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HB 1927 Passes!

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    So um... Now will people on this website sell handguns to people without a LTC? Asking for a friend...


      Originally posted by waterdog View Post
      the one thing did not like is leo could always hit the thugs with is carrying a concealed weapon without a license. Now that tool has been taken away from them.

      If the thugs you are speaking of are prohibited from owning a weapon the consequences will be the same.

      And true thugs are already carrying anyway so no change there.

      Laws only apply to law abiding citizens.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


        HB 2622: Second Amendment Sanctuary

        Earlier today, the Senate passed the exact same version already passed by the House. The bill now goes to the Governor, who has championed this legislation. If signed, it will go into effect on September 1, 2021.
        The bill keeps Texas personnel and resources from being used to enforce Federal gun-related laws enacted after January 19, 2021 that are not in Texas law.
        If an entity or agency violates the provision and tries to help enforce future Federal gun laws, that entity will be denied state funding.
        Note: The bill is NOT designed protect against existing Federal infringements or against any state-level infringements, and it does NOT stop the Federal government from enforcing their own laws.
        See our handout.

        HB 957: Suppressor Freedom

        Last week, the Senate passed the exact same version already passed by the House. The bill now goes to the Governor, who has not yet weighed in on this legislation. If signed, it will go into effect on September 1, 2021.
        The bill repeals the Texas criminalization of suppressor possession apart from Federal regulations and establishes a class of "Made in Texas" suppressors that will be declared exempt from Federal regulations if they meet certain criteria.
        It also gives a path to secure a declaratory judgment on the constitutionality of this law before someone manufactures "Made in Texas" suppressors.
        Anyone who wants to take advantage of this law should first give notice to the Attorney General, who is then required to seek a declaratory judgment from a Federal court upholding the constitutionality of this law.
        NOTE: Those who try to manufacture or own suppressors without following Federal regulations before a successful and final court judgment may be subject to prosecution for a felony offense.
        See our handout.


          Originally posted by Lynn21 View Post
          Are you guys kidding? Now every nut case , meth head , homeless idiot, convict, drug addict, the list goes on and on and on, can find or steal a gun, and walk the streets with it LEGALLY. Yeah that’s the world I want to live in, and have my kids and grandkids live in..... And here’s another point, will those of us that follow the law, get the money back that we spent getting our CHL? No we won’t. We should.

          Sorry freedom scares you so much.

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


            Originally posted by Lynn21 View Post
            Are you guys kidding? Now every nut case , meth head , homeless idiot, convict, drug addict, the list goes on and on and on, can find or steal a gun, and walk the streets with it LEGALLY. Yeah that’s the world I want to live in, and have my kids and grandkids live in..... And here’s another point, will those of us that follow the law, get the money back that we spent getting our CHL? No we won’t. We should.
            That dog don't hunt. Up here in Wyoming we don't need a CCP to legally carry and gun violence is almost nonexistent. Of course, everybody knows that chances are high anyone you meet is going to be carrying, so it is a deterrent.
            Good for Texas! Hopefully Gov Abbott signs it very soon.


              Originally posted by sbushee View Post
              I fear that citizens will use deadly force when it isn’t justified and will find themselves charged with murder or agg assault w/deadly weapon even though they believe their intention was to help someone.

              I don’t worry about the criminals carrying guns. As many have said, the criminals have guns and/or I assume anyone I contact has a gun until I know otherwise.

              Also, I don’t know how many citizens are actually prepared to use a gun against another person. I wonder how many have actually drawn their concealed weapon and pointed it at another person. People have to be mentally prepared to say, “I’m going to kill that person”. It’s one thing to carry a gun, it’s quite another to use it against another person.

              I just think some people that mean well may find themselves in situations they don’t know how to handle.

              Well it’s about time the burden for those choices shifted back to the individual. If someone makes the choice to carry a weapon and makes a choice that violates the law, then they should have to deal with the consequences.

              It isn’t up to the government to restrict our rights in order to protect us from ourselves. Personal responsibility has to come into play.

              As an LEO I don’t think you’ll see any significant change. Plus now you can stop anyone you see carrying any time you want to......

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


                Originally posted by Lynn21 View Post
                Are you guys kidding? Now every nut case , meth head , homeless idiot, convict, drug addict, the list goes on and on and on, can find or steal a gun, and walk the streets with it LEGALLY. Yeah that’s the world I want to live in, and have my kids and grandkids live in..... And here’s another point, will those of us that follow the law, get the money back that we spent getting our CHL? No we won’t. We should.

                You might want to actually do some research before you start spouting off statements like that. Almost every one of the circumstances you listed are already disqualifications for owning a gun, let alone carrying one. I feel like I just read a tweet from Beto or some other dumb@$$ liberal politician.

                I will agree with you that we shouldn’t have to pay for LTC’s or even have a need for them, but I’ll dang sure keep mine up to date as there are still plenty of benefits to having one at this point.

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  Originally posted by Bowtech1233 View Post
                  Kind of like all the states that have legalized marijuana?
                  I have no clue how they federal prosecutors will look at this.

                  I think a lot depends on how they look at certain crimes. While marijuana technically is illegal I believe at any amount under federal law, they do not prosecute any amount. Even drugs like cocaine will not be prosecuted in the federal system. According to where you’re at, they have a threshold it has to be met. For every US attorney there are several district attorneys. For every federal agent there might be hundreds of state, county and local police officers. About 20 years ago I was working with some agents and officers in a larger jurisdiction and if it was a cocaine case, if it was not at least 10 kg they would not even look at it.

                  I have been involved in a case were several thousand dollars of federal funds were misappropriated. We try to file charges in the federal system and that response was, they had a $10,000 threshold in order to look at cases. I believe they’re simply are not enough federal agents, prosecutors and courts to handle things technically because it’s a crime. I could just about assure you that in my area, if we find 10 kg of marijuana in bales, the federal prosecutor would not accept it if we try to file it in their system. So while it is easy to say that they allow the marijuana laws to go unprosecuted, they would not prosecute those even if there was no state while allowing it.

                  Do they look at firearm laws the same way as small amounts of marijuana? Would that be true particularly in who is currently running the federal system? I don’t know but there simply is no comparison to walking into a smoke shop in Denver, CO and walking out with half an ounce of marijuana and carrying a federal felony suppressor without their tax stamp.


                    Originally posted by tvc184 View Post
                    I have no clue how they federal prosecutors will look at this.

                    I think a lot depends on how they look at certain crimes. While marijuana technically is illegal I believe at any amount under federal law, they do not prosecute any amount. Even drugs like cocaine will not be prosecuted in the federal system. According to where you’re at, they have a threshold it has to be met. For every US attorney there are several district attorneys. For every federal agent there might be hundreds of state, county and local police officers. About 20 years ago I was working with some agents and officers in a larger jurisdiction and if it was a cocaine case, if it was not at least 10 kg they would not even look at it.

                    I have been involved in a case were several thousand dollars of federal funds were misappropriated. We try to file charges in the federal system and that response was, they had a $10,000 threshold in order to look at cases. I believe they’re simply are not enough federal agents, prosecutors and courts to handle things technically because it’s a crime. I could just about assure you that in my area, if we find 10 kg of marijuana in bales, the federal prosecutor would not accept it if we try to file it in their system. So while it is easy to say that they allow the marijuana laws to go unprosecuted, they would not prosecute those even if there was no state while allowing it.

                    Do they look at firearm laws the same way as small amounts of marijuana? Would that be true particularly in who is currently running the federal system? I don’t know but there simply is no comparison to walking into a smoke shop in Denver, CO and walking out with half an ounce of marijuana and carrying a federal felony suppressor without their tax stamp.
                    I agree with pretty much everything you said. But politics plays a role as well. For years in Houston, we couldn't get federal charges for felon in possession cases. It got to the point where we were having to get guns printed and swabbed for DNA samples just to prove the suspect was in possession of a weapon and even then it still difficult. However, when there's a push from DC to deal with violent crimes in inner cities, the threshold for taking those types of cases gets much lower. In 2019 I seized two glock auto selector switches and an AR that had been converted to full auto and I couldn't get those cases to go federal but it would be pretty easy now.

                    Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk


                      All I can say is when I had to do work in Montana with open carry everyone was nice and polite. Was really refreshing and I'd like to see that come back.


                        Originally posted by tvc184 View Post
                        I have no clue how they federal prosecutors will look at this.

                        I think a lot depends on how they look at certain crimes. While marijuana technically is illegal I believe at any amount under federal law, they do not prosecute any amount. Even drugs like cocaine will not be prosecuted in the federal system. According to where you’re at, they have a threshold it has to be met. For every US attorney there are several district attorneys. For every federal agent there might be hundreds of state, county and local police officers. About 20 years ago I was working with some agents and officers in a larger jurisdiction and if it was a cocaine case, if it was not at least 10 kg they would not even look at it.

                        I have been involved in a case were several thousand dollars of federal funds were misappropriated. We try to file charges in the federal system and that response was, they had a $10,000 threshold in order to look at cases. I believe they’re simply are not enough federal agents, prosecutors and courts to handle things technically because it’s a crime. I could just about assure you that in my area, if we find 10 kg of marijuana in bales, the federal prosecutor would not accept it if we try to file it in their system. So while it is easy to say that they allow the marijuana laws to go unprosecuted, they would not prosecute those even if there was no state while allowing it.

                        Do they look at firearm laws the same way as small amounts of marijuana? Would that be true particularly in who is currently running the federal system? I don’t know but there simply is no comparison to walking into a smoke shop in Denver, CO and walking out with half an ounce of marijuana and carrying a federal felony suppressor without their tax stamp.
                        I understand how frustrating that is but I also think that given who is in charge now that sooner or later they will pull one out of the hat to make an "example" out of. I sure don't want to be that example.


                          Originally posted by Lynn21 View Post
                          Are you guys kidding? Now every nut case , meth head , homeless idiot, convict, drug addict, the list goes on and on and on, can find or steal a gun, and walk the streets with it LEGALLY. Yeah that’s the world I want to live in, and have my kids and grandkids live in..... And here’s another point, will those of us that follow the law, get the money back that we spent getting our CHL? No we won’t. We should.

                          I’m keeping my LTC for the states that don’t allow constitutional carry. As for all the chaos you mentioned they’re doing it anyway, but now law abiding folks are better protected from conceal rules and can bite back at these waste of humans.

                          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


                            Can someone in plan English tell what this bill means? I know you won't need a LTC permit to open carry. Will you need a LTC permit to conceal carry?


                              Originally posted by npe001 View Post
                              Better to have the gun and be put in that position than to be in that position and not have that gun. The felons/criminals dont have to have a license to break the law, why should law abiding citizens have to have a license to protect themselves. Its been proven that with constitutional carry, crime rate falls.
                              Very valid point.


                                Originally posted by muzzlebrake View Post
                                I see your point and cannot disagree. I guess my main reason is that I know a lot of people that should not be carrying guns around. Non of them are criminals but some of them are just plain too dumb to be able to grasp a situation and act accordingly even with some training.
                                I agree. I would hope that all the people that carry their weapons also train regularly with them. Carrying a gun and pulling it out to use are two completely different things. I hope those that choose to carry, train as much as they can.

