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Refinishing/restoring a gun

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    Refinishing/restoring a gun

    Any recommendations? My grandfather passed last week and my younger brother and I are talking about getting one of his old shotguns redone for our dad. I believe it's an savage auto 12 ga. Ill have to look again to be sure. But do y'all have anyone you would use for something like that? Mainly checking the gun out, cleaning and reblueing the metal, and refinishing the wood. And about what should we be looking to spend?



      Cleaning, rebluing and refinishing the wood is not that difficult and can be done yourself for very little money or time. I'm sure there are youtube videos on all aspects of the process.


        Easy DIY job... Doing an 1100 as we speak.
        Wood first.
        1st pic original
        2-3 pic after taking off the finish
        And done.
        Attached Files


          if its an older gun it probably has nice wood sand it down with fine grit paper until its super smooth then go over it until you cant stand it anymore with steel wool. hit that puppy with 5-10 coats of linseed oil and really rub it in good itll be a beaut you cant always keep putting a coat or two on it after season to keep it looking good but it wont scratch like stain it soaks in and it just looks great. obviously if you take the stain off and you don't like the wood don't waist your time


            Originally posted by meshmover67 View Post
            if its an older gun it probably has nice wood sand it down with fine grit paper until its super smooth then go over it until you cant stand it anymore with steel wool. hit that puppy with 5-10 coats of linseed oil and really rub it in good itll be a beaut you cant always keep putting a coat or two on it after season to keep it looking good but it wont scratch like stain it soaks in and it just looks great. obviously if you take the stain off and you don't like the wood don't waist your time
            You'd be steps and time ahead if instead of trying to sand through that old finish you stripped it.

            Your forearms will thank me.

            Also if you have some dings after you strip it its easier to start out with a rough sand paper and work your way down (actually up in numerical terms of sandpaper grain) to the fine stuff and then hit with the steel wool.

            A few time and helpful hints:
            1. When you are progressively working your way through the sand paper grades take the wood and clean off the wood dirt with a wet cloth and allow to dry, when it dries it will make the burrs you have been sanding down stand up and you can get knock them off when you change to the next finer sand paper grit. Do this between steps or every step in sand paper and your stock will be baby's butt smooth.

            2. after the first couple of hand rubbed oil coats (I prefer tru oil) let the stock completely dry and hit it with the steel wool again it will make it smooth up so you can finish the oiling process. wearing latex gloves will save you some hand washing time too.

            3. sand with the grain, have a couple of cold ones and take your time.


              Midway USA has some YouTube videos of refinishing wood stocks. Even pulling dents out useing wet rag and hot iron. It will also raise the grain and help it sat out and look good

