kill.
                            Attached Files

