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Ever use Hi Mountain jerky seasoning?

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    Ever use Hi Mountain jerky seasoning?

    I've always used my own recipe for jerky but I've heard good things about Hi Mountain products so I bought some to give it a try. Here's my question - every recipe I'e ever used calls for a liquid marinade of some kind in adddition to the seasonings (soy sauce, worchestershire, hot sauce, etc) The Hi Mountain kit says just to use their seasonings and cure - dry I'm inclined to add some liquid anyway but I was wondering if anyone has used this stuff, or makes their jerky with just dry seasonings. Thanks...

    I use it. Most of it is pretty good, especially the black pepper and hickory. Bourbon bbq is nasty!

    Mostly I make ground jerky, and they call for 1/2 cup water/lb of meat. I have used it on whole muscle jerky, and it worked fine dry. The salt and cure draws enough moisture out of the meat that is doesn't stay dry long.


      I use the mesquite flavor and like it.



        I bought one of the Hi Mountain variety packs and made jerkey out of the roasts from a hind quarters from some of the deer I shot this year. Sliced the roasts and dusted the slices, put dusted slices in zip lock overnight and dried them with dehydrator. Worked Great.


          I've used it on Ground meat from a bunch of different animals (Whitetail, Fallow, Sika, Oryx, Pronghorn, Pere David's Deer, etc) and it's all been great. The ground meat does call for adding water. The original version is my personal favorite.

