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    Well, this post has been up for a few days without MC picking up but I have been in your position before with bushels of tomatos. As you have probably figured out the water in the fresh tomatos is an issue. To get a thick hearty tomato flavor in a sauce from fresh tomatos you are looking at spending lots of energy/time reducing them to a thick consistency on the stove.

    My suggestion would be to sun dry them or dehydrate them (you can freeze them too after you dry them)and then do your sauce in small fresh batches. a little oil, garlic, onions, peppers...then oregano, tomatos, water to thickness/taste that you want and it takes up a lot less space in the freezer.


      Thanks for the pickup CC! It was only a couple hours between posts not days! I'm not slipping that badly!

      Here's my take on it.

      Freeze all the tomatoes overnight. Then put them in a bowl and peel all the skins off and let them defrost. The freezing process will damage the cell walls and allow most of the free water to excreet!. Next up once they're completely defrosted cut them in half and squeeze out all the seeds. You've now effectively gotten rid of most of the excess water. Now cut them into quarters and throw them in the blender and let it rock and roll.

      While you're doing that let's contemplate our options for flavor or without.

      Easiest way to go about this is to use Italian Seasoning. Mccormick makes one that's strictly herbs no salt and nothing else yuck!

      You're going to need salt. Use kosher or pickling if you're going to can. Dont use table salt.

      Salt to taste only it's all about preference.

      Okay let's start cooking. I'm doing just a plain sauce first then we'll flavor one as well.

      Take about oh let's say 5 cups of pureed tomato.
      Add to pot on medium low heat.
      Add in let's start with 2 Tablespoons of salt and one teaspoon sugar.

      Put a lid on it and stir occasionally for about 40 minutes. Now remove lid, bump the heat up to medium and let's get a little slow simmer rolling for about 15 minutes stirring occasionally. Mainly to remove moisture. Now right before you turn the stove off check the salt. If it doesnt need anymore you're done. If you want more add a teaspoon at a time.

      Okay now let's talk flavors. Me personally I like these ingredients in my pasta sauce.

      Onion, Garlic, Basil, Italian Herbs, Mushrooms.

      If you want to be bold use fresh herbs. Parsley, Chive, Oregano, Marjoram, Thyme, Basil, Rosemary, etc.

      I heavily emphasize on the basil and parsley. If I use dry I add them in as is until I get the flavor I like, If I'm using fresh, I make a bouquet garni.

      Link to what the heck that is.

      Bundle up parsley, basil, thyme, oregano and rosemary and throw it in the pot. Now on to some more options. I hand crush about 6-10 garlic cloves (or if you're lazy like me when I do mass production go buy those cleaned ones in the vegetable aisle at HEB) and throw them in the pot when I throw in the tomatoes. Also quarter one large onion and throw that in at the same time.


      Let's make batch 2.

      Repeat same steps as step one with pureeing and yadda yadda.

      Toss in your 5 cups of sauce, your salt, sugar, tablespoon fine ground black pepper, onion, garlic, fresh sliced mushrooms (optional) and your bouquet garni or 3 tablespoons of Italian Seasoning.

      Cover and cook on medium for 40 minutes stirring occasionally. Bump heat up to medium high and lightly simmer for 15 minutes stirring occasionally. Now if you want to add in some parmesan add in a 1/2 cup now. Make sure you check the salt at the end before you add it as cheese is salty!

      At the end adjust salt and or add some dry herb if you want a little more flavor, fish out all the chucks of stuff and can away!

      I'm making some plain tomato sauce in the next few days. I'll be sure to post pics!

      Hope that helps Hill!
      Last edited by mesquitecountry; 06-29-2009, 08:14 PM.


        If I use your sausage recipe (regular or hot) would they be okay for fresh sausage
        because I don't have a smoker. But I would like to make my own sausage.



          Yes you can use them as fresh sausage. I actually make all my sausage at home and leave it fresh and freeze then smoke it on the pit when I want it.


            Thanks that what I did and your recipe is very good. I just tried a link on the gas grill and turned out great. Appreciate it.



              Bumping this to the top for anyone that needs help with anything food related.


                Since its been a while since anyone has picked your brain...

                Have a recipe for a good chipotle sauce that you can brush on as a "glaze" - chicken, ribs, whatever


                  Here's my suggestion. I'm big on earthy flavors to marry up with Chipotle pepper's.

                  1/2 cup Honey
                  1/4 cup Molasses
                  1 T Balsamic Vinegar
                  1/2 stick butter
                  Juice from one Tangerine or 1/2 orange
                  3 chipotle peppers out of a chipotle in adobo can. Try to leave as much adobo in the can as possible.
                  Salt and Pepper to taste

                  Chop up the peppers in a blender or really fine with a knife. Melt butter in a pot, add in ingredients other than molasses and honey. Heat up until it is lightly simmering. Add in honey and molasses and warm. Do not over heat and burn the sugars. Lightly brush on towards the end of your grilling process as leaving it on to long will blacken your meat quickly. It will be sweet, tangy, and spicy.


                    One visit to Cheddars, I had Talapia topped with a Mango Salsa and a side of steamed vegetables. I love to eat fish and would love to have a tropical style salsa/pico to add to the dish. Got any recipes for such?

                    Thanks for any help!


                      Ask Travis

                      Head you can do any combination of fruit style pico, your best Flavors will be papayas or mangos, fresh blood orange wedges are good as well. Being that this is a Latin spin on a staple food, Flavors found in Latin America and Mexico generally marry up best.

                      I generally use serrano peppers diced very fine.

                      Give this a go. Keep everything diced 1/4-1/2" cubes that way it fits on a fork better.

                      2 c Diced Papaya about
                      1 c Diced Honeydew
                      2 serranos minced or less depending on heat tolerance
                      1/4 red onion
                      2 T Cilantro chopped
                      2 T Lime Juice
                      1 T Good Tequila optional
                      Pinch Salt
                      2 T Agave Nectar, Pomegranate Syrup or plain old honey

                      Stir all of that together and refrigerate 4-8 hours top over a grilled flaky white fish or Redfish which is my choice. Season with salt and pepper and a touch of melted butter while on the grill.


                        sounds amazing, thanks!


                          Thanks for all the info,if i get stuck i'll give you a shout.


                            Ask Travis

                            Originally posted by Reaper View Post
                            x2 on slice it thinner, also freeze it, and its easiest to slice when it is still thawing out and not quite frozen stiff still or thawed completely.

                            my favorite venny dish is fried backstrap with tators and gravy

                            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                              Is this still a valid forum for asking you cooking questions?
                              Mine is: I've got some wild hog back straps that have been frozen solid for 5 or 6 months. I'd love to thaw the meat and make jerky out of it.
                              Safe without cooking it first?


                                Tagged for later.

