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    don,t know how many "survivalist" we have out there my guess is a lot. quick tip. If you have your own land great if you have any hills but flat will work too. buy yourself a 20 ft. container rent a backhoe dig into the side of a hill {if possible}, slide your container into the side of hill then cover the whole thing with at least2 foot of dirt, leaving the front doors the only thing you can see , camo or some branches attached to doors to hide as well. now you have a climate controlled shelter for your food storage and other survival items, a second one with a fresh air vent could be a nice safe house.

    I have a teacher that did that with their house. 3" concrete walls. Pretty pimp


      I've always wondered about the buried container feasibility. Not from a "survivalist" perspective - Just simply because I think it would make a neat, sheltered camp. But a few things I wonder about:

      1) Wouldn't the metal container start to rust and corrode after being buried under dirt for a couple of years?
      2) Is there a problem with condensation inside?
      3) How do you keep the dirt from coming over the front (mudslide) doors after a heavy rain?
      4) Can the doors be opened from the inside? What keeps someone from locking the doors from the outside while you are in it?

      I'm not familiar with containers and how they work / look, other than what I've seen at a glance, so please forgive me if some of these questions seem odd. It's something I'm interested in though, so I had to ask.

      All the best,


        Bunkers are great until the bad guys find you. Then they become a big coffin. One way in means one way out.


          Ya need to reinforce the walls if burying and seal off your vents. They will not rust since not exposed to the air. They are a quick solution but not the best. Pluss there prices have risen so much over the years there may be cheeper solutions.


            I meant 3feet thick walls on that house. For the storage/storm shelter it wouldn't be bad


              Originally posted by DesertDug View Post
              Ya need to reinforce the walls if burying and seal off your vents. They will not rust since not exposed to the air. They are a quick solution but not the best. Pluss there prices have risen so much over the years there may be cheeper solutions.
              Not accurate. It will rust over time. Except maybe using some kind of cathodic protection (not feasible). I'd pour concrete. Depends on soil type and shrink/swell factors.

              But have to have multiple exits.

