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Who on here had an AR/AK style gun before 2004?

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    The people the 2nd amendment was designed to protect us against live here now so don't have to land on our soil.


      Originally posted by rtp View Post
      It isn’t the soapbox for the pro 2a folks but most certainly is for they anti 2a folks. They have convinced the ignorant general population that the AR is a big scary military weapon and it needs to be restricted so mass killings will go away. They are using this falsehood to make an attempt at limiting the 2a. That is why the AR has become the soapbox as you put it.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      Agreed it’s prob more of a soapbox for anti gun folks.
      AR just seems to be the popular gun last 10-20yrs.


        Make no mistake they want to ban all semi automatic weapons. Many have admitted that including Pres Dumbo


          Originally posted by Cookiemonster1 View Post
          The people the 2nd amendment was designed to protect us against live here now so don't have to land on our soil.
          That’s where the foreign and domestic enemy comes into play.


            Originally posted by Shane View Post
            It wouldn't make a difference in your life at all.....until it does. Better to have it not need it than need it and not have it. The 2A has nothing to do with hunting.
            For sure, same reason most of us have life insurance or health insurance.


              Bought my first AK in 88 I think


                Originally posted by jdg13 View Post
                Ahh, so now we see your real intention. Carry on
                Well not really wanting to make anyone mad. Just open some minds to some actual campfire conversation. It’s been really dead and slow around here lately. I like a good friendly debate where folks can sit around and discuss stuff.


                  Another reason the AR is popular is because it’s a one gun fits all type. The adjustable stock fits a wide range of people from old to young. Really comes in handy for introducing new or young people to shooting and/or hunting.


                    Originally posted by KactusKiller View Post
                    Agreed it’s prob more of a soapbox for anti gun folks.
                    AR just seems to be the popular gun last 10-20yrs.

                    Yep. I don’t see the attraction as I’m old school and like wood not black plastic. The younger generations are the exact opposite. Im glad the younger generation is into guns like they are with the exception of the psychopaths.

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                      Originally posted by BrandonA View Post
                      Make no mistake they want to ban all semi automatic weapons. Many have admitted that including Pres Dumbo
                      Yup. Spot on.
                      “They” use the AR as a smoke screen. The real agenda is to ban ALL semi autos with pistols included.


                        I had my first one in 1969 but only for a year and didn't get to keep it. Why do you think you need a bolt gun? The AR will do any thing a bolt gun will do within normal ranges but the bolt gun won't do what the AR will do. Would your life be different with out bolt guns? Probably not.

                        I keep one on my Mule every day and use it every few days shooting hogs on my place. A bolt gun would be my last choice in guns for what I am usually doing with the AR.


                          Originally posted by KactusKiller View Post
                          I have and do hunt with them also, BUT, if you didn't have an AR would you not be able to hunt anymore or as effectively? Everything I have ever shot with an AR I could have shot with any other rifle in my safe. I do think we should have the right to choose, I'm just asking if we didn't have AR platform rifles would much change in our lives?
                          If hunters didn't have access to .243's would they not be able to hunt anymore or as effectively?

                          The answer is 100% yes. If all ARs are banned then 100% can bet your life whatever gun is next on the list will be outlawed. I really would think all gun owners would have this figured out by now.


                            Originally posted by KactusKiller View Post
                            It’s easy to separate the two when your having a conversation based on what ifs. Just open the mind to possibilities. Your looking at just gun owner ship, I’m basing my conversation on the AR/AK which is the poster boy for debate. This is just a hypothetical conversation.

                            If you can’t see how that’s wrong, I cannot explain it sufficiently.

                            Replace AR/AK with “semi auto”, “repeating firearm”, or just about anything else. Either way you’re allowing the government to dictate what you “need”.

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                              I don't own one and never have cause they just don't race my motor. I'm more of a Sako, Kimber, Remington or pretty double barrel kind of guy.
                              That said I couldn't give 2 chits if you have 20 of them cause it ain't none of my business.


                                Originally posted by KactusKiller View Post
                                No, my question prob wouldn’t pertain to them as that is their weapon of choice that they have been trained with. It’s prob like a third hand for most of the nations finest!
                                Why do they use AR's?

                                Would your life really change if each man over the age of 21 were only allowed to own 1 rifle that only held one round?
                                And you were only allowed a total of 6 rounds in each house.

