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Sight mark Wraith mini question

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    Sight mark Wraith mini question

    Has anyone had issues sighting in one of these? I had a new 6.5 Grendel built and can’t get it to group. Shooting ‘more than 10 inches strung horizontal off of bags. I am going to re-scope it to eliminate possibility but just curious if someone has had issues

    I’ve had two of them and haven’t had any issues. Currently have one mounted on a Grendel.

    do you have another scope to confirm it’s not the rifle?


      I have another scope to confirm. If I could just buy some time to get it done


        Any chance the mount or base is loose? I know on my wraith 4k (the older, heavier, not as cool version) the mount is held on by a couple screws in the bottom of the scope body. I don’t know how the mini is made.


          Yep I’d check the base / mount and make sure everything is tight. Helped a buddy sight in a thermal a while back and was chasing zero all over . I picked the gun off bench and could feel the scope wobble on the rail. Ended up the qd clamp wasn’t tight


            Originally posted by kkp005 View Post
            Yep I’d check the base / mount and make sure everything is tight. Helped a buddy sight in a thermal a while back and was chasing zero all over . I picked the gun off bench and could feel the scope wobble on the rail. Ended up the qd clamp wasn’t tight
            Me too--


              It was the mount loose. Shot today at a solid inch. 2 shots to shift then 3 to group. Whew


                Glad you got it sorted out!!


                  Glad you were able to fix your problem!

