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Boracho Beans

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    Boracho Beans

    lets see you best borracho bean recipes

    Beans Antonio
    Ingredients - Step One (1.):
    2 cups pinto beans
    5 cups water
    1 tsp salt
    Ingredients - Step Two (2):
    6 strips of thick sliced bacon
    1 large or 2 medium yellow onion
    6 large cloves garlic
    4 Roma tomatoes, coarsely chopped (or 1 can of diced tomatoes)
    *Jalapeno Pepper- smashed & finely chopped into a paste,
    1 cube (or 1 Tbl powdered) chicken bullion dissolved in 1 cup boiling water
    1 Tbsp chili powder
    1 1/2 tsp cumin (or to taste)
    1/2 bunch of cilantro (about 1 cup/packed), coarsely chopped, trimmed of stem bottoms
    6 oz. (half can) cheap beer (Blue Lip Beer is OK)
    1/4 cup “Secret Ingredient". Since I'm bound by blood oath to myself to never tell anyone what that is, I will give you a hint, agave juice fermented under strict legal governmental requirements
    (1). Wash & soak beans overnight. Rinse again. Place in large pot and cover beans with 5 cups of cool water, add salt & bring to a moderate boil for 5 minutes. Turn heat down to LOW (one notch hotter than simmer), cover pot, and cook 1 1/2 hours. Gently stir every 30 minutes. NOTE: if you need to add water (you must keep the beans covered in water during cooking), ONLY add hot/boiling water, never cool/cold water - they'll explode out of their skins, kinda like farts!
    NEXT: AFTER beans have cooked for 1.5 hours, then....
    (2). In this order......
    * Fry bacon - fried semi crisp, cut into 2” pieces, add bacon to beans (Save the grease!),
    * Quarter, then quarter again the onion, and sauté in the bacon grease over medium-low heat,
    * Smash & coarsely chop garlic, add to onions and sauté'. When onions begin to caramelize, add to beans with grease drippings,
    * Heat tomatoes in microwave (High) for 2.5 minutes, add to beans,
    * Add cilantro to beans,
    * Mix jalapeno pepper paste, cumin, and chili powder into hot chicken broth, stir to blend. Add to beans,
    * Add HOT beer (microwave 1 minute/High - watch for foaming over brim!),
    * Add "Secret ingredient" (*See above) to beans.
    Stir in all ingredients and Cover pot, raise heat and bring back to a simmer, lower heat, stir, & simmer for at least 1 hour, or longer - until beans are butter soft & creamy. Gently stir beans every 30 minutes.
    Salt beans to taste AFTER they have finished cooking!

